

interface IEvent {
id: string
actions: Array<{
func: "setMasterVolume" | "playSound",
args: Array<string | number | boolean>
// With type that is helpfull for sound designer
const eventsA: Array<IEvent> = [
foo: "bar", // this line will give error to sound designer because not in interface
id: "start",
actions: [
func: "setMasterVolume",
args: [ 1 ]
id: "stop",
actions: [
func: "setMasterVolume",
args: [ 0 ]
// This only gives unspecific 'string' type
type AudioEventsA = typeof eventsA[number]['id']
// With type that is helpfull for developer
const eventsB = [
foo: "bar", // now no error on this line unfortunately
id: "start",
actions: [
func: "setMasterVolume",
args: [ 1 ]
id: "stop",
actions: [
func: "setMasterVolume",
args: [ 0 ]
] as const
// Now I can extract type of: 'start' | 'stop' rather than just string.
type AudioEventsB = typeof eventsB[number]['id']

那么,如何在:foo:"条";得到AudioEvents = 'start' | 'stop'

我认为您可以让您的接口接受预期的类型generics。由于您允许您的开发人员使用const assertions创建阵列,因此您必须将您的阵列作为readonly。要指定允许开发人员创建哪些类型的数组,可以创建类型Iarr,然后他们将他们决定的数组所需的类型传递给它。

export type Func = "setMasterVolume" | "playSound";
interface IEvent<T extends string, F extends Func, A extends string | number | boolean> {
id: T
actions: readonly{
func: F,
args: readonly A[]
export type Iarr = readonly IEvent<'start'|'stop', "setMasterVolume", number>[];
// With type that is helpfull for sound designer
const eventsA: Iarr = [
foo: "bar", // this line will give error to sound designer because not in interface
id: "start",
actions: [
func: "setMasterVolume",
args: [ 1 ]
id: "stop",
actions: [
func: "setMasterVolume",
args: [ 0 ]
// This only gives unspecific 'string' type
type AudioEventsA = typeof eventsA[number]['id']
// With type that is helpfull for developer
const eventsB: Iarr = [
foo: "bar", // now no error on this line unfortunately
id: "start",
actions: [
func: "setMasterVolume",
args: [ 1 ]
id: "stop",
actions: [
func: "setMasterVolume",
args: [ 0 ]
] as const
// Now I can extract type of: 'start' | 'stop' rather than just string.
type AudioEventsB = typeof eventsB[number]['id']
