


var hasBluekey = false;
var doorknob = "locked"
var comboLock = "locked"

function tryDoor() {
console.log("You clicked the door");
function lookhelp() {
console.log("You clicked on help");
let text = "Who needs help?";
document.getElementById("thehelp").innerHTML = text;
function lookClue() {
console.log("You clicked on the clue");
let text = "Hmm, there are letters and numbers circled...";
document.getElementById("theclue").innerHTML = text;
function moveTable() {
console.log("You clicked on the table");
let text = "You carefully move away the table with the broken vase";
document.getElementById("thetable").innerHTML = text;
document.getElementById("table").style.display = "none";

function tryDoorknob() {
console.log("You clicked the doorknob")
if (hasBluekey == true) {
doorknob = "unlocked";
alert("The doorknob is now unlocked");
} else {
alert("You need a key");

function tryComboLock() {
console.log("You clicked the combo lock");
var comboTry = prompt("You enter the combination...");
if (comboTry == "AV70") {
comboLock = "unlocked";
alert("The combination was correct");
} else {
alert("The combination was incorrect");
function grabBluekey() {
console.log("You clicked the blue key");
hasBluekey = true;
alert("You picked up the key");
document.getElementById("bluekey").style.display = "none";
function checkRoom() {
if (doorknob == "unlocked") {
if (comboLock == "unlocked") {
document.getElementById("next").style.visibility = "visible";
} else {
alert("You push on the door but still need a combination");
} else {
alert("You try to turn the door knob but is still locked");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<div id="room">
<img id="door" src="door1.png" onclick="tryDoor()">
<img id="doorknob" src="doorknob1.png" onclick="tryDoorknob()">
<img id="comboLock" src="comboLock.png" onclick="tryComboLock()">
<img id="bluekey" src="blue_key.png" onclick="grabBluekey()">
<img id="clue" src="clue.png" onclick="lookClue()">
<img id="help" src="help.png" onclick="lookhelp()">
<img id="bloodMark" src="bloodMark.png">
<img id="table" src="table.png" onclick="moveTable()">
<img id="window" src="window.png">
<p id="thehelp"></p>
<p id="theclue">
<p id="thetable"></p>
<button id="next" onclick="window.location.href 



<p id="text_message"></p>

在你的javascript代码中你应该将console.log("your message");替换为text_message.innerHTML = "your message";

var hasBluekey = false;
var doorknob = "locked"
var comboLock = "locked"

function tryDoor() {
text_message.innerHTML = "You clicked the door";
function lookhelp() {
text_message.innerHTML = "You clicked on help";
let text = "Who needs help?";
document.getElementById("thehelp").innerHTML = text;
function lookClue() {
text_message.innerHTML = "You clicked on the clue";
let text = "Hmm, there are letters and numbers circled...";
document.getElementById("theclue").innerHTML = text;
function moveTable() {
text_message.innerHTML = "You clicked on the table";
let text = "You carefully move away the table with the broken vase";
document.getElementById("thetable").innerHTML = text;
document.getElementById("table").style.display = "none";

function tryDoorknob() {
text_message.innerHTML = "You clicked the doorknob";
if (hasBluekey == true) {
doorknob = "unlocked";
alert("The doorknob is now unlocked");
} else {
alert("You need a key");

function tryComboLock() {
text_message.innerHTML = "You clicked the combo lock";
var comboTry = prompt("You enter the combination...");
if (comboTry == "AV70") {
comboLock = "unlocked";
alert("The combination was correct");
} else {
alert("The combination was incorrect");
function grabBluekey() {
text_message.innerHTML = "You clicked the blue key";
hasBluekey = true;
alert("You picked up the key");
document.getElementById("bluekey").style.display = "none";
function checkRoom() {
if (doorknob == "unlocked") {
if (comboLock == "unlocked") {
document.getElementById("next").style.visibility = "visible";
} else {
alert("You push on the door but still need a combination");
} else {
alert("You try to turn the door knob but is still locked");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<p id="text_message" style="background-color:grey;color:white;"></p>

<div id="room">
<img id="door" src="door1.png" onclick="tryDoor()">
<img id="doorknob" src="doorknob1.png" onclick="tryDoorknob()">
<img id="comboLock" src="comboLock.png" onclick="tryComboLock()">
<img id="bluekey" src="blue_key.png" onclick="grabBluekey()">
<img id="clue" src="clue.png" onclick="lookClue()">
<img id="help" src="help.png" onclick="lookhelp()">
<img id="bloodMark" src="bloodMark.png">
<img id="table" src="table.png" onclick="moveTable()">
<img id="window" src="window.png">
<p id="thehelp"></p>
<p id="theclue">
<p id="thetable"></p>
<button id="next" onclick="window.location.href 

您可以尝试使用ANSI转义码——它们对于在打印后格式化终端中的文本非常有用。为此,您需要使用游标控件擦除函数. 这些都是从这个教程,这是非常有帮助的一个项目,我做了一段时间。并不是所有的都适用于每个平台(例如replit,不确定是否有人真正使用它),但总的来说,这是一个很好的系统。


console.log("normal text");
//bold, red foreground
console.log("edited text");


