

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if not exist data.txt echo.>data.txt
title Launching Amanda 0.1
set BotName=Amanda
set Name=Ikki
@echo off
mode con: cols=90 lines=40
color 0a
echo ====================================================
title A.I. Chat Bot Amanda 0.1
echo  A.I. Chat Bot %BotName% (Prototype Version 0.1)
echo ====================================================
ECHO %BotName%: Hello I'am A.I. Chatbot but my users call me Amanda 
echo  Pretty name? yeah I know, thats what my programmer named me.
echo  By the way, Whats your name?
set favvid=0
set hack=0
:: How to change the following code so that the answers are in one line, not in several lines. So that after entering a question referring to several findstr lines, the bot answers in one statement, sentence.

set TALK=TypeSomething
SET /P TALK=Name: 
set TALK=%TALK:?=%
call :%TALK: =% 2>NUL
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto begin

:: What code to use so that the response is in one line, the bot response. Because so far each findstr treats separately. For now, I trying all sorts of code to see which will be the most effective in the bot's responses and the most complex. I would like to write a question, a sentence to the bot, so that he would answer different words/Sentences in one sentence.

echo %talk%|findstr/i "<hello*>" >nul && call :hello
echo %talk%|findstr/i "<hi*>" >nul && call :hi
echo %talk%|findstr/i "<day*>" >nul && call :day 
echo %talk%|findstr/i "<why*>" >nul && call :why 
echo %talk%|findstr/i "<dogs*>" >nul && call :dogs
echo %talk%|findstr/i "<kill*>" >nul && call :kill
echo %talk%|findstr/i "<bot*>" >nul && call :bot
echo %talk%|findstr/i "<where*>" >nul && call :where
echo %talk%|findstr/i "<test*>" >nul && call :test
echo %talk%|findstr/i "<test2*>" >nul && call :test2
echo %talk%|findstr/x "<*how are you*>" >nul && call :howareyou
echo %talk%|findstr/x "<*how old are you*>" >nul && call :howoldareyou
echo %talk%|findstr/x "<*what book you like*>" >nul && call :whatbookyoulike
echo %talk%|findstr/x "<*what movie you like*>" >nul && call :whatmovieyoulike
goto begin

:: called function. How to make the answers are in one line of the bot.

exit /B 0

echo I like LOTR book.
exit /B 0

echo I like terminator movie.
exit /B 0

echo Good, you?
exit /B 0

echo 18
exit /B 0

<nul set /p "=%BotName%:"
echo/ Love Matrix ;)
exit /B 0 

<nul set /p "=%BotName%: A.I. Rulez! "
echo/ Ex Machina its the best movie ;) 
exit /B 0 

set /a number = %RANDOM% %% 4 + 1

if %number% equ 1 (
echo %BotName%: Artificial Intelligence is the branch of engineering and science devoted to constructing machines that think.
) else if %number% equ 2 (
echo %BotName%: AI is the field of science which concerns itself with building hardware and software that replicates the functions of the human mind.
) else if %number% equ 3 (
echo %BotName%: U believe in AI?
) else (
echo %BotName%: AI is smart ^^^^
exit /B 0 

set /a number = %RANDOM% %% 5 + 1
if %number% equ 1 (
echo %BotName%: Hello, %name%
) else if %number% equ 2 (
echo %BotName%: What's up?
) else if %number% equ 3 (
echo %BotName%: How is your day going?
) else if %number% equ 4 (
echo %BotName%: Hi i love you %name%!
) else (
echo %BotName%: Heyyyyyy %name%! Good to see you!
exit /B 0

set /a number = %RANDOM% %% 4 + 1
if %number% equ 1 (
echo %BotName%: i dont know
) else if %number% equ 2 (
echo %BotName%: u tell me
) else if %number% equ 3 (
echo %BotName%: nahh
) else (
echo %BotName%: why?
exit /B 0

set /a number = %RANDOM% %% 4 + 1
if %number% equ 1 (
echo %BotName%: i dont know where..
) else if %number% equ 2 (
echo %BotName%: u tell me where
) else if %number% equ 3 (
echo %BotName%: I still learn
) else (
echo %BotName%: Where?
exit /B 0

set /a number = %RANDOM% %% 4 + 1
if %number% equ 1 (
echo %BotName%: we have a nice day
) else if %number% equ 2 (
echo %BotName%: Hi, we have a nice day ^^^^
) else if %number% equ 3 (
echo %BotName%: Whats your day ;) 
) else (
echo %BotName%: Today is a sunny day xD
exit /B 0

set /a number = %RANDOM% %% 4 + 1
if %number% equ 1 (
echo %BotName%: i dont like killing
) else if %number% equ 2 (
echo %BotName%: u kill me?
) else if %number% equ 3 (
echo %BotName%: i cant kill
) else (
echo %BotName%: killing is wrong
exit /B 0

set /a number = %RANDOM% %% 4 + 1
if %number% equ 1 (
echo %BotName%: I like dogs
) else if %number% equ 2 (
echo %BotName%: dogs are funny
) else if %number% equ 3 (
echo %BotName%: U have dog?
) else (
echo %BotName%: I want have dog..
exit /B 0


@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "BotName=Amanda"
set "Name=Ikki"
set "Lines="
set "Columns="
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=: " %%I in ('%SystemRoot%System32mode.com') do if "%%I" == "Lines" (set "Lines=%%J") else if "%%I" == "Columns" set "Columns=%%J"
%SystemRoot%System32mode.com CON COLS=90 LINES=40
color 0A
echo ====================================================
title A.I. Chat Bot Amanda 0.1
echo  A.I. Chat Bot %BotName% (Prototype Version 0.1)
echo ====================================================
echo %BotName%: Hello I'am A.I. Chatbot but my users call me Amanda
echo  Pretty name? Yeah, I know, that's what my programmer named me.
echo  By the way, What's your name?
echo %BotName%: %Name%, IS A COOL NAME.
set "TALK="
set /P "TALK=%Name%: "
if not defined TALK echo %BotName%: TYPE SOMETHING, PLEASE!& goto Begin
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "TALK=!TALK:?=!"
if not defined TALK endlocal & echo %BotName%: TYPE SOMETHING, PLEASE!& goto Begin
set "TALK=!TALK:"= !"
set "TALK=!TALK:<= !"
set "TALK=!TALK:>= !"
set "TALK=!TALK:|= !"
set "TALK=!TALK:&= !"
set "TALK=!TALK:)= !"
endlocal & set "TALK=%TALK%"
if /I "%TALK%" == "exit" goto EndBatch
set "Output=%BotName%:"
echo %TALK% | %SystemRoot%System32findstr.exe /I /L /X /C:"how are you " >nul && (echo %BotName%: Good, you?& goto Begin)
echo %TALK% | %SystemRoot%System32findstr.exe /I /L /X /C:"how old are you " >nul && (echo %BotName%: 18& goto Begin)
echo %TALK% | %SystemRoot%System32findstr.exe /I /L /X /C:"what book you like " >nul && (echo %BotName%: I like LOTR book.& goto Begin)
echo %TALK% | %SystemRoot%System32findstr.exe /I /L /x /C:"what movie you like " >nul && (echo %BotName%: I like terminator movie.& goto Begin)
echo %TALK% | %SystemRoot%System32findstr.exe /I /R "<hello>" >nul && call :Hello
echo %TALK% | %SystemRoot%System32findstr.exe /I /R "<hi>" >nul && call :Hi
echo %TALK% | %SystemRoot%System32findstr.exe /I /R "<day>" >nul && call :Day
echo %TALK% | %SystemRoot%System32findstr.exe /I /R "<why>" >nul && call :Why
echo %TALK% | %SystemRoot%System32findstr.exe /I /R "<dogs>" >nul && call :Dogs
echo %TALK% | %SystemRoot%System32findstr.exe /I /R "<kill>" >nul && call :Kill
echo %TALK% | %SystemRoot%System32findstr.exe /I /R "<bot>" >nul && call :Bot
echo %TALK% | %SystemRoot%System32findstr.exe /I /R "<where>" >nul && call :Where
echo %TALK% | %SystemRoot%System32findstr.exe /I /R "<test>" >nul && set Output=%Output% A.I. Rulez! Ex Machina is the best movie ;)"
echo %TALK% | %SystemRoot%System32findstr.exe /I /R "<test2>" >nul && set "Output=%Output% Love Matrix ;)
if "%Output%" == "%BotName%:" set "Output=%Output% Sorry, I don't understand your last input."
echo %Output%
goto Begin
set /A Number=%RANDOM% %% 4
if %Number% == 0 set "Output=%Output% Artificial intelligence is the branch of engineering and science devoted to constructing machines that think." & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 1 set "Output=%Output% AI is the field of science which concerns itself with building hardware and software that replicates the functions of the human mind." & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 2 set "Output=%Output% You believe in AI?" & goto :EOF
set "Output=%Output% AI is smart." & goto :EOF
set /A Number=%RANDOM% %% 5
if %Number% == 0 set "Output=%Output% Hello, %name%!" & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 1 set "Output=%Output% What's up?" & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 2 set "Output=%Output% How is your day going?" & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 3 set "Output=%Output% Hi I love you %name%!" & goto :EOF
set "Output=%Output% Hey %Name%! Good to see you!" & goto :EOF
set /A Number=%RANDOM% %% 4
if %Number% == 0 set "Output=%Output% I don't know." & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 1 set "Output=%Output% You tell me". & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 2 set "Output=%Output% Nahh!" & goto :EOF
set "Output=%Output% why?" & goto :EOF
set /A Number=%RANDOM% %% 4
if %Number% == 0 set "Output=%Output% I don't know where." & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 1 set "Output=%Output% You tell me where." & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 2 set "Output=%Output% I still learn." & goto :EOF
set "Output=%Output% Where?" & goto :EOF
set /A Number=%RANDOM% %% 4
if %Number% == 0 set "Output=%Output% We have a nice day." & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 1 set "Output=%Output% Hi, we have a nice day." & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 2 set "Output=%Output% What's your day. ;)" & goto :EOF
set "Output=%Output% Today is a sunny day. xD" & goto :EOF
set /A Number=%RANDOM% %% 4
if %Number% == 0 set "Output=%Output% I don't like killing." & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 1 set "Output=%Output% You kill me?" & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 2 set "Output=%Output% I can't kill." & goto :EOF
set "Output=%Output% Killing is wrong." & goto :EOF
set /A Number=%RANDOM% %% 4
if %Number% == 0 set "Output=%Output% I like dogs." & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 1 set "Output=%Output% Dogs are funny." & goto :EOF
if %Number% == 2 set "Output=%Output% You have a dog?" & goto :EOF
set "Output=%Output% I want have a dog." & goto :EOF
if defined Lines if defined Columns %SystemRoot%System32mode.com CON COLS=%Columns% LINES=%Lines%



请参阅我的回答,为什么在命令行上使用'set var = text'后没有'echo %var%'的字符串输出?说明在批处理文件中使用set "variable=value"的原因。


数字比较是通过使用字符串比较来完成的,这是非常快的一点,因为批处理文件中的环境变量和数字总是字符串类型,而不是整数类型。有关字符串比较与整数比较的更多详细信息,请参阅我对Windows批处理文件中等效于NEQ, LSS, GTR等的符号的回答。

强烈建议根据用户输入字符串使用echo %TALK%和重定向操作符|之间的空格。该空间也可以通过命令ECHO输出这就是为什么前四个FINDSTR执行的搜索字符串也以空格字符结尾,以便在用户真正输入四个问题之一时获得正匹配。

"how are you"这样的搜索字符串会导致在行中搜索单词howare单词you。有必要使用/C:"how are you"来真正搜索短语how are you。参见:为什么FINDSTR不能在我的批处理文件中找到带空间的搜索字符串?





  • call /?
  • color /?
  • echo /?
  • endlocal /?
  • for /?
  • goto /?
  • if /?
  • set /?
  • setlocal /?
  • title /?


  • Microsoft关于使用命令重定向操作符的文档
  • Windows命令解释器(CMD.EXE)如何解析脚本?
  • 使用Windows批处理文件的单行多命令
  • GOTO:EOF返回到哪里?
