
  • 本文关键字:返回 charAt 这里 想知道 真的 java return-value
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public class TestClass {
public String postfix = "54+" //the string as you can see charAt(0) is 5 and charAt(1) is 4
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void testEasyEvaluatePostfixExpression() throws InvalidNotationFormatException, StackOverflowException, StackUnderflowException {
double result = Notation.evaluatePostfixExpression(postfix); //assigns result to what is returned by calling the class Notation's evaluatePostfixExpression method passing the String postfix as parameter
System.out.println(result); //simply prints out result which is postfixEpr.charAt(0)
assertEquals(evalEasyPostfix, result, .001); //this should fail which it does anyway

这是要测试的类,当返回postfixexp . charat(0)时返回错误的数据,这里显示的53.0不存在:0:

public class Notation {
public static double evaluatePostfixExpression(String postfixExpr)
throws InvalidNotationFormatException, StackOverflowException, StackUnderflowException {
return Double.valueOf(postfixExpr.charAt(0)); //when I change return type to String and change result to string also I get "54+" which is what is expected the charAt() value is what is wrong.



https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File ASCII-Table-wide.svg

