

日期 客户rolling_total
2016-07-29 1 100
2016-08-01 1150
2017-01-12 1230
2017-10-23 1 180 260
2018-03-03 1 0 180
2018-03-06 1 40 220
2019-03-16 1 500
2017-04-07 2 50
2017-04-09 2 230 280
2018-02-11 2 80 360
2018年5月12日 2 0 80
2019-05-10 2 0 0


# Parse the strings to datetime
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
# Sort the dates in ASC order if not already sorted
df = df.sort_values(['customer', 'date']) 
# Group the dataframe by customer then for each group
# calculate rolling sum on 'daily_total_per_customer'
s = df.groupby('customer').rolling('365d', on='date')['daily_total_per_customer'].sum()
# Merge the result with original df

date  customer  daily_total_per_customer  rolling_total
0  2016-07-29         1                       100            100
1  2016-08-01         1                        50            150
2  2017-01-12         1                        80            230
3  2017-10-23         1                       180            260
4  2018-03-03         1                         0            180
5  2018-03-06         1                        40            220
6  2019-03-16         1                       500            500
7  2017-04-07         2                        50             50
8  2017-04-09         2                       230            280
9  2018-02-11         2                        80            360
10 2018-05-12         2                         0             80
11 2019-05-10         2                         0              0
