

import { BaseEntity, Entity, Column, ManyToMany, JoinTable, ManyToOne, OneToMany } from 'typeorm';
class Product extends BaseEntity {
@Column({ type: 'text' })
public name: string;
@Column({ type: 'text' })
public description: string;
@ManyToMany(_ => Category, category => category.products)
public categories: Category[];
class Category extends BaseEntity {
@Column({ type: 'text' })
public name: string;
@ManyToMany(_ => Product, product => product.categories)
public products: Product[];
@ManyToOne(_ => Supplier, supplier => supplier.categories, { nullable: false })
public supplier: Supplier;
class Supplier extends BaseEntity {
public name: string;
@Column({ type: 'boolean', default: true })
public isActive: boolean;
@OneToMany(_ => Category, category => category.supplier)
public categories: Category[];


type Relations<T extends BaseEntity> = {
// An object whose:
// - Keys are some (or all) of the keys in type T, whose type is something which extends BaseEntity.
// - Values are another Relations object for that key.
// Some examples
// Type error: "color" is not a property of Product.
const a: Relations<Product> = {
color: {}
// Type error: "name" property of Product is not something that extends "BaseEntity".
const a: Relations<Product> = {
name: {}
// OK
const a: Relations<Product> = {
categories: {}
// Type error: number is not assignable to Relations<Category>
const a: Relations<Product> = {
categories: 42
// Type error: "description" is not a property of Category.
const a: Relations<Product> = {
categories: {
description: {}
// Type error: "name" property of Category is not something that extends "BaseEntity".
const a: Relations<Product> = {
categories: {
name: {}
// OK
const a: Relations<Product> = {
categories: {
supplier: {}
// Type error: Date is not assignable to Relations<Supplier>
const a: Relations<Product> = {
categories: {
supplier: new Date()
// etc.


type Flatten<T> = T extends Array<infer I> ? I : T;
type ExcludeNonEntity<T> = T extends BaseEntity | Array<BaseEntity> ? Flatten<T> : never;
type Relations<T extends BaseEntity> = {
[P in keyof T as ExcludeNonEntity<P>]: Relations<T[P]>;


type DrillDownToEntity<T> = T extends BaseEntity ?
T : T extends ReadonlyArray<infer U> ? DrillDownToEntity<U> : never;
type Relations<T extends BaseEntity> =
{ [K in keyof T]?: Relations<DrillDownToEntity<T[K]>> }


type DrillTest = DrillDownToEntity<Category | string | Product[] | Supplier[][][][][]>
// type DrillTest = Category | Product | Supplier



type RelationsProduct = Relations<Product>;
/* type RelationsProduct = {
name?: undefined;
description?: undefined;
categories?: Relations<Category> | undefined;
hasId?: undefined;
save?: undefined;
remove?: undefined;
softRemove?: undefined;
recover?: undefined;
reload?: undefined;
} */

请注意,never类型的可选属性和undefined类型的可选属性是相同的,至少在没有启用--exactOptionalPropertyTypes编译器标志的情况下。这将阻止您对这些类型的任何属性进行赋值,除非它们是undefined。我发现这可能比仅仅省略这些属性要好;根据结构类型,{categories?: Relations<Category>}类型的值可能有也可能没有string类型的name属性,而{categories?: Relations<Category>, name?: never}类型的值肯定根本没有定义的name属性。



type Relations<T extends BaseEntity> = {
[P in keyof T as ExcludeNonEntity<P>]: Relations<T[P]>;




type Relations<T extends BaseEntity> = {
[K in keyof T as DrillDownToEntity<T[K]> extends never ? never : K]?: Relations<DrillDownToEntity<T[K]>>


const b: Relations<Product> = {
name: undefined



type Methods<T> = { [P in keyof T as T[P] extends Function ? P : never]: T[P] };
type T60 = Methods<{ foo(): number, bar: boolean }>;  // { foo(): number }
