1000 10003000
的每个列的差异with diffs as (
select 'name' colName, emp_audit_id, eid, lag(name, 1, null) over (partition by eid order by emp_audit_id) oldValue, name newValue
from some_table
union all
select 'salary', emp_audit_id, eid, cast(lag(salary, 1, null) over (partition by eid order by emp_audit_id) as varchar), cast(salary as varchar) newValue
from some_table
select *
from diffs
where oldValue <> newValue or oldValue is null
order by emp_audit_id, eid
declare @Test table (emp_audit_id int, eid int, [name] varchar(32), salary money);
insert into @Test (emp_audit_id, eid, [name], salary)
(1, 1, 'Daniel', 1000),
(2, 1, 'Dani', 1000),
(3, 1, 'Danny', 3000);
with cte as (
select emp_audit_id, eid, [name], salary
, row_number() over (partition by eid order by emp_audit_id) rn
from @Test
select C.emp_audit_id, 'name' columnName, P.[Name] oldValue, C.[name] newValue
from cte C
left join cte P on P.eid = C.eid and P.rn + 1 = C.rn
where coalesce(C.[name],'') != coalesce(P.[Name],'')
union all
select C.emp_audit_id, 'salary' columnName, convert(varchar(21),P.salary), convert(varchar(21),C.salary)
from cte C
left join cte P on P.eid = C.eid and P.rn + 1 = C.rn
where coalesce(C.salary,0) != coalesce(P.salary,0)
order by C.emp_audit_id, columnName;
emp_audit_id | columnName | oldValue | newValue | 1 | 名称 | 空 | 丹尼尔 | 1
工资 | 空 | 1000.00 | |
名称 | 丹尼尔 | 达尼 | |
3 | 名称 | 达尼 | 丹尼 |
3 | 工资 | 1000.00 | 3000.00 |