合并2个MySQL Select查询


查询1 (Count Active Users)

select COUNT(id) as qty,
Date(active_on) as active_on_date 
from `activations` 
where `store_id` = 2475 
and `current_status` = 'active' 
and `active_on` is not null 
and (`active_on` between '2021-01-24 14:15:55' and '2021-02-16 14:15:55') 
group by `active_on_date` 
order by `active_on_date` asc

查询2 (Count Inactive Users)

select COUNT(id) as qty 
from `activations` 
where `store_id` = 2475 
and `current_status` = 'inactive' 
and `active_on` is null
and `proceed_on` is not null 
and (`proceed_on` between '2021-01-24 14:15:55' and '2021-02-16 14:15:55') group by Date(proceed_on) 
order by Date(proceed_on) asc


SELECT SUM(current_status = 'active') AS qty_active,
SUM(current_status = 'unactive') AS qty_unactive,
DATE(active_on) AS active_on_date 
FROM activations
WHERE store_id = 2475 
AND active_on BETWEEN '2021-01-24 14:15:55' AND '2021-02-16 14:15:55'
GROUP BY active_on_date 
ORDER BY active_on_date ASC
