



class ParentBase
public ChildA Settings { get; set; }
public ChildX MoreSettings { get; set; }
// lots of shared props here that won't be extended in inheriting classes
public void SomeFunction()
// The inheriting class's Settings and MoreSettings props should be available to access here
// even though their data types are different to the base class's Settings and MoreSettings
// data types
class Parent1 : ParentBase
public ChildB Settings { get; set; }
public ChildY MoreSettings { get; set; }
class Parent2 : ParentBase
public ChildC Settings { get; set; }
public ChildZ MoreSettings { get; set; }
class ChildA { // base props and methods in here }
class ChildB : ChildA { // Parent1 specific functionality }
class ChildC : ChildA { // Parent2 specific functionality }
class ChildX { // base props and methods in here }
class ChildY : ChildX { // Parent1 specific functionality }
class ChildZ : ChildX { // Parent2 specific functionality }


public void Calculate(SomeSharedType Parent1/Parent2 instance)
// need to access the Settings and MoreSettings properties here, and the base class's Setting should suffice,
// although it would be nice to access the inheriting class's Settings and MoreSettings properties



class ParentBase<T,U>
public virtual T Settings { get; set; }
public virtual U MoreSettings { get; set; }
class Parent1 : ParentBase<ChildB, ChildY>
public override ChildB Settings { get; set; }
public override ChildY MoreSettings { get; set; }
class Parent2 : ParentBase<ChildC, ChildZ>
public override ChildC Settings { get; set; }
public override ChildZ MoreSettings { get; set; }


class ParentBase<T,U>
public T Settings { get; set; }
public U MoreSettings { get; set; }
class Parent1 : ParentBase<ChildB, ChildY>
class Parent2 : ParentBase<ChildC, ChildZ>
