

Table: Person
| Column Name | Type    |
| personId    | int     |
| lastName    | varchar |
| firstName   | varchar |
personId is the primary key column for this table.
This table contains information about the ID of some persons and their first and last names.

Table: Address
| Column Name | Type    |
| addressId   | int     |
| personId    | int     |
| city        | varchar |
| state       | varchar |
addressId is the primary key column for this table.
Each row of this table contains information about the city and state of one person with ID = PersonId.


| Column Name | Type    |
| addressId   | int     |
| personId    | int     |
| city        | varchar |
| state       | varchar |
| Column Name | Type    |
| addressId   | int     |
| personId    | int     |
| city        | varchar |
| state       | varchar |





使用您显示的示例和尝试,请尝试遵循 Python3 中的正则表达式和代码。这是显示的正则表达式的在线演示链接。

根据您显示的示例,它将创建 2 个值,您可以通过findall命令生成的列表的第0项和1项访问这些值。

import re
value="""....."""  ##Your variable value, since its too long putting .... here.
re.findall(r'^Table: S+n+(+.*+n| Column Name | Type +|n+-++-++n[^+]*n+-++-++)', value, flags=re.MULTILINE)


^Table:              ##Start of sting followed by Table:
S+n+               ##Matching space followed by non-spaces followed by 1 or more new lines.
(                    ##Starting single capturing group here.
+.*               ##Matching literal + just before new line.
+n               ##Matching literal + followed by a single new line.
| Column Name     ##Matching literal | followed by space and Column Name.
| Type +          ##Matching literal | followed by space and Type space(s).
|n+-+           ##Matching literal | followed by new line and literal + followed by -(occurrences).
+-++n           ##Matching literal + followed by -(occurrences) literal + and new line.
[^+]*n+          ##match everything before next occurrence of + followed by new line and +
-++-++           ##Matching 1 or more occurrences of - followed by literal + followed by 1 or more - with literal + here.
)                    ##Closing capturing group here.

