

#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char get_block(void)
char block;
cout << "Enter one block: ";
cin >> block;
return toupper(block);
// Function print_slots
// Prints the contents of the slots array in a well formatted form.
// Input: Array of slots
// Returns: Nothing (void)
// Example function call: print_slots(slot_array);
void print_slots(char slots[])
unsigned int j = 1;
for (j = 1; j <= 20; j++)
cout << setw(3) << j;
cout << endl;
for (j = 0; j < 20; j++)
cout << setw(3) << slots[j];
cout << endl;
// Function put_block
// This function stores a character into the character array representing the slots
// Inputs:
// block - type char - The character to be inserted into a slot
// position - type unsigned int - index of the slot where the block will go
// array - type char - array of slots containing the blocks
// Returns:
// position - type unsigned int - the index of the slot where the block was placed
// Example function call:   put_block(block, position, slots);
unsigned int put_block(char block, unsigned int position, char array[])
bool debug = true;
array[position] = block;
if (debug)
cout << "Block " << block << " inserted into slot " << position << endl;
return position;
// Function remove_block
// This function removes a block from the slot array
// The slot where the block is removed is then set to a space
// Inputs:
// position - type unsigned int - index of the slot where block is located
// array - type char - array of slots containing the blocks
// Returns:
// block - type char - the block removed from the slot
// Example function call:   remove_block(position, slots);
unsigned int remove_block(unsigned int position, char array[])
bool debug = true;
char block = ' ';
block = array[position];
array[position] = ' ';  // Reset slot to blank after block removed
if (debug)
cout << "Block " << block << " removed from slot " << position + 1 << endl;
return block;

// Function shift_right
// This function increments the index simulating a movement of the robot
// to the next higher slot (index) of the array
// Inputs:
// position - type unsigned int - current slot position
// Returns:
// position - type unsigned int - The updated position which is input position + 1
// Example function call:  position = shift_right(position)
unsigned int shift_right(unsigned int position)
bool debug = true;
if (debug)
cout << "Position right shifted to " << position << endl;
return position;
// Function shift_left
// This function decrements the index simulating a movement of the robot
// to the next lower slot (index) of the array
// Inputs:
// position - type unsigned int - current slot position
// Returns:
// position - type unsigned int - The updated position which is input position - 1
// Example function call: position = shift_left(position)
unsigned int shift_left(unsigned int position)
bool debug = true;
if (debug)
cout << "Position left shifted to " << position << endl;
return position;
// Function robot_ltoreq_slot
// This function compares the value of the block held by the robot
// with the value of the block in a slot
// Inputs:
// robot - type char - value of block held by robot
// in_slot - type char - value of block in the slot
// Returns:
// true or false
// TRUE if block held by robot is LESS than or equal to the block in slot
// FALSE if block held by robot is GREATER than block in slot
// Example function call: if ( compare_blocks(robot_block, slot_block) )
bool robot_ltoreq_slot(char robot, char in_slot)
bool debug = true;
if (debug)
cout << endl <<  "Comparing robot block " << robot << " with block in slot " << in_slot << endl;
if (robot <= in_slot)
if (debug)
cout << "Returning true. Robot block LESS than or EQUAL to block in slot. " << endl;
return true;
if (debug)
cout << "Returning false. Robot block GREATER than block in slot. " << endl;
return false;
// This function checks if the blocks are less than or == to the block in the robots hand
// If the block is equal to it return TRUE if the block is < it return FALSE
bool robot_equal_slot(char robot, char in_slot)
bool debug = true;
if (debug)
cout << endl <<  "Comparing robot block " << robot << " with block in slot " << in_slot << endl;
if (robot == in_slot)
if (debug)
cout << "Returning true. Robot block EQUAL to block in slot. " << endl;
return true;
if (debug)
cout << "Returning false. Robot block LESS THAN than block in slot. " << endl;
return false;
// Function switch_blocks
// This function switches the block held by the robot with a block in a slot.
// After the switch the robot is holding the block removed from the slot.
// Inputs:
// robot - type char - The block to be inserted into a slot
// position - type unsigned int - index of the slot where the block will go
// array - type char - array of slots containing the blocks
// Returns:
// robot - type char. The value of the block removed from the slot.
// Example function call: block = switch_blocks(block,  position, array);
char switch_blocks(char robot, unsigned int position, char array[])
char temp_hold;
bool debug = true;
if (debug)
cout << "Switching blocks " << robot << " with " << array[position] << endl;
temp_hold = robot;
robot = array[position];
array[position] = temp_hold;
return robot;
// Function test_empty
// This function tests the array to determine if a slot is empty (NULL)
// or if the slot contains a blank. The slot array must be intialized to
// all NULL or all blanks (spaces) before any blocks are added.
// Inputs:
// position - type unsigned int - index of slot to be tested
// Returns:
// true or false as value o function
// TRUE if slot is empty
// FALSE if the slot contains a block
// Example function call: if ( test_empty(index, array) )

bool test_empty(unsigned int position, char array[])
char blank = ' '; // Blank space
bool debug = true;
if  (array[position] == NULL || array[position] == blank)
if (debug)
cout << "Slot " << position << " empty. " << endl;
return true;
if (debug)
cout << "Slot " << position << " contains a block " << endl;
return false;
char * move_all_to_right(char slot[], char block){
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
if((!(test_empty(i,slot))) && (i != 20)){
block = switch_blocks(block,i,slot);
block = switch_blocks(block, i+1, slot);
else if(i == 20){
return slot;
int main() {
char block = get_block();
char slot[20];
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
slot[i] = NULL;
int array_size;
int position;
char robot;
int counter = 0;
int dummy;
int filled_right;
bool swapped = false;
int block_counter = 0;
int switch_counter = 0;
//Put the first block from the chute INTO SLOT 10(hardware restriction)
put_block(block, 10, slot);
do {
block = get_block();
position = counter;
for(int i = 0; i <sizeof(slot); i++) {
unsigned int back_to_front = sizeof(slot);
unsigned int front_to_back = 0;
if(!(test_empty(back_to_front, slot))){
}while(test_empty(back_to_front, slot));
for(int i = 0; i <sizeof(slot); i++){
if((block <= slot[front_to_back]) && (test_empty(0,slot))){
put_block(block, front_to_back - 1,slot);
else if((block > slot[back_to_front]) && (test_empty(19,slot))){
put_block(block,back_to_front + 1,slot);
if((block == slot[back_to_front]) && (test_empty(19,slot))){
put_block(block,back_to_front + 1,slot);
if(((block < slot[back_to_front]) || (block == slot[front_to_back])) && (test_empty(19,slot))){
while((block < slot[back_to_front]) || (block == slot[back_to_front]) &&(block!= NULL)){
block = switch_blocks(block,back_to_front-1,slot);
switch_counter ++;
if((block == slot[back_to_front]) && (switch_counter != block_counter + 1)){
for(int i = back_to_front; i< sizeof(slot); i++){
block = switch_blocks(block,i,slot);
block_counter = 0;
switch_counter = 0;
} while (counter < 19);
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(slot); i++){
cout << slot[i];


int main() {
char block = get_block();
char temp_block = ' ';
char array = *slot;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
slot[i] = NULL;
int counter = 0;
//Put the first block from the chute INTO SLOT 10(hardware restriction)
put_block(block, 10, slot);
do {
block = get_block();
if (block > slot[10]) {
for(int i = 9; i < 19; i ++){
if((block > slot[i]) &&!(test_empty(i,slot)) || i == 19){
if (block <= slot[10]) {
for(int i = 10; i > 0; i --){
if((block <= slot[i]) || i == 0){
shift_all_right(slot,20, block);
}while(counter < 19);
return 0;



void shift_all_right(char array[],int n, char block){
int i = 10;
while(i < n - 1){
block = switch_blocks(block,array[i],array);


void shift_all_left(char array[]){
for(int i = 10; i > 0; i--){



void shift_right(int position, int size, char array[], char block){
while(position < size - 1){
block = switch_block(block,array[position+1],array);}

