Tkinter 程序在 canvas.delete('all') 和 canvas.destroy() 之后变慢


import tkinter as tk
import random
import time
from time import sleep
# setting base Tk widget
root = tk.Tk()
root.resizable(False, False)
# finding the center of the screen
screen_w = root.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_h = root.winfo_screenheight()
canvas_w = 1280
canvas_h = 720
center_x = int(screen_w/2 - canvas_w / 2)
center_y = int(screen_h/2 - canvas_h / 2)
def main():
# canvas
cv = tk.Canvas(root, width=canvas_w, height=canvas_h)
global x, y, num_r, num_l, ball
# initializing variables
dirx = random.randint(0, 1)
diry = random.randint(0, 1)
x = 0
y = 0
num_l = 0
num_r = 0
if dirx == 0 and diry == 0:
x = -10
y = -10
if dirx == 0 and diry == 1:
x = -10
y = 10
if dirx == 1 and diry == 0:
x = 10
y = -10
if dirx == 1 and diry == 1:
x = 10
y = 10
#print(dirx, diry)

# paddles
paddle_l = cv.create_rectangle(20, 320, 30, 390, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
paddle_r = cv.create_rectangle(1250, 320, 1260, 390, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
# middle line
midline1 = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-5, 25, canvas_w/2+5, 85, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
midline2 = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-5, 125, canvas_w/2+5, 185, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
midline3 = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-5, 225, canvas_w/2+5, 285, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
midline4 = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-5, 325, canvas_w/2+5, 385, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
midline5 = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-5, 425, canvas_w/2+5, 485, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
midline6 = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-5, 525, canvas_w/2+5, 585, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
midline7 = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-5, 625, canvas_w/2+5, 685, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
# score trackers
score_left = tk.Label(text='0', bg='#000000', fg='#ffffff', font=('Helvetica', 30))
score_right = tk.Label(text='0', bg='#000000', fg='#ffffff', font=('Helvetica', 30)), rely=0.1), rely=0.1)
# ball
ball = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-10, canvas_h/2-10, canvas_w/2+10, canvas_h/2+10, outline='#000000', fill='#696969')
# movement of the paddles
def detectMoveKeys():
# left paddle
root.bind('w', leftUp)
root.bind('s', leftDown)

# right paddle
root.bind('i', rightUp)
root.bind('k', rightDown)
root.after(5, detectMoveKeys)
def leftUp(self):
cv.move(paddle_l, 0, -10)
def leftDown(self):
cv.move(paddle_l, 0, 10)
def rightUp(self):
cv.move(paddle_r, 0, -10)
def rightDown(self):
cv.move(paddle_r, 0, 10)

def ballMovement():
global x, y 
if cv.coords(ball)[1]+10 == canvas_h:
y = y * (0-1)
print('ball touched bottom', x, y)

if cv.coords(ball)[1] == 0:
y = y * (0-1)
print('ball touched top', x, y)

pos = cv.coords(ball)
if paddle_l in cv.find_overlapping(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3]):
x = x * (0-1)
print('ball touched left paddle', x, y)
if paddle_r in cv.find_overlapping(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3]):
x = x * (0-1)
print('ball touched right paddle', x, y)
cv.move(ball, x, y)
root.after(35, ballMovement) 
def endGame():
if score_right['text'] == '10':
score_right['text'] = '0'
score_left['text'] = '0'
r_won = tk.Label(text='Right won,nthe game willnrestart in 3 sec.', bg='white', fg='black', font=('Helvetica', 50)), rely=0.5)
root.after(3000, main)
root.after(10, endGame)
def outOfBounds():
global num_l, num_r, ball, dirx, diry, x, y

# detects if the ball is out of bounds on the left side of the screen
if cv.coords(ball)[0] == -30.0:
print('right scored')
num_r += 1
score_right['text'] = str(num_r)
cv.coords(ball, 630, 350, 650, 370)
#ball = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-10, canvas_h/2-10, canvas_w/2+10, canvas_h/2+10, fill='#696969')
dirx = random.randint(0, 1)
diry = random.randint(0, 1)
if dirx == 0 and diry == 0:
x = -10
y = -10
if dirx == 0 and diry == 1:
x = -10
y = 10
if dirx == 1 and diry == 0:
x = 10
y = -10
if dirx == 1 and diry == 1:
x = 10
y = 10
# detects if the ball is out of bounds on the right side of the screen
if cv.coords(ball)[0] == 1310.0:
print('left scored')
num_l += 1
score_left['text'] = str(num_l)

ball = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-10, canvas_h/2-10, canvas_w/2+10, canvas_h/2+10, fill='#696969')
dirx = random.randint(0, 1)
diry = random.randint(0, 1)
if dirx == 0 and diry == 0:
x = -10
y = -10
if dirx == 0 and diry == 1:
x = -10
y = 10
if dirx == 1 and diry == 0:
x = 10
y = -10
if dirx == 1 and diry == 1:
x = 10
y = 10
root.after(10, outOfBounds)
root.after(5, detectMoveKeys)
root.after(35, ballMovement)
root.after(10, outOfBounds)
root.after(10, endGame)



Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/tkinter/", line 1921, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/tkinter/", line 839, in callit
File "/home/anton/Documents/pong/", line 140, in outOfBounds
if cv.coords(ball)[0] == -30.0:
File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/tkinter/", line 2795, in coords, 'coords') + args))]
_tkinter.TclError: invalid command name ".!canvas"
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/tkinter/", line 1921, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/tkinter/", line 839, in callit
File "/home/anton/Documents/pong/", line 103, in ballMovement
if cv.coords(ball)[1]+10 == canvas_h:
File "/usr/lib64/python3.10/tkinter/", line 2795, in coords, 'coords') + args))]
_tkinter.TclError: invalid command name ".!canvas"


  1. 确保所有变量在游戏开始后都设置为默认值
  2. 将所有内容放入tk.Frame小部件并销毁它

如果它对我运行Fedora 36工作站有帮助。




cv = tk.Canvas(root, width=canvas_w, height=canvas_h)
def main():
#print('main called')
global x, y, num_r, num_l, ball, end
# canvas
end = False
def detectMoveKeys():
if end == False:
root.after(5, detectMoveKeys)
def ballMovement():
if end == False:
root.after(35, ballMovement) 
def outOfBounds():
if end == False:
root.after(10, outOfBounds)
def endGame():
global end, ball
def r_won_destroy():
cv.coords(ball, canvas_w/2-5, canvas_h/2-5, canvas_w/2+5, canvas_h/2+5)

if score_right['text'] == '10':
score_right['text'] = ''
score_left['text'] = ''
r_won = tk.Label(text='Right won,nthe game willnrestart in 3 sec.', bg='white', fg='black', font=('Helvetica', 50)), rely=0.5)
end = True
#cv.itemconfig('all', fill='black')
root.after(3000, main)
root.after(2000, r_won_destroy)
if end == False:
root.after(10, endGame)
if end == False:
root.after(5, detectMoveKeys)
root.after(35, ballMovement)
root.after(10, outOfBounds)
root.after(10, endGame)




def endGame():
if score_right['text'] == '10':
root.after(3000, main)
root.after(10, endGame)






import tkinter as tk
import random
# setting base Tk widget
root = tk.Tk()
root.resizable(False, False)
# finding the center of the screen
screen_w = root.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_h = root.winfo_screenheight()
canvas_w = 1280
canvas_h = 720
center_x = int(screen_w/2 - canvas_w / 2)
center_y = int(screen_h/2 - canvas_h / 2)
# canvas
cv = tk.Canvas(root, width=canvas_w, height=canvas_h)
# paddles
paddle_l = cv.create_rectangle(20, 320, 30, 390, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
paddle_r = cv.create_rectangle(1250, 320, 1260, 390, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
# middle line
midline1 = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-5, 25, canvas_w/2+5, 85, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
midline2 = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-5, 125, canvas_w/2+5, 185, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
midline3 = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-5, 225, canvas_w/2+5, 285, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
midline4 = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-5, 325, canvas_w/2+5, 385, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
midline5 = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-5, 425, canvas_w/2+5, 485, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
midline6 = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-5, 525, canvas_w/2+5, 585, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
midline7 = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-5, 625, canvas_w/2+5, 685, outline='#000000', fill='#ffffff')
# score trackers
score_left = tk.Label(text='0', bg='#000000', fg='#ffffff', font=('Helvetica', 30))
score_right = tk.Label(text='0', bg='#000000', fg='#ffffff', font=('Helvetica', 30)), rely=0.1), rely=0.1)
# ball
ball = cv.create_rectangle(canvas_w/2-10, canvas_h/2-10, canvas_w/2+10, canvas_h/2+10, outline='#000000', fill='#696969')
# movement of the paddles
def detectMoveKeys():
# left paddle
root.bind('w', leftUp)
root.bind('s', leftDown)

# right paddle
root.bind('i', rightUp)
root.bind('k', rightDown)
if end == False:
root.after(200, detectMoveKeys)
def leftUp(self):
cv.move(paddle_l, 0, -10)
def leftDown(self):
cv.move(paddle_l, 0, 10)
def rightUp(self):
cv.move(paddle_r, 0, -10)
def rightDown(self):
cv.move(paddle_r, 0, 10)
def ballMovement():
global x, y 
# checking if the ball touched the bottom side of the window
if cv.coords(ball)[1]+10 == canvas_h:
y = y * (0-1)
print('ball touched bottom', x, y)
# checking if the ball touched the top side of the window
if cv.coords(ball)[1] == 0:
y = y * (0-1)
print('ball touched top', x, y)

pos = cv.coords(ball)
if paddle_l in cv.find_overlapping(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3]):
x = x * (0-1)
print('ball touched left paddle', x, y)
if paddle_r in cv.find_overlapping(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3]):
x = x * (0-1)
print('ball touched right paddle', x, y)
cv.move(ball, x, y)
if end == False:
root.after(35, ballMovement) 
def outOfBounds():
global num_l, num_r, ball, dirx, diry, x, y
# checking if the ball is out of bounds on the left side
if cv.coords(ball)[0] <= -30.0:
print('right scored')
num_r += 1
score_right['text'] = str(num_r)

# setting the ball to the original position and setting the direction
cv.coords(ball, canvas_w/2-10, canvas_h/2-10, canvas_w/2+10, canvas_h/2+10)
dirx = random.randint(0, 1)
diry = random.randint(0, 1)
if dirx == 0 and diry == 0:
x = -10
y = -10
if dirx == 0 and diry == 1:
x = -10
y = 10
if dirx == 1 and diry == 0:
x = 10
y = -10
if dirx == 1 and diry == 1:
x = 10
y = 10
# checking if the ball is out of bounds on the right side
if cv.coords(ball)[0] >= 1310.0:
print('left scored')
num_l += 1
score_left['text'] = str(num_l)

# setting the ball to the original position and setting the direction
cv.coords(ball, canvas_w/2-10, canvas_h/2-10, canvas_w/2+10, canvas_h/2+10)
dirx = random.randint(0, 1)
diry = random.randint(0, 1)
if dirx == 0 and diry == 0:
x = -10
y = -10
if dirx == 0 and diry == 1:
x = -10
y = 10
if dirx == 1 and diry == 0:
x = 10
y = -10
if dirx == 1 and diry == 1:
x = 10
y = 10
if end == False:
root.after(200, outOfBounds)
# checking if the game should end
def endGame():
global end, ball, paddle_l, paddle_r
# deleting the label and settings objects back to original positions
def r_won_destroy():
cv.coords(ball, canvas_w/2-10, canvas_h/2-10, canvas_w/2+10, canvas_h/2+10)
cv.coords(paddle_l, 20, 320, 30, 390)
cv.coords(paddle_r, 1250, 320, 1260, 390)
score_right['text'] = '0'
score_left['text'] = '0'
# checking if the right score is 10, if yes, the game ends
if score_right['text'] == '10':
r_won = tk.Label(text='Right won,nthe game willnrestart in 3 sec.', bg='white', fg='black', font=('Helvetica', 50)), rely=0.5)
end = True
#cv.itemconfig('all', fill='black')
root.after(3000, main)
root.after(2000, r_won_destroy)
# deleting the label and settings objects back to original positions
def l_won_destroy():
cv.coords(ball, canvas_w/2-10, canvas_h/2-10, canvas_w/2+10, canvas_h/2+10)
cv.coords(paddle_l, 20, 320, 30, 390)
cv.coords(paddle_r, 1250, 320, 1260, 390)
score_right['text'] = '0'
score_left['text'] = '0'
# checking if the left score is 10, if yes, the game ends
if score_left['text'] == '10':
l_won = tk.Label(text='Left won,nthe game willnrestart in 3 sec.', bg='white', fg='black', font=('Helvetica', 50)), rely=0.5)
end = True
#cv.itemconfig('all', fill='black')
root.after(3000, main)
root.after(2000, l_won_destroy)
if end == False:
root.after(200, endGame)
def main():
# initializing variables
global x, y, end, num_l, num_r
end = False
num_l = 0
num_r = 0
x = 0
y = 0
dirx = random.randint(0, 1)
diry = random.randint(0, 1)
# setting the starting diretion of the ball
if dirx == 0 and diry == 0:
x = -10
y = -10
if dirx == 0 and diry == 1:
x = -10
y = 10
if dirx == 1 and diry == 0:
x = 10
y = -10
if dirx == 1 and diry == 1:
x = 10
y = 10
# calling other functions
# calling the main function
# starting mainloop for the main window object


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