
我有一个Coord函数,它将n维大小转换为以给定大小为界的坐标类型:Coord [2,3] = (Fin 2, Fin 3)

import Data.Fin
import Data.List
Size : Type
Size = List Nat
Coord : Size -> Type
Coord [] = ()
Coord s@(_ :: _) = foldr1 (,) $ map Fin s

我想使用show和其他功能,如(==)Coord s:

foo : Coord s -> String
foo x = show x
Error: While processing right hand side of foo. Can't find an implementation for Show (Coord s).
22 | foo : Coord s -> String
23 | foo x = show x

早些时候,我尝试实现Show (Coord s),但看起来这是不可能的。这是关于它的相关问题。


data Coords : List Nat -> Type where
Nil : Coords []
(::) : Fin x -> Coords xs -> Coords (x :: xs)
toList : Coords xs -> List Nat
toList [] = []
toList (x::xs) = finToNat x :: toList xs
example : Coords [2, 3]
example = [1, 2]
Show (Coords xs) where
show cs = show $ toList cs


import Data.Vect
import Data.Vect.Quantifiers
example : All Fin [1, 2, 3]
example = [0, 1, 2]
-- not sure why this is isn't included with Idris
All (Show . p) xs => Show (All p xs) where
show pxs = "[" ++ show' "" pxs ++ "]"
show' : String -> All (Show . p) xs' => All p xs' -> String
show' acc @{[]} [] = acc
show' acc @{[_]} [px] = acc ++ show px
show' acc @{_ :: _} (px :: pxs) = show' (acc ++ show px ++ ", ") pxs
string : String
string = show example
