
大家好,我正在使用西瓜,我有下面的代码,但我不知道如何实际使用它。我是新的西瓜,我不知道如何将数据作为道具传递给pullChangespushChanges对象。如何传递必要的数据,如changeslastpullleat当我调用同步函数时,将从数据库导入同步函数。我也需要更多关于migrationsEnabledAtVersion: 1的解释。提前感谢您亲切的回答。

import { synchronize } from '@nozbe/watermelondb/sync'
async function mySync() {
await synchronize({
pullChanges: async ({ lastPulledAt, schemaVersion, migration }) => {
const urlParams = `last_pulled_at=${lastPulledAt}&schema_version=${schemaVersion}&migration=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(migration))}`
const response = await fetch(`https://my.backend/sync?${urlParams}`)
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(await response.text())
const { changes, timestamp } = await response.json()
return { changes, timestamp }
pushChanges: async ({ changes, lastPulledAt }) => {
const response = await fetch(`https://my.backend/sync?last_pulled_at=${lastPulledAt}`, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(changes)
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(await response.text())
migrationsEnabledAtVersion: 1,


return {
changes: {
//person is the name of the table in the models
person: {
created: [
// in created you need to send null in the id, if you don't send the id it doesn't work
id: null,
// other fields of your schema, not model
updated: [
// the fields of your schema, not model
deleted: [
// is a string[] consisting of the watermelondb id of the records that were deleted in the remote database
timestamp: new Date().getTime() / 1000

在我的例子中,远程数据库不是西瓜数据库,而是mySQL,并且我的API中没有端点以西瓜格式返回所有内容。对于每个表,我使用deletedAt, updatedAt或createdAt>并进行必要的过滤和准备,以便来自远程数据库的数据采用本地数据库的模式格式。



export async function sync(id: Number, callback: (success: boolean) => void) {
const user_id = id;
const lastPulledAtTime = await AsyncStorage.getItem('LAST_SYNC_TIME')
pullChanges: async ({ lastPulledAt }) => {
const response = await fetch(SYNC_API_URL_PULL, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: `Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}`,
body: JSON.stringify({ lastPulledAtTime, user_id }),
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(await response.text());
const { changes, timestamp } = await response.json();
return { changes, timestamp };
pushChanges: async ({ changes, lastPulledAt }) => {
try {
const formattedChanges = {
persons: {
created: [],
updated: [],
deleted: [],
contacts: {
created: [],
updated: [],
deleted: [],

const hasChanges = await hasUnsyncedChanges({ database });
if (hasChanges) {
const persons = await database.get('persons').query(Q.where('_status', 'updated'));
const contacts = await database.get('contacts').query(Q.where('_status', 'updated'));

persons.forEach(serializedRecord => {
const { _status, id, ...fields } = serializedRecord._raw;

if (_status === 'updated') {
const updatedFields = {
firstName: fields.first_name,
lastName: fields.last_name,
country: fields.country,
subdivision: fields.subdivision,
city: fields.city,
gender: fields.gender,

contacts.forEach(serializedRecord => {
const { _status, id, ...fields } = serializedRecord._raw;

if (_status === 'updated') {
const updatedFields = {
channel: fields.channel,
description: fields.description,
data: fields.data,
const response = await fetch(`${SYNC_API_URL_PUSH}`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: `Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}`,
body: JSON.stringify({ changes: formattedChanges, user_id }),

if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(await response.text());

callback(true); // Synchronization succeeded
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error pushing changes:', error.message);
callback(false); // Synchronization failed

}).catch((error) => {
console.error('Error syncing:', error.message);
callback(false); // Synchronization failed

