


SearchQuery = $mysqli -> query ( 'SELECT * FROM `list_ots` ORDER BY `list_ots`.`id`' );
while ($Row = $SearchQuery -> fetch_assoc())
$check_ban=$mysqli->query('SELECT count(*) FROM `list_bans` where `server`="'.$Row['id'].'"')->fetch_assoc();


ini_set('max_execution_time', 600); 


class OTSChecker
public $ConnData;
private $OTData=array(), $XML=array(), $Uptime = array(), $TimeOut;
public function __construct($IP, $Port=7171)
$this -> ConnData = array('IP' => $IP, 'Port' => $Port);
public function SocketTimeOut( $inTimeOut )
$this -> TimeOut = intval ( $inTimeOut );   
public function GetData()
$info = chr(6) . chr(0) . chr(255) . chr(255) . 'info';
// fsocketopen cannot be with ssl becouse then it gives 0 
$Sock = @fsockopen( $this->ConnData['IP'] , $this->ConnData['Port'] , $errno, $errstr, 10);
if ( is_resource ( $Sock ) )
if ( isset ( $this -> TimeOut ) )
stream_set_timeout( $Sock , $this -> TimeOut );
stream_set_blocking( $Sock , FALSE );
@fwrite( $Sock , $info );
$Data = NuLL;
while ( !feof ( $Sock ) )
$Data .= fgets( $Sock , 1024 );
@fclose( $Sock );

if ( $Data != NuLL )
$this->XML = simplexml_load_string ( $Data );
$this -> OTData['status'] = 'Online';
} else {
$this -> OTData['status'] = 'Offline';      
public function Status ()
return $this -> OTData['status'];
private function GenerateUptime ( &$Data )
preg_match('/uptime="(d+)"/', $Data, $matches);
$h = floor($matches[1] / 3600);
$m = floor(($matches[1] - $h*3600) / 60);

return array ( 'hours' => $h , 'minutes' => $m );
public function GetOwnerName()
if ( is_object ( $this -> XML) )
return (string) $this -> XML -> owner -> attributes() -> name;
public function GetOwnerEmail()
if ( is_object ( $this -> XML) )
return (string) $this -> XML -> owner -> attributes() -> email;
public function GetServerName()
if ( is_object ( $this -> XML) )
return (string) $this -> XML -> serverinfo -> attributes() -> servername;
public function GetServerLocation()
if ( is_object ( $this -> XML) )
return (string) $this -> XML -> serverinfo -> attributes() -> location;
public function GetServerVersion()
if ( is_object ( $this -> XML) )
//return (string) $this -> XML -> serverinfo -> attributes() -> version;
return (string) $this -> XML -> serverinfo -> attributes() -> version;
public function GetNowUptime()
if ( is_object ( $this -> XML) )
return (string) $this -> XML -> serverinfo -> attributes() -> uptime;
public function GetCountOfPlayersOnline()
if ( is_object ( $this -> XML) )
return (string) $this -> XML -> players -> attributes() -> online;
public function GetMaxPlayersCount()
if ( is_object ( $this -> XML) )
return (string) $this -> XML -> players -> attributes() -> max;
public function GetMaxPlayersRecord()
if ( is_object ( $this -> XML) )
return (string) $this -> XML -> players -> attributes() -> peak;
public function GetAllMonsters()
if ( is_object ( $this -> XML) )
return (string) $this -> XML -> monsters -> attributes() -> total;
public function GetMotd()
if ( is_object ( $this -> XML) )
return (string) $this -> XML -> motd;

