有可能拥有一个可以在任何打开的电子表格中运行的Google Sheets宏吗?如果是,如何



1) My program creates NNN (some number) of CSV files (e.g. file1.csv, file2.csv, file3.csv, etc).  
2) I move those CSVs to my Google Drive.  
3) I select the first one and [right click] "Open With Google Sheets"
4) Once the data from the CSV file is imported into the new Google Spreadsheet file, I:
A) Delete the first column (A)
B) Highlight all the column headings (first row)
C) Apply Bold, and Bottom Border
D) Highlight all the columns (A-F)
E) Double-click on a column-head separator to resize all columns to an optimal width
F) View, Freeze, 1 Row
G) Close the spreadsheet
5) Repeat, until all CSVs are imported and reformatted (separate single-sheet/tab spreadsheets, one for each CSV file)


1) My program creates NNN (some number) of CSV files.  
2) I move those CSV files to my Google Drive.  
3) I select the first one and [right click] "Open With Google Sheets"
4) Once the data from the CSV file is imported into the new Google Spreadsheet file, I:
A) Press [Alt]-r* (which performs the formatting steps A-G, detailed above)
5) Repeat, until all CSV files are imported and reformatted (separate single-sheet/tab spreadsheet files, one for each CSV file)




1) My program creates NNN (some number) of CSV files.  
2) I move those CSV files to my Google Drive.  
3) I select the first one and [right click] "Open With Google Sheets"
4) Once the data from the CSV file is imported into the new Google Spreadsheet file, I:
5) Repeat, until all CSV files are imported and reformatted (separate single-sheet/tab spreadsheet files, one for each CSV file)
6) I open a spreadsheet that contains the names of all the spreadsheet I just created (I could create the names list at the same time I create the original CSV files), and copy and paste the list into "MyReformattingMacro" (mentioned above).  And then press [Alt]-r* (which performs the reformatting operations A-G, detailed above)


  1. 您将本地CSV文件移动到我的Google Drive到特定的Google文件夹(例如"pendingCSV"(

  2. 点击此处创建新脚本

  3. 在此脚本中,获取特定文件夹中的所有文件。

  4. 将pendingCSV文件夹中的所有CSV转换为Google工作表。这可以用Utilities.parseCsv或Drive-api来完成。请参阅此处和此处的示例,并将转换后的电子表格放在另一个文件夹中,例如";pendingSpreadsheets";。

  5. 然后,脚本循环遍历pendingSpreadsheets中的每个文件,获取其id(file.getId()(,并使用(SpreadsheetApp.open(id)(打开该文件。

  6. 一旦file被打开为Spreadsheet,在循环中为所有其他file的执行所有需要的格式化选项,如(设置粗体(和重复(步骤5(
