

let turnamentGames = response("https://europe.api.riotgames.com/lol/match/v5/matches/by-puuid/" + puuid + "/ids?type=tourney&start=0&count=100&startTime=" + (parseInt((currentTime / 1000) - 15552000)) + "&" + apikey.substring(1));


function main() {
console.info("MAIN: STARTED");
currentTime = new Date();
if (currentTime.getHours() > 11) analyse();
else console.warn("MAIN: Next search at 12:00");




function analyse() {
let firstTeamName = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Übersicht").getRange("AZ1:AZ1").getValue();
console.info("MAIN: (1/9) Teams loaded");
for (let id = 1; id < 8; ++id) if (id !== Number(firstTeamName.startsWith("Tag ") ? firstTeamName.substring(4) : 0)) analyseTeam(spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Tag " + id));
function response(url) {
response(url, 1);
function response(url, id) {
makeABreak.push(new Date().getTime());
if (makeABreak.length === 100) {
if ((new Date().getTime() - makeABreak.shift()) < 120000) {
console.warn("I make a break!");
makeABreak = [];
try {
return JSON.parse(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText());
} catch(exception) {
console.error("Exception for (" + url + "):" + exception);
return id === 2 ? null : response(url, 2);
let sheet;
let puuids;
let newPlayers;
let section;
let sectionRow;
let sectionLine;
let lineRecentGames;
let normsInSection;
function analyseTeam(sheetToAnalyse) {
// Initializing
currentTime = new Date();
sheet = sheetToAnalyse;
puuids = [];
newPlayers = [];
normsInSection = [];
section = -1;
sectionRow = -1;
sectionLine = -1;
lineRecentGames = (sheet.getName() === "TRUEs" ? 22 : 17);
// Load player Data & Custom Games
let games = loadPlayers();
console.info(sheet.getName() + ": Spieler geladen, Elos aktualisiert");
console.info(sheet.getName() + ": PrimeLeague Spiele geladen.");
// Load Normal Games
console.info("MAIN: " + sheet.getName() + " loaded");
function loadPlayers() {
let recentCustomGames = [];
let recentCustomGamesData = sheet.getRange(lineRecentGames + 2, 1, 250, 1).getValues();
for (let customGameId in recentCustomGamesData) {
if (recentCustomGamesData.hasOwnProperty(customGameId)) {
if (recentCustomGamesData[customGameId][1] == "" || new Date().getTime() - new Date(recentCustomGamesData[customGameId][1]).getTime() > 15552000000) 
sheet.getRange(lineRecentGames + 2 + customGameId, 1, 1, 73).setValues([["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]]);
let games = [];
let column = 22;
let names = [];
let playerData = sheet.getRange(2, 1, sheet.getName() === "TRUEs" ? 20 : 15, 3).getValues();
let puuid;
let summonerData;
let elo = "U";
for (let playerId in playerData) {
if (playerData.hasOwnProperty(playerId)) {
puuid = playerData[playerId][1];
// Insert new Players
if (puuid.length < 10) {
if (playerData[playerId][0] !== "") {
let profileContent = response('https://euw1.api.riotgames.com/lol/summoner/v4/summoners/by-name/' + playerData[playerId][0] + apikey);
puuid = profileContent.puuid;
playerData[playerId][1] = profileContent.puuid;
} else {
if (currentTime.getHours() === 23) {
summonerData = response('https://euw1.api.riotgames.com/lol/summoner/v4/summoners/by-puuid/' + puuid + apikey);
playerData[playerId][0] = summonerData.name;
if (sheet.getName().startsWith("Tag")) column = Number(sheet.getName().substring(4));
else if (sheet.getName() === "Scrim") column = 8;
else {
let scrimTeams = inputSheet.getRange(2, 12, 1, Number(inputSheet.getRange("C2:C2").getValue())).getValues()[0];
for (let scrimTeam in scrimTeams) if (scrimTeams.hasOwnProperty(scrimTeam) && String(scrimTeams[scrimTeam]) === sheet.getName()) column = scrimTeam + 9;
let rankedData = response('https://euw1.api.riotgames.com/lol/league/v4/entries/by-summoner/' + summonerData.id + apikey);
for (let entry in rankedData) {
if (rankedData.hasOwnProperty(entry) && rankedData[entry].queueType === "RANKED_SOLO_5x5")
elo = String(rankedData[entry].tier).substring(0, 1) + (rankedData[entry].rank === "I" ? "1" : rankedData[entry].rank === "II" ? "2" : rankedData[entry].rank === "III"?"3":"4");
playerData[playerId][2] = elo;
if (puuid !== "" && playerId < 10) {
let turnamentGames = response("https://europe.api.riotgames.com/lol/match/v5/matches/by-puuid/" + puuid + "/ids?type=tourney&start=0&count=100&startTime=" + (parseInt((currentTime / 1000) - 15552000)) + "&" + apikey.substring(1));
for (let turnamentGame in turnamentGames) if (turnamentGames.hasOwnProperty(turnamentGame) && !games.includes(turnamentGames[turnamentGame]) && !recentCustomGames.includes(turnamentGames[turnamentGame])) games.push(turnamentGames[turnamentGame]);

let clashGames = response("https://europe.api.riotgames.com/lol/match/v5/matches/by-puuid/" + puuid + "/ids?startTime=" + (parseInt((currentTime / 1000) - 15552000)) +
"&queue=700&start=0&count=100&" + apikey.substring(1));
for (let clashGame in clashGames) if (clashGames.hasOwnProperty(clashGame) && !games.includes(clashGames[clashGame]) && !recentCustomGames.includes(clashGames[clashGame]))
names.push(new Array(playerData[playerId][0]));
playerData[playerId].splice(0, 1);
inputSheet.getRange(4, column + 3, playerData.length, 1).setValues(names);
sheet.getRange(2, 2, playerData.length, 2).setValues(playerData);
return games;
function findPrimeLeague(games) {
const championData = response("http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/" + response("http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/api/versions.json")[0] + "/data/en_US/champion.json");
let startAmount = Number(sheet.getRange("B" + lineRecentGames + ":B" + lineRecentGames).getValue());
let amount = Number(startAmount);
let gamesArrays = [];
let ganks = sheet.getRange("P1:R1").getValues()[0]
for (let game in games) {
if (games.hasOwnProperty(game)) {
let gameId = games[game];
let gameData = response("https://europe.api.riotgames.com/lol/match/v5/matches/" + gameId + apikey);
let durationSeconds = Number(gameData.info.gameDuration);
if (durationSeconds > 36000) durationSeconds = Math.round(durationSeconds / 1000);
let team;
let win;
let players = gameData.info.participants;
for (let playerId in players) {
if (players.hasOwnProperty(playerId)) {
let participant = players[playerId];
if (puuids.includes(participant.puuid)) {
team = participant.teamId;
win = participant.win;
let teams = gameData.info.teams;
let banns = [];
let banIds = team === 200 ? (teams[1].bans).concat(teams[0].bans) : (teams[0].bans).concat(teams[1].bans);
if (championData !== undefined) {
let champions = championData.data;
for (let champion in champions) if (champions.hasOwnProperty(champion))
for (let ban in banIds) if (banIds.hasOwnProperty(ban) && banIds[ban].championId === Number(champions[champion].key)) banns.push(champions[champion].id);
let top = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
let jgl = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
let mid = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
let bot = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
let sup = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
let totalCS = 0;
let supGold;
for (let playerId in players) {
if (players.hasOwnProperty(playerId)) {
let participant = players[playerId];
if (puuids.includes(participant.puuid)) totalCS += (parseInt(participant.neutralMinionsKilled) + parseInt(participant.totalMinionsKilled));
if (participant.teamPosition === "TOP") top = determinePlayer(participant, top);
if (participant.teamPosition === "JUNGLE") jgl = determinePlayer(participant, jgl);
if (participant.teamPosition === "MIDDLE") mid = determinePlayer(participant, mid);
if (participant.teamPosition === "BOTTOM") bot = determinePlayer(participant, bot);
if (participant.teamPosition === "UTILITY") sup = determinePlayer(participant, sup);
if (puuids.includes(participant.puuid) && participant.teamPosition === "UTILITY") supGold = participant.goldEarned;
let gameDetails = response("https://europe.api.riotgames.com/lol/match/v5/matches/" + gameId + "/timeline" + apikey);
let detailedParticipants = gameDetails.metadata.participants;
let topId = -1;
let jglId = -1;
let midId = -1;
let botId = -1;
let supId = -1;
for (let participant in detailedParticipants) {
if (detailedParticipants.hasOwnProperty(participant)) {
if (detailedParticipants[participant] === top[0]) topId = Number(participant) + 1;
else if (detailedParticipants[participant] === jgl[0]) jglId = Number(participant) + 1;
else if (detailedParticipants[participant] === mid[0]) midId = Number(participant) + 1;
else if (detailedParticipants[participant] === bot[0]) botId = Number(participant) + 1;
else if (detailedParticipants[participant] === sup[0]) supId = Number(participant) + 1;
let topSoloKills = 0;
let jglSuccessGanks = 0;
let jglTriedGanks = 0;
let midSoloKills = 0;
let botMinions = 0;
let supSuccessGanks = 0;
let recentDamageStats = 0;
let totalDamage = 0;
for (let frameId in gameDetails.info.frames) {
let events = gameDetails.info.frames[frameId].events;
for (let eventObj in events) {
if (events.hasOwnProperty(eventObj)) {
let event = events[eventObj];
let assistingIds = event.assistingParticipantIds;
if (event.type === "CHAMPION_KILL" && assistingIds === undefined && topId > 0 && event.killerId === topId) topSoloKills++;
if (event.type === "CHAMPION_KILL" && assistingIds === undefined && midId > 0 && event.killerId === midId) midSoloKills++;
if (event.type === "CHAMPION_KILL" && event.timestamp < 1000000) {
if (jglId > 0 && event.killerId === jglId) {
if ((event.position.x - event.position.y) < -3000) {
} else if ((event.position.x - event.position.y) > 3000) {
} else {
for (let ids in assistingIds) 
if (assistingIds.hasOwnProperty(ids) && jglId > 0 && assistingIds !== undefined && assistingIds[ids] === jglId) {
if ((event.position.x - event.position.y) < -3000) {
} else if ((event.position.x - event.position.y) > 3000) {
} else {
for (let ids in assistingIds) if (assistingIds.hasOwnProperty(ids) && supId > 0 && assistingIds !== undefined && assistingIds[ids] === supId &&
(event.killerId === midId || event.killerId === topId)) supSuccessGanks++;
if (event.type === "CHAMPION_KILL" && event.victimId === jglId && event.timestamp < 1000000) {
if ((event.position.x - event.position.y) < -3000) {
} else if ((event.position.x - event.position.y) > 3000) {
} else {
let frame = gameDetails.info.frames[frameId];
if (jglId > 0 && frameId < 16) {
totalDamage = frame.participantFrames[jglId].damageStats.totalDamageDoneToChampions;
if (recentDamageStats !== totalDamage) jglTriedGanks++;
if (frameId == 15 && botId > 0) botMinions = frame.participantFrames[botId].minionsKilled + frame.participantFrames[botId].jungleMinionsKilled;
recentDamageStats = totalDamage;
top[9] = (topId === -1) ? "" : topSoloKills;
jgl[9] = (jglId === -1) ? "" : jglSuccessGanks / jglTriedGanks;
mid[9] = (midId === -1) ? "" : midSoloKills;
bot[9] = (botId === -1) ? "" : botMinions;
sup[9] = (supId === -1) ? "" : supSuccessGanks;
let date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(Number(gameData.info.gameCreation)), CalendarApp.getTimeZone(), 'dd.MM.YYYY HH:mm');
let type = gameData.info.gameType === "MATCHED_GAME" ? "C" : "L";
let totalGold = parseInt(top[6] === "" ? 0 : top[6]) + parseInt(jgl[6] === "" ? 0 : jgl[6]) + parseInt(mid[6] === "" ?
0 : mid[6]) + parseInt(bot[6] === "" ? 0 : bot[6]) + parseInt(supGold === "" ? 0 : supGold);
let objectives = (team === 100) ? gameData.info.teams[0].objectives : gameData.info.teams[1].objectives;
let tower = (team === 100 ? objectives.tower.kills : objectives.tower.kills);
let drakes = (team === 100 ? objectives.dragon.kills : objectives.dragon.kills);
let inhibs = (team === 100 ? objectives.inhibitor.kills : objectives.inhibitor.kills);
let heralds = (team === 100 ? objectives.riftHerald.kills : objectives.riftHerald.kills);
let barons = (team === 100 ? objectives.baron.kills : objectives.baron.kills);
let gameArray = [gameId, date, durationSeconds, type, win, banns[0], banns[1], banns[2], banns[3], banns[4], banns[5], banns[6], banns[7], banns[8], banns[9], top[0], top[1], top[2],
top[3], top[4], top[5], top[6], top[7], top[8], jgl[0], jgl[1], jgl[2], jgl[3], jgl[4], jgl[5], jgl[6], jgl[7], jgl[8], mid[0], mid[1], mid[2], mid[3], mid[4], mid[5], mid[6], mid[7],
mid[8], bot[0], bot[1], bot[2], bot[3], bot[4], bot[5], bot[6], bot[7], bot[8], sup[0], sup[1], sup[2], sup[3], sup[4], sup[5], sup[6], sup[7], sup[8], totalCS, totalGold,
tower, drakes, inhibs, heralds, barons, top[9], jgl[9], mid[9], bot[9], sup[9]];
if (sheet.getName() === "TRUEs") gameArray.splice(60, 0, supGold); else gameArray.push("");
if (gamesArrays.length > 0) {
if (startAmount % 250 < amount % 250) sheet.getRange(lineRecentGames + 2 + (startAmount % 250), 1, gamesArrays.length, gamesArrays[0].length).setValues(gamesArrays);
else {
let remainingSpace = 250 - (startAmount % 250);
let lastArray = gamesArrays.slice(remainingSpace);
sheet.getRange(lineRecentGames + 2 + (startAmount % 250), 1, remainingSpace, gamesArrays[0].length).setValues(gamesArrays.slice(0, remainingSpace));
sheet.getRange(lineRecentGames + 2, 1, lastArray.length, gamesArrays[0].length).setValues(lastArray);
sheet.getRange("B" + lineRecentGames + ":B" + lineRecentGames).setValue(amount);
function findNorms() {
let allgames = [];
let time = Number(sheet.getRange("K1:K1").getValue());
if (time === 0) sheet.getRange("L1:L1").setValue("init");
let recentNumber = Number(sheet.getRange("B1:B1").getValue());
let amount = Number(sheet.getRange("CM1:CM1").getValue());
let init = String(sheet.getRange("L1:L1").getValue()) === "init";
if (init) {
if (amount > 0) {
let initAddNorms = sheet.getRange(3, 91, amount, 1).getValues();
for (let normId in initAddNorms) {
let norm = initAddNorms[normId][0];
if (initAddNorms.hasOwnProperty(normId) && !allgames.includes(norm)) {
} else allgames = addPlayersGames(puuids, allgames);
} else {
if (time < parseInt((currentTime / 1000) - 15552000)) time = parseInt((currentTime / 1000) - 15552000)
for (let puuid in puuids) {
if (puuids.hasOwnProperty(puuid) && puuids[puuid] !== "" && puuids[puuid] !== undefined) {
let games40 = response("https://europe.api.riotgames.com/lol/match/v5/matches/by-puuid/" + puuids[puuid] + "/ids?startTime=" +time+"&queue=400&start=0&count=100&"+apikey.substring(1));
for (let game in games40) if(games40.hasOwnProperty(game) && !allgames.includes(games40[game]) && Number(String(games40[game]).substring(5))>recentNumber) allgames.push(games40[game]);
let games42 = response("https://europe.api.riotgames.com/lol/match/v5/matches/by-puuid/" + puuids[puuid] + "/ids?startTime=" +time+"&queue=420&start=0&count=100&"+apikey.substring(1));
for (let game in games42) if(games42.hasOwnProperty(game) && !allgames.includes(games42[game]) && Number(String(games42[game]).substring(5))>recentNumber) allgames.push(games42[game]);
let games44 = response("https://europe.api.riotgames.com/lol/match/v5/matches/by-puuid/" + puuids[puuid] + "/ids?startTime=" +time+"&queue=440&start=0&count=100&"+apikey.substring(1));
for (let game in games44) if(games44.hasOwnProperty(game) && !allgames.includes(games44[game]) && Number(String(games44[game]).substring(5))>recentNumber) allgames.push(games44[game]);
for (let game in allgames) if (Number(allgames[game].substring(5)) < recentNumber) allgames.splice(game, 1);
if (newPlayers.length > 0 && !init) allgames = addPlayersGames(newPlayers, allgames);
console.info(sheet.getName() + ": " + ((allgames.length === 0) ? "No more matches " : allgames.length + " new matches"));
if (allgames.length > 0) {
let initNormsArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < allgames.length; ++i) initNormsArray.push("");

if (init && allgames.length > 0) {
for (let normId in allgames) if (allgames.hasOwnProperty(normId)) initNormsArray[normId] = [allgames[normId]];
sheet.getRange(3, 91, initNormsArray.length, 1).setValues(initNormsArray);
for (let game in allgames) {
let gameContent = response("https://europe.api.riotgames.com/lol/match/v5/matches/" + allgames[game] + apikey);
if (response !== undefined && gameContent !== undefined) performGame(gameContent, gameContent.info.participants);
else console.error(allgames[game] + " skipped");
if (normsInSection.length > 0) sheet.getRange(sectionLine, sectionRow, normsInSection.length, 16).setValues(normsInSection);
sheet.getRange("K1:K1").setValue(parseInt(Number(currentTime.getTime()) / 1000));
if (init) {
for (let normId in allgames) if (allgames.hasOwnProperty(normId)) initNormsArray[normId] = [allgames[normId]];
sheet.getRange(3, 91, initNormsArray.length, 1).setValues(initNormsArray);
if (init) sheet.getRange("L1:L1").setValue("");
function performGame(game, players) {
let timestamp = Number(game.info.gameCreation);
let sectionNew = (parseInt((new Date(timestamp).getTime() - new Date('June 16, 2021 00:00:00 +0000').getTime()) / 864000000)) % 20 + 1;
if (sectionNew !== section) {
if (normsInSection.length > 0) sheet.getRange(sectionLine, sectionRow, normsInSection.length, 16).setValues(normsInSection);
normsInSection = [];
section = sectionNew;
let sectionRowBig = (section === 1) ? (section + 3) : (section + 4);
sectionRow = (sectionRowBig % 5 === 4) ? 74 : (sectionRowBig % 5 * 17 + 1);
sectionLine = sheet.getRange("BL" + (300 + section) + ":BL" + (300 + section)).getValue() + (parseInt(sectionRowBig / 5) * 500) + 1;
let duration = game.info.gameDuration;
let matchId = game.metadata.matchId;
let date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(timestamp), CalendarApp.getTimeZone(), 'dd.MM.YYYY HH:mm');
for (let playerId in players) {
if (players.hasOwnProperty(playerId)) {
let participant = players[playerId];
if (puuids.includes(participant.puuid)) {
let lane = participant.teamPosition;
let puuid = participant.puuid;
let champion = participant.championName;
let enemy = "";
let win = participant.win;
let cs = (participant.neutralMinionsKilled + participant.totalMinionsKilled) * 60 / ((duration > 10000) ? (duration / 1000) : duration);
cs = Math.round(cs * 10) / 10;
let gold = participant.goldEarned;
let egold = 0;
for (let enemyPlayer in players) {
if (players.hasOwnProperty(enemyPlayer)) {
let counterpart = players[enemyPlayer];
if (counterpart.teamPosition === lane && counterpart.puuid !== puuid) {
enemy = counterpart.championName;
egold = counterpart.goldEarned;
let gdiff = (egold > 0) ? gold - egold : 0;
let gpm = parseInt(gold * 60 / ((duration > 10000) ? (duration / 1000) : duration));
let ad = participant.physicalDamageDealtToChampions;
let ap = participant.magicDamageDealtToChampions;
let td = participant.trueDamageDealtToChampions;
let taken = participant.totalDamageTaken;
let healed = participant.totalHeal;
let cc = participant.timeCCingOthers;
normsInSection.push([matchId, date, lane, puuid, champion, enemy, win, cs, gdiff, gpm, ad, ap, td, taken, healed, cc]);
function fetchResponses(puuid, epoch) {
let matchIds = [];
let contentEpoch = fetchresponse(puuid, epoch, "400");
for (let matchId in contentEpoch) if (contentEpoch.hasOwnProperty(matchId) && !matchIds.includes(contentEpoch[matchId])) matchIds.push(contentEpoch[matchId]);
contentEpoch = fetchresponse(puuid, epoch, "420");
for (let matchId in contentEpoch) if (contentEpoch.hasOwnProperty(matchId) && !matchIds.includes(contentEpoch[matchId])) matchIds.push(contentEpoch[matchId]);
contentEpoch = fetchresponse(puuid, epoch, "440");
for (let matchId in contentEpoch) if (contentEpoch.hasOwnProperty(matchId) && !matchIds.includes(contentEpoch[matchId])) matchIds.push(contentEpoch[matchId]);
return matchIds;
function fetchresponse(puuid, epoch, queueId) {
return response("https://europe.api.riotgames.com/lol/match/v5/matches/by-puuid/" + puuid + "/ids?startTime=" + (parseInt(currentTime / 1000) - (3000000 * epoch)) + "&endTime=" +
(parseInt(currentTime / 1000) - (3000000 * (epoch - 1))) + "&queue=" + queueId + "&start=0&count=100&" + apikey.substring(1));
function determinePlayer(participant, array) {
return puuids.includes(participant.puuid) ? [participant.puuid, participant.championName, array[2], participant.kills, participant.deaths, participant.assists, (participant.teamPosition ===
"UTILITY") ? participant.visionScore : participant.goldEarned, (participant.teamPosition === "UTILITY") ? participant.visionWardsBoughtInGame : participant.totalDamageDealtToChampions,
array[8], array[9]] : [array[0], array[1], participant.championName, array[3], array[4], array[5], array[6], array[7], participant.goldEarned, array[9]];
function addPlayersGames(puuids, allgames) {
console.log("Load " + puuids);
for (let puuid in puuids) {
if (puuids.hasOwnProperty(puuid)) {
for (let epochId = 1; epochId < 11; ++epochId) {
let contentEpoch = fetchResponses(puuids[puuid], epochId);
for (let matchId in contentEpoch) if (!allgames.includes(contentEpoch[matchId])) allgames.push(contentEpoch[matchId]);
return allgames;
function determineAmountofTourneyGames(playerData) {
let alltourneygamesAmountArray = [];
for (let playerId in playerData) {
if (playerData.hasOwnProperty(playerId)) {
let puuid = playerData[playerId][1];
alltourneygamesAmountArray.push((puuid.length > 10) ? ([response("https://europe.api.riotgames.com/lol/match/v5/matches/by-puuid/" + puuid + "/ids?type=tourney&start=0&count=100&" + apikey.substring(1)).length]) : ([0]));
sheet.getRange(2, 21, playerData.length, 1).setValues(alltourneygamesAmountArray);


function writePlayersApiResToSheet( sheet ){
// get all players data from the sheet in only 1 call
const allPlayers = sheet.getDataRange().getValues()
// remove the header in row 1
// api responses will be pushed here
const output = []
// do something, like call the api for each user
allPlayers.forEach( player=> output.push([getPlayerInfoFromApi(player)]) )
// write to the sheet once
const startRow = 2
const startCol = 10 // or wherever the api res should go
sheet.getRange( startRow, startCol, allPlayers.length, 1).setValues( output )



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