Windows 10 VB.Net中的计划通知

我正在做一个项目,用户设置一个提醒信息,日期和时间,当通知应该弹出,通知应该是可点击的,并打开另一个窗体上的提醒信息。到目前为止,我可以设置提醒,但是只要点击提醒按钮,它就会弹出,我的通知看起来像一个标准的windows 10通知,我只是想把通知安排在特定的日期和时间。包括日期和时间在内的信息被保存到Access数据库中。我用的是VB。净





Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class frmReminder
Private CurrentReminderID As Integer = -1
Private Sub frmReminder_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub BtnClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnClear.Click
Label6.Text = ""
TxtCustName.Text = ""
TxtDeviceInfo.Text = ""
TxtPrice.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub BtnSetReminder_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnSetReminder.Click
If DbConnect() Then
Dim SQLCmd As New OleDbCommand
If CurrentReminderID = -1 Then
With SQLCmd
.Connection = cn
.CommandText = "Insert into TblReminder (CustomerName, DeviceInfo, RepairPrice, ReminderDate)"
.CommandText &= "Values (@CustomerName, @DeviceInfo, @RepairPrice, @ReminderDate)"
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CustomerName", TxtCustName.Text)
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DeviceInfo", TxtDeviceInfo.Text)
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RepairPrice", TxtPrice.Text)
.Parameters.AddWithValue(" @ReminderDate", TxtDateDue.Text)
.CommandText = "Select @@Identity"
CurrentReminderID = .ExecuteScalar
Label6.Text = CurrentReminderID
End With
End If
End If
Notification.ShowBalloonTip(1000, "Reminder", "Customer Order Due!", ToolTipIcon.None)
End Sub
End Class


因此,在表单中插入一个TextBox1,并具有第一个日期/时间的值(仅从数据库读取一次)。Textbox1的文本应该类似于"2021-10-21 15:00"(不要写秒,不要忘记在日期和时间之间留个空格)

TextBox1.Text="2021-10-21 15:00" ' read this data from your database 


Timer1.Interval = 60000 ' 1 minute
Timer1.Enabled = True


Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If TextBox1.Text = Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") Then 
' At this moment you should read the next date/time and put that in TextBox1
MsgBox("Show the popup notification") 
End If
End Sub







'main for testing
Dim notificationScheduler As NotificationScheduler = NotificationScheduler.getInstance
notificationScheduler.insertNotification(New MyNotificationEntity("Yay, working", DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(15)))
' expected that the one below will be displayed since insertNotification will only keep track of the newest one in the queue
' As mentioned in your post, you have a DB to persist them long term and as such will only need one in the APP's RAM at a time
notificationScheduler.insertNotification(New MyNotificationEntity("Yay, working-2", DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(3)))
' myNotificationEntity, will be replaced by whatever class you are using to package your reminder's in a single class (dont see on in your code sample)
Public Class MyNotificationEntity
Public data As String
Public timeToShow As DateTime
' this is a dumb bucket class, you will not end up using this one but rather whatever class you use to contain your notifications
' you will need to add _timeToShow as a variable to your class or change the code in the NotificationScheduler to be compatible with your Notification class
Public Sub New(data As String, timeToShow As DateTime) = data
Me.timeToShow = timeToShow
End Sub
End Class
'NotificationScheduler class
Public Class NotificationScheduler
Private Shared _instance As NotificationScheduler
Private Shared ReadOnly _lock As Object = New Object()

Dim queuedNotification As MyNotificationEntity
Dim WithEvents timer As System.Windows.Forms.Timer = New Timer
Dim timerElapsedTime As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Private Sub New()
timer.Enabled = False
End Sub
Public Shared Function getInstance()
' enforce singleton design pattern (i.e. there should only be one of these in existence)
' If this does not make sense, that is fine, at some point lookup the 'singleton design pattern'
' Also, SyncLock is a VB (.net really) element that means in a multi-threaded application only one of them at any given time is inside the SyncLock block, 
'     the rest are queued to alleviate race conditions. Again, if this does not make sense, lookup 'race conditions'
SyncLock _lock
If (_instance Is Nothing) Then
_instance = New NotificationScheduler()
End If
End SyncLock
Return _instance
End Function
' called after you have placed the new notification in your DB, replaces the currently queued notification only if the new one will be shown first
Public Sub insertNotification(notificationEntity As MyNotificationEntity)
If timerElapsedTime.Ticks < notificationEntity.timeToShow.Ticks Then
queuedNotification = notificationEntity
Dim span As TimeSpan = notificationEntity.timeToShow - timerElapsedTime
timer.Interval = CInt(span.TotalMilliseconds)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub timer_elapsed() Handles timer.Tick
' the notification time has arrived
End Sub
Private Sub readNextFromDb()
' read the next (if any) from the  and handle edge cases for when there is not next one in the DB
'IMPORTANT: if the one you read from the DB has already happened (i.e. the notification dateTime is after now, notify and do this method again)
'' your code here
End Sub
Private Sub showNotification()
MsgBox( ' do whatever notification you want
End Sub
End Class

您将需要(看起来)创建一个NotificationDAO(数据访问对象)或NotificationDTO(数据传输对象)类或一个通用的NotificationEntity。该类将有一个构造函数和公共实例变量的项目,你需要存储关于通知(即每列你有' tblremind '表),一切都应该相当容易工作。

