


  • 您尝试使用id/pw登录,但只有3次机会
  • 每个上都有5个id和pw
  • 如果id不存在,请打印id does not exist
  • 如果id存在但pw不匹配,则打印pw does not match
  • 如果id和pw匹配,则打印login successful并退出程序



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
char id0[] = "user1";
char id1[] = "user2";
char id2[] = "user3";
char id3[] = "user4";
char id4[] = "user5";
char pw0[] = "pass1";
char pw1[] = "pass2";
char pw2[] = "pass3";
char pw3[] = "pass4";
char pw4[] = "pass5";
char idsol[100] = { 0 };
char pwsol[100] = { 0 };
int idmat = 1;
int pwmat = 1;
int logstack = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 2;) {
logstack = i;
printf("ID: ");
scanf_s("%s", idsol, sizeof(idsol));
printf("PW: ");
scanf_s("%s", pwsol, sizeof(pwsol));
if (strcmp(idsol, id0) == 0) { //i want to make these 5 blocks in one command.
idmat = 0;
if (strcmp(pwsol, pw0) == 0) {
pwmat = 0;
if (strcmp(idsol, id1) == 0) {
idmat = 0;
if (strcmp(pwsol, pw1) == 0) {
pwmat = 0;
if (strcmp(idsol, id2) == 0) {
idmat = 0;
if (strcmp(pwsol, pw2) == 0) {
pwmat = 0;
if (strcmp(idsol, id3) == 0) {
idmat = 0;
if (strcmp(pwsol, pw3) == 0) {
pwmat = 0;
if (strcmp(idsol, id4) == 0) { //these 5 blocks!!!
idmat = 0;
if (strcmp(pwsol, pw4) == 0) {
pwmat = 0;
if (idmat != 0) {
printf("ID does not exist.n");
idmat = 1;
else if (idmat == 0 && pwmat != 0) {
printf("PW does not match.n");
idmat = 1;
} else {
logstack = 0;
if (logstack >= 2) {
printf("login failed.n");
} else {
printf("login successful!n");
return 0;



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
char id0[] = "user1";
char id1[] = "user2";
char id2[] = "user3";
char id3[] = "user4";
char id4[] = "user5";
char pw0[] = "pass1";
char pw1[] = "pass2";
char pw2[] = "pass3";
char pw3[] = "pass4";
char pw4[] = "pass5";
/* gather strings in arrays */
char* ids[] = { id0, id1, id2, id3, id4 };
char* pws[] = { pw0, pw1, pw2, pw3, pw4 };
char idsol[100] = { 0 };
char pwsol[100] = { 0 };
int idmat = 1;
int pwmat = 1;
int logstack = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 2;) {
logstack = i;
printf("ID: ");
scanf_s("%s", idsol, sizeof(idsol));
printf("PW: ");
scanf_s("%s", pwsol, sizeof(pwsol));
/* use the arrays for looping */
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
if (strcmp(idsol, ids[j]) == 0) {
idmat = 0;
if (strcmp(pwsol, pws[j]) == 0) {
pwmat = 0;
if (idmat != 0) {
printf("ID does not exist.n");
idmat = 1;
else if (idmat == 0 && pwmat != 0) {
printf("PW does not match.n");
idmat = 1;
else { logstack = 0; break; }
if (logstack >= 2) {
printf("login failed.n");
else { printf("login successful!n"); }
return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
char ids[][6] = {
char pws[][6] = {
char idsol[100] = { 0 };
char pwsol[100] = { 0 };
/* omit: same as the first code */


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NTIMES 3  /* ask three times for a password */
/* this table organization allows you to iterate for each pair of ids[i]
* and pws[i]. */
char *ids[] = {
NULL, /* to indicate we are finished this controls how the end of
* the list is reached below */
char *pws[] = {
"pass5", /* don't need to add a NULL here, but there
* must be as many entries as for used ids */
/* this function searches the two tables above for a valid user/pass match */
int check_user(char *user, char *pass)
int id;
for (id = 0; ids[id] != NULL; id++) { /* iterate the list */
if (0 == strcmp(ids[id], user)) { /* if user found */
if (0 == strcmp(pws[id], pass)) { /* if pass matches */
printf("Found user %d, id=%sn", id, ids[id]);
return id; /* found user, return value of id to know
* outside which user was selected. */
} else {
printf("PW does not matchn");
/* we continue for the next pair in the loop */
/* we ended the loop without a valid user/pass match */
printf("ID %s does not exist, or password incorrectn", user);
return -1; /* not found, we return a number out of the valid range */
int main(void) {
/* initializing these variables is not neccessary as you assign them
* (by reading into them from stdin) before using.  But it is a good
* practice, so it is more difficult that you forget initializing
* variables that should have a default value. */
char idsol[100] = { 0 };
char pwsol[100] = { 0 };
// int idmat = 1; // unnecessary
// int pwmat = 1; // unnecessary
// int logstack = 0; // unnecessary
/* we need to declare times outside the for loop, because we are using
* the last value assigned to it in the loop, so in case we get out of
* the loop prematurely, we know we got a valid user. */
int times = -1; /* we initialize, for the same reason explained above */
for (times = 0; times < NTIMES; times++) {
// logstack = i;  // unnecessary
// rewind(stdin); // unnecessary
printf("ID: ");
if (!fgets(idsol, sizeof idsol, stdin)) {
break;  /* EOF on input, get out of the loop */
char *id_pointer = strtok(idsol, "n"); /* take off the last
* newline */
// scanf_s("%s", idsol, sizeof(idsol)); // scanf_s is not standard
printf("PW: ");
if (!fgets(pwsol, sizeof pwsol, stdin)) {
break; /* EOF while reading input, get out of the loop */
char *pass_pointer = strtok(pwsol, "n"); /* take off the newline */
// scanf_s("%s", pwsol, sizeof(pwsol)); // scanf_s is not standard
/* this calls the function above that tests a username/password
* and prints the messages in the block below */
if (check_user(id_pointer, pass_pointer) >= 0)
break; /* get out of the loop */
/* this was the code you wanted to eliminate, so here it is, commented */
//      if (strcmp(idsol, id0) == 0) { //i want to make these 5 blocks in
// one command.
//          idmat = 0;
//          if (strcmp(pwsol, pw0) == 0) {
//              pwmat = 0;
//          }
//      }
//      if (strcmp(idsol, id1) == 0) {
//          idmat = 0;
//          if (strcmp(pwsol, pw1) == 0) {
//              pwmat = 0;
//          }
//      }
//      if (strcmp(idsol, id2) == 0) {
//          idmat = 0;
//          if (strcmp(pwsol, pw2) == 0) {
//              pwmat = 0;
//          }
//      }
//      if (strcmp(idsol, id3) == 0) {
//          idmat = 0;
//          if (strcmp(pwsol, pw3) == 0) {
//              pwmat = 0;
//          }
//      }
//      if (strcmp(idsol, id4) == 0) { //these 5 blocks!!!
//          idmat = 0;
//          if (strcmp(pwsol, pw4) == 0) {
//              pwmat = 0;
//          }
//      }
//      if (idmat != 0) {
//          printf("ID does not exist.n");
//          i++;
//          idmat = 1;
//      }
//      else if (idmat == 0 && pwmat != 0) {
//          printf("PW does not match.n");
//          i++;
//          idmat = 1;
//      } else {
//          logstack = 0;
//          break;
//      }
/* i have changed slightly this code also to use a single constant
* (by using its name, so i can modify the number of times to ask for
* a password, by editing only in one place (at the top). */
if (times < NTIMES) {
printf("login successful!n");
return 0;  /* successful exit code, see exit(3) for details */
} else {
printf("login failed.n");
return 1;  /* some error happened */
