

float x = 3.14;
auto &&expr = 2*x + x*x; // expr binds to the result of an expression
expr = x;


你不能重新绑定顶层引用,就像你不能改变顶层const一样。但是当它们存在于类中时,从c++20开始就可以了。在c++20中,您可以重新绑定引用,但会遇到很多问题。它们(rvalue和lvalue ref)删除了默认的赋值操作符,因此必须编写自定义成员函数才能使这样的类普遍可用。



示例lvalue ref:

#include <memory>
struct A { int& i; };
inline int f2(int i) {return 2 * i;}
int main() {
float x = 3.14f;
float&& expr = x * x + x * x; // expr binds to the result of an expression
expr = x; // this isn't a rebind, just an assignment to an rvalue reference
float& y = x;
// no way to rebind y. It's an lvalue reference
// and it cannot be changed to refer to another lvalue.
// However, lvalue references that are inside a class can
// be changed since an object of the class can be identified
int i1{ 1 };
int i2{ 2 };
// lvalue reference in a class
A a0{ i1 };
A a1{ i2 };
std::construct_at(&a0, a1); // a now contains a ref to i2;


#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
struct B {
inline static int seq{};
int i;
B() :i(seq++) {}
~B() {std::cout << "dtor " << i << "n";}
B f(){return B();}
struct A {
B&& rref;
int main() {
A a0{ f() };
std::cout << "a0.rref.i=" << a0.rref.i << "n";
A a1{ f() };
std::construct_at(&a0, std::move(a1)); // a0.rref's tmp now disconnected replaced by a1.rref
std::cout << "a0.rref.i=" << a0.rref.i << "n";
std::cout << "a1.rref.i=" << a1.rref.i << "n";
} // the tmp object referred to by both a0.rref and a1.rref, destroyed here when a1 goes out of scope
} // the original tmp, which a0.rref n longer aliases, is destroyed here when a0 coes out of scope
/* Outputs *
dtor 1
dtor 0

