

merge rows where
df1_row['termination_date'] - df2_row['creation_date'] < pd.Timedelta(n)
and df1_row['termination_date'] - df2_row['creation_date'] > pd.Timedelta(-k)
and df1_row['smth1'] == df2_row['smth1']
and df1_row['smth2'] != df2_row['smth2']


df1 join df2
on age(df1.creation_date, df2.termination_date) < interval '...'
and age(df1.creation_date, df2.termination_date) > interval '...'
and df1.smth1 = df2.smth1



import random
import pandas
import datetime

# Generate some test dataframes
df_1 = pandas.DataFrame([{
"termination_date": datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(random.randint(1605865919, 1606297560)),
"creation_date": datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(random.randint(1605865919, 1606297560)),
"smth1": random.randint(0, 1),
"smth2": random.randint(0, 1),
} for _ in range(1000)])
df_2 = pandas.DataFrame([{
"termination_date": datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(random.randint(1605865919, 1606297560)),
"creation_date": datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(random.randint(1605865919, 1606297560)),
"smth1": random.randint(0, 1),
"smth2": random.randint(0, 1),
} for _ in range(1000)])

def try_to_join(row: pandas.Series, other: pandas.DataFrame, suffix: str = "_right") -> pandas.Series:
""" Try to join based on complex conditions.
row (pandas.Series): The row to join (left)
other (pandas.DataFrame): The dataframe to join with (right)
suffix (str, optional): A suffix that will be put on the columns of the "other". Defaults to "_right".
pandas.Series: The joined series
# Define the conditions
condition_1 = row["termination_date"] - other["creation_date"] < pandas.Timedelta(24, unit="H")
condition_2 = row["termination_date"] - other["creation_date"] > pandas.Timedelta(-24, unit="H")
condition_3 = row["smth1"] == other["smth1"]
condition_4 = row["smth2"] != other["smth2"]
# Find the rows in "other" that fullfill the conditions
matches = other.loc[condition_1 & condition_2 & condition_3 & condition_4, :]
# Return the original row, if no match was found
if matches.shape[0] == 0:
return row
# TODO: Decide how to handle multiple matches (pick the first match for now)
match = matches.iloc[0]
# Add a suffix to the "other" columns
match.index = [f"{col}{suffix}" for col in match.index]
# Add the fields from the match to the original row
for col in match.index:
row[col] = match[col]
# Return the new row
return row

# Use the function above to join the 2 dataframes into a new dataframe
df_joined = df_1.apply(lambda row: try_to_join(row, other=df_2), axis=1)


creation_date creation_date_right  smth1  smth1_right  smth2  
0   2020-11-24 02:10:35 2020-11-24 07:08:40      1          1.0      0   
1   2020-11-21 23:46:28                 NaT      0          NaN      1   
2   2020-11-22 21:54:58 2020-11-22 13:27:57      0          0.0      0   
3   2020-11-23 18:45:59 2020-11-20 22:58:10      1          1.0      0   
4   2020-11-20 13:24:18 2020-11-23 06:18:23      1          1.0      0   
..                  ...                 ...    ...          ...    ...   
995 2020-11-25 10:40:19 2020-11-24 07:08:40      1          1.0      0   
996 2020-11-24 19:27:47 2020-11-24 23:21:32      0          0.0      0   
997 2020-11-23 10:18:30 2020-11-24 07:08:40      1          1.0      0   
998 2020-11-20 15:54:53 2020-11-24 23:21:32      0          0.0      0   
999 2020-11-22 14:19:45 2020-11-24 23:21:32      0          0.0      0   
smth2_right    termination_date termination_date_right  
0            1.0 2020-11-25 01:59:37    2020-11-22 03:38:51  
1            NaN 2020-11-23 22:55:26                    NaT  
2            1.0 2020-11-22 12:47:03    2020-11-24 12:32:50  
3            1.0 2020-11-21 18:49:48    2020-11-22 16:16:23  
4            1.0 2020-11-22 12:10:14    2020-11-24 00:58:23  
..           ...                 ...                    ...  
995          1.0 2020-11-23 08:04:51    2020-11-22 03:38:51  
996          1.0 2020-11-24 09:48:11    2020-11-23 13:43:11  
997          1.0 2020-11-24 06:45:34    2020-11-22 03:38:51  
998          1.0 2020-11-25 02:19:43    2020-11-23 13:43:11  
999          1.0 2020-11-25 09:41:06    2020-11-23 13:43:11  
[1000 rows x 8 columns]

