c -为什么我们使用enter键来终止scanf?

  • 本文关键字:enter 终止 scanf 我们 c scanf
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假设我在c中有一个简单的代码,我被要求输入我的年龄,然后程序将打印出我的答案。当我运行这个程序时,它会说"输入你的年龄"。然后(使用scanf)等待我输入一个数字,比如40。我按下键盘上的4和0键。但是,我必须按下回车键,以便程序注册我所写的内容并终止scanf。为什么我必须按回车键?为什么不按空格键或者shift键呢?我想scanf("%d", &age);将消耗并存储所有数字,直到找到非数字,然后终止。但是如果我写40a或400而不是40,我仍然需要按enter键来结束scanf函数并让程序继续。为什么?它只是一个定义吗,就像你在谷歌上搜索东西时必须在搜索栏里按回车键一样?我希望你明白我的意思!






// Creates a new empty termios structure
var originalTermios: termios = termios()
// Gets the current settings for the terminal. Note: fileHandle is a Unix
// file descriptor, not a FILE*   For stdin, it is conventionally 0
// It's assumed that you already know the file descriptor is a 
// terminal.  
if tcgetattr(fileHandle, &originalTermios) == -1 {
throw LineNoise.Error.generalError("Could not get term attributes")
// defer is a Swift keyword that makes the following block run at 
// the end of the scope. In this case it restores the original settings
defer {
// Disable raw mode
_ = tcsetattr(fileHandle, TCSAFLUSH, &originalTermios)
// Make a copy of the existing terminal settings
var raw = originalTermios
// Set/reset the necessary bits to go into raw mode.
// Other stuff happens here too, e.g. signal handling stuff.    
#if os(Linux) || os(FreeBSD)
raw.c_iflag &= ~UInt32(BRKINT | ICRNL | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXON)
raw.c_oflag &= ~UInt32(OPOST)
raw.c_cflag |= UInt32(CS8)
raw.c_lflag &= ~UInt32(ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN | ISIG)
raw.c_iflag &= ~UInt(BRKINT | ICRNL | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXON)
raw.c_oflag &= ~UInt(OPOST)
raw.c_cflag |= UInt(CS8)
raw.c_lflag &= ~UInt(ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN | ISIG)
raw.c_cc.16 = 1
// Set the attributes  
if tcsetattr(fileHandle, Int32(TCSAFLUSH), &raw) < 0 {
throw LineNoise.Error.generalError("Could not set raw mode")
// Here, do stuff with the file descriptor in raw mode.
// Note that using standard buffered IO functions might be unpredictable


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