

(defrule read-gender
(printout t crlf crlf "Welcome! Diet and Nutrition Expert System" crlf)
(printout t "******************************************" crlf)
(printout t "This output of this program is:" crlf)
(printout t "1. Your Body Mass Index (BMI) and body-status." crlf)
(printout t "2. Recommended daily calories needed based on your body-status." crlf)
(printout t "3. Daily protein needed based on your weight (kgs)." crlf)
(printout t "4. Daily celcium needed based on your age." crlf)
(printout t "5. Daily fiber needed based on your calories needed." crlf)
(printout t "6. Daily carbohydrate needed based on your weight (kgs)." crlf)
(printout t "******************************************" crlf crlf)
(printout t "What is your gender (Female/Male) *case-sensitive*:") 
(assert (gender (read))))

(defrule read-age
(gender ?)
(printout t "Please enter your age:")
(assert (age (read))))
(defrule read-height
(gender ?)
(printout t "Please enter your height:")
(assert (height (read))))
(defrule read-weight
(gender ?)
(printout t "Please enter your weight in(KGs):")
(assert (weight (read))))
(defrule read-activity-days
(gender ?)
(printout t "How many day do you exercise for a week:")
(assert (activity-days (read))))
(defrule set-activity-rate-sedentary
(activity-days ?days)
(test (< ?days 2))
(assert (activity-rate "Sedentary"))
(assert (activity-factor 1.2)))
(defrule set-activity-rate-moderate
(activity-days ?days)
(test (and (>= ?days 2) (< ?days 5)))
(assert (activity-rate "Moderate"))
(assert (activity-factor 1.55)))
(defrule set-activity-rate-hard
(activity-days ?days)
(test (>= ?days 5))
(assert (activity-rate "Hard"))
(assert (activity-factor 1.75)))
(defrule calculate-bmi
(weight ?weight)
(height ?height)
(bind ?bmi (* ?weight (/ ?height ?height)))
(assert (bmi ?bmi)))
(defrule set-body-status-underweight
(bmi ?bmi)
(test (< ?bmi 18.5))
(assert (body-status "Underweight")))
(defrule set-body-status-normal-weight
(bmi ?bmi)
(test (and (>= ?bmi 18.5) (< ?bmi 24.9)))
(assert (body-status "Normal-weight")))
(defrule set-body-status-overweight
(bmi ?bmi)
(test (and (>= ?bmi 24.9) (< ?bmi 29.9)))
(assert (body-status "Overweight")))
(defrule calculate-daily-calories-female
(gender "Female")
(activity-factor ?activity-factor)
(weight ?weight)
(age ?age)
(height ?height)
(bind ?bmr (* 655.1 (+ (* 9.563 ?weight) (* 1.85 ?height) (* 4.676 ?age))))
(bind ?daily-calories (* ?bmr ?activity-factor))
(assert (daily-calories ?daily-calories)))
(defrule calculate-daily-calories-male
(gender "Male")
(activity-factor ?activity-factor)
(weight ?weight)
(age ?age)
(height ?height)
(bind ?bmr (* 66.5 (+ (* 13.75 ?weight) (* 5.003 ?height) (* 6.755 ?age))))
(bind ?daily-calories (* ?bmr ?activity-factor))
(assert (daily-calories ?daily-calories)))
(defrule set-daily-calcium-baby
(age ?age)
(test (< ?age 4))
(assert (daily-calcium "210-270mg")))
(defrule set-daily-calcium-child
(age ?age)
(test (and (>= ?age 4) (< ?age 9)))
(assert (daily-calcium "350-450mg")))
(defrule set-daily-calcium-teen
(age ?age)
(test (and (>= ?age 9) (< ?age 19)))
(assert (daily-calcium "800mg")))
(defrule set-daily-calcium-adult
(age ?age)
(test (and (>= ?age 19) (< ?age 51)))
(assert (daily-calcium "1000mg")))
(defrule set-daily-calcium-old
(age ?age)
(test (>= ?age 51))
(assert (daily-calcium "1200mg")))
(defrule calculate-daily-protein-sedentary
(weight ?weight)
(activity-rate "Sedentary")
(bind ?daily-protein (* ?weight 0.8))
(assert (daily-protein ?daily-protein)))
(defrule calculate-daily-protein-moderate
(weight ?weight)
(activity-rate "Moderate")
(bind ?daily-protein (* ?weight 1))
(assert (daily-protein ?daily-protein)))
(defrule calculate-daily-protein-hard
(weight ?weight)
(activity-rate "Hard")
(bind ?daily-protein (* ?weight 1.2))
(assert (daily-protein ?daily-protein)))

(defrule calculate-daily-carbohydrates
(weight ?weight)
(bind ?daily-carbohydrates (* ?weight 2.5))
(assert (daily-carbohydrates ?daily-carbohydrates)))

(defrule protein-advice
(protein-needed ?p)
(printout t crlf crlf"      ########   Result  ######## " crlf)
(printout t "       1. You need " ?p "g of protein per day." crlf))
(defrule carbohydrate-advice
(carbohydrate-needed ?c)
(printout t "       3. You need " ?c "g of carbohydrate per day." crlf))
(defrule fiber-advice
(fiber-needed ?f)
(printout t "       2. You need " ?f "g of fiber per day." crlf))
(defrule calcium-advice
(calcium-needed ?c)
(printout t "       4. You need " ?c "g of calcium per day." crlf))
(defrule calories-advice-underweight
(body-status underweight)
(calories-needed ?c)
(bmi ?bm)
(body-status ?b)
(carbohydrate-needed ?ca)
(calcium-needed ?ce)
(printout t "
5. Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is " ?bm " (" ?b "), "crlf "
6. You
need " ?c " calories per day. "crlf "
7. For advice from the experts, You may need extra
daily 300 calories (" (+ 300 ?c)") to gain 0.25kg/week." crlf crlf))

(defrule calories-advice-normalweight
(body-status normal-weight)
(calories-needed ?c)
(bmi ?bm)
(body-status ?b)
(carbohydrate-needed ?ca)
(calcium-needed ?ce)
(printout t "       5. Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is " ?bm " (" ?b ")," crlf "  6. You
need " ?c " calories per day to maintain your healthy weight." crlf crlf))

(defrule calories-advice-overweight
(body-status overweight)
(calories-needed ?c)
(bmi ?bm)
(body-status ?b)
(carbohydrate-needed ?ca)
(calcium-needed ?ce)
(printout t "        5. Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is " ?bm " (" ?b ")," crlf "  6. You need " ?c " calories per day. " crlf "       7. For advice from the experts, You may need to reduce your daily calories needed by 300 to " (- ?c 300)))
(defrule calories-advice-obesity
(body-status obesity)
(calories-needed ?c)
(bmi ?bm)
(body-status ?b)
(carbohydrate-needed ?ca)
(calcium-needed ?ce)
(printout t "       5. Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is " ?bm " (" ?b "), "crlf "  6. You
need " ?c " calories per day. "crlf "       7. For advice from the experts, You may need to reduce
your daily calories needed by 500 to (" (- ?c 300)") to loss 0.5kg/week." crlf crlf))


  1. 不要在规则中使用初始事实模式。最初的事实是在CLIPS 6.4不再支持。只留下条件的规则为空,它将在6.3和6.4版本中工作。
  2. 蛋白质建议规则期望一个蛋白质需要的事实,但a每日蛋白质的事实由你的其他规则断言。
  3. 碳水化合物建议定义期望碳水化合物所需的事实,但每日碳水化合物的事实是由你的其他规则断言的。
  4. fiber-advice规则期望有一个纤维需要的事实,但没有纤维
  5. 钙建议定义期望钙所需的事实,但每日钙的事实是由你的其他规则断言的。
  6. 其他打印结果的规则也有类似的问题。
