


// ARRAY 1
let variants = [
{color: "Red", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton", price: "$100", ...},
{color: "Red", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: "$120", ...},
{color: "Blue", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton", price: "$150", ...},
{color: "Blue", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: "$180", ...},
// ARRAY 2
let newVariants = [
{color: "Red", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton"}, // this one is already exist in ARRAY 1
{color: "Red", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton"}, // this one is already exist in ARRAY 1
{color: "Blue", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton"}, // this one is already exist in ARRAY 1
{color: "Blue", sizes: "Large", material: "Wool"}, // this one is new object
{color: "Green", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton"}, // this one is new object


{color: "Red", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton", price: "$100"},
{color: "Red", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: "$120"},
{color: "Blue", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton", price: "$150"},
{color: "Blue", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: "$180"},
{color: "Blue", sizes: "Large", material: "Wool", price: null, ...},
{color: "Green", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: null, ...}

注意:ARRAY 1的值将始终取代ARRAY 2



let variants = [ {color: "Red", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton", price: "$100",}, {color: "Red", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: "$120",}, {color: "Blue", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton", price: "$150",}, {color: "Blue", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: "$180",}, ];
let newVariants = [ {color: "Red", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton"}, {color: "Red", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton"}, {color: "Blue", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton"}, {color: "Blue", sizes: "Large", material: "Wool"}, {color: "Green", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton"}, ];
const res = Array.from([...newVariants, ...variants].reduce((acc, {price=null, ...rest}) => {
const key = Object.entries(rest).join("-"); // get a key based on the values (excluding the price)
return acc.set(key, {...rest, price});
}, new Map).values());


let variants = [ {color: "Red", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton", price: "$100",}, {color: "Red", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: "$120",}, {color: "Blue", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton", price: "$150",}, {color: "Blue", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: "$180",}, ];
let newVariants = [ {color: "Red", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton"}, {color: "Red", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton"}, {color: "Blue", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton"}, {color: "Blue", sizes: "Large", material: "Wool"}, {color: "Green", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton"}, ];
const res = Array.from([...variants, ...newVariants].reduce((acc, {price=null, ...rest}) => {
const key = Object.entries(rest).join("-"); // get a key based on the values (excluding the price)
return acc.set(key, acc.get(key) || {...rest, price});
}, new Map).values());

ARRAY 1的值将始终取代ARRAY 2


let variants = [ {color: "Red", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton", price: "$100",}, {color: "Red", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: "$120",}, {color: "Blue", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton", price: "$150",}, {color: "Blue", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: "$180",}, ];
let newVariants = [ {color: "Red", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton"}, {color: "Red", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton"}, {color: "Blue", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton"}, {color: "Blue", sizes: "Large", material: "Wool"}, {color: "Green", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton"}, ];
const isEqual = (p1, p2) => p1.color == p2.color && p1.sizes == p2.sizes && p1.material == p2.material;
const filteredExtraVariants = newVariants.filter(p1 => !variants.some(p2 => isEqual(p1, p2)));
const extraVariants = filteredExtraVariants.map(r => 
r.price = null;
return r;
const result = variants.concat(extraVariants);


const variants = [{ color: "Red", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton", price: "$100" }, { color: "Red", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: "$120" }, { color: "Blue", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton", price: "$150" }, { color: "Blue", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: "$180" }]
const newVariants = [{ color: "Red", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton" }, { color: "Red", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton" }, { color: "Blue", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton" }, { color: "Blue", sizes: "Large", material: "Wool" }, { color: "Green", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton" }]
const result = Object.values(
[...newVariants, ...variants].reduce((a, { color, sizes, material, price = null }) =>
(a[`${color}-${sizes}-${material}`] = { color, sizes, material, price }, a), {})


const variants = [{ color: "Red", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton", price: "$100" }, { color: "Red", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: "$120" }, { color: "Blue", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton", price: "$150" }, { color: "Blue", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton", price: "$180" }]
const newVariants = [{ color: "Red", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton" }, { color: "Red", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton" }, { color: "Blue", sizes: "Small", material: "Cotton" }, { color: "Blue", sizes: "Large", material: "Wool" }, { color: "Green", sizes: "Large", material: "Cotton" }]
const result = [...variants, ...newVariants].reduce((acc, {color, sizes, material, price = null}) => {
const key = `${color}-${sizes}-${material}`;
acc[key] ??= {color, sizes, material, price};
return acc;
}, {});
