
use warnings ;
use strict ;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
my $str = " 30th Mar 2020 5:53:18 pm Elvis Presly: BJ: Bloomberg Runs30th Mar 2020 5:53:27 pm Elvis Presly: DS: ICE DATA = INC101848366130th Mar 2020 6:42:43 pm Boris Putin: Cortese's ICE logs is for the Bloomberg Runs issue30th Mar 2020 6:43:28 pm Elvis Presly: yeap31st Mar 2020 4:11:22 am Indie Rock: VK : RE: XS2018777099 & XS2018777172 - INC1018491954 31st Mar 2020 6:31:17 am Dash Riprock: NW: RE: SABSM 6.125 YTW - INC101849584331st Mar 2020 6:52:06 am Dash Riprock: KB: RE: Cpty issue for Trader on CDS STATS bookings - SDS 42625375 - PENDING ROKOS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT (JERSEY) LP - INC101849631331st Mar 2020 7:26:40 am Dash Riprock: AP: RE: Rolling 7yrs - INC101849710231st Mar 2020 7:45:36 am Dash Riprock: JK: RE: Chris White books - INC101849738031st Mar 2020 8:11:10 am Charlie Brown: KB: RE: BOOKBUILDER Allocs Delays - urgent - INC101849791631st Mar 2020 8:21:15 am Charlie Brown: VK: RE: Can you get me set up to view TRAX History?  - INC101849813331st Mar 2020 8:30:36 am Charlie Brown: WJ: RE: Bulking Booking P&L - INC101849829231st Mar 2020

#my @words = split / /, $str ;
my @words = split /(d+th|st|rd)/, $str ;

print Dumper @words;


$VAR1 = [
' ',
' Mar 2020 5:53:18 pm Elvis Presly: BJ: Bloomberg Runs',
' Mar 2020 5:53:27 pm Elvis Presly: DS: ICE DATA = INC',
'101848366130th', (this did not split  - it happens) 
' Mar 2020 6:42:43 pm Boris Putin: Cortese's ICE logs is for the Bloomberg Runs 
' Mar 2020 6:43:


$VAR1 = [
' ',
'30th Mar 2020 5:53:18 pm Elvis Presly: BJ: Bloomberg Runs',
'30th Mar 2020 5:53:27 pm Elvis Presly: DS: ICE DATA = INC',
' Mar 2020 6:42:43 pm Boris Putin: Cortese's ICE logs is for the Bloomberg Runs 
'30th Mar 2020 6:43:


split /(?=d+(?:th|st|nd|rd))/, $str 


split /(?=d{2}(?:st|nd|rd|th) w{3} d{4})/a, $str;




split /(d{2}(?:st|nd|rd|th) w{3} d{4}(?: d{1,2}:d{2}:d{2} [ap]m)?) ?/a


$VAR1 = [
' ',
'30th Mar 2020 5:53:18 pm',
'Basant Jain: BJ: Bloomberg Runs',
'30th Mar 2020 5:53:27 pm',
'Basant Jain: DS: ICE DATA = INC1018483661',
# ...
'31st Mar 2020 8:30:36 am',
'Kishan Bholah: WJ: RE: Bulking Booking P&L - INC1018498292',
'31st Mar 2020'





use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my $str = " 30th Mar 2020 5:53:18 pm Elvis Presly: BJ: Bloomberg Runs30th Mar 2020 5:53:27 pm Elvis Presly: DS: ICE DATA = INC101848366130th Mar 2020 6:42:43 pm Boris Putin: Cortese's ICE logs is for the Bloomberg Runs issue30th Mar 2020 6:43:28 pm Elvis Presly: yeap31st Mar 2020 4:11:22 am Indie Rock: VK : RE: XS2018777099 & XS2018777172 - INC1018491954 31st Mar 2020 6:31:17 am Dash Riprock: NW: RE: SABSM 6.125 YTW - INC101849584331st Mar 2020 6:52:06 am Dash Riprock: KB: RE: Cpty issue for Trader on CDS STATS bookings - SDS 42625375 - PENDING ROKOS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT (JERSEY) LP - INC101849631331st Mar 2020 7:26:40 am Dash Riprock: AP: RE: Rolling 7yrs - INC101849710231st Mar 2020 7:45:36 am Dash Riprock: JK: RE: Chris White books - INC101849738031st Mar 2020 8:11:10 am Charlie Brown: KB: RE: BOOKBUILDER Allocs Delays - urgent - INC101849791631st Mar 2020 8:21:15 am Charlie Brown: VK: RE: Can you get me set up to view TRAX History?  - INC101849813331st Mar 2020 8:30:36 am Charlie Brown: WJ: RE: Bulking Booking P&L - INC101849829231st Mar 2020
$str =~ s/(d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd) w{3} d{4})/n$1/g;
say $str;
my @lines = split "n", $str;
say Dumper(@lines);
