


public class dog{
public virtual void bark{ Console.WriteLine("woof")};
public class bigDog : dog{
public override void bark{ Console.WriteLine("WOOF")};
public class smallDog : dog{
public override void bark{ Console.WriteLine("arf arf")};

public class robot{
public virtual void action{ Console.WriteLine("moves")}
public class attackRobot : robot{
public virtual void action{ Console.WriteLine("attacks")}
public class serviceRobot : robot{
public virtual void action{ Console.WriteLine("serves")}


public class robotDog{
dog myDog;
robot myRobot;
public robotDog(dog typeDog, robot typeRobot){
myDog = typeDog;
myRobot = typeRobot;
. various functionality 




using System;
namespace ConsoleApp1
public interface IDog
void bark();
public interface IRobot
void action();
public class dog : IDog
public virtual void bark() { Console.WriteLine("woof"); }
public class bigDog : dog
public override void bark() { Console.WriteLine("WOOF"); }
public class smallDog : dog
public override void bark() { Console.WriteLine("arf arf"); }
public class robot : IRobot
public virtual void action() { Console.WriteLine("buzz, click"); }
public class attackRobot : robot
public override void action() { Console.WriteLine("attacks"); }
public class serviceRobot : robot
public override void action() { Console.WriteLine("attacks"); }
public interface IRobotDog : IDog, IRobot
IDog dog { get; set; }
IRobot robot { get; set; }
public class RobotDog : IRobotDog
public IDog dog { get; set; }
public IRobot robot { get; set; }
public RobotDog()
dog = new dog();
robot = new robot();
public RobotDog(IDog dogType)
dog = dogType;
robot = new robot();
public RobotDog(IRobot robotType)
dog = new dog();
robot = robotType;
public RobotDog(IDog dogType, IRobot robotType)
dog = dogType;
robot = robotType;
public void bark() { dog.bark(); }
public void action() { robot.action(); }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
RobotDog robotDog = new RobotDog();
robotDog = new RobotDog(new bigDog(), new attackRobot());
robotDog = new RobotDog(new bigDog());
robotDog = new RobotDog(new attackRobot());
robotDog = new RobotDog();
robotDog.dog = new bigDog();


public interface IDog
void bark();
public interface IRobot
void action();


public class Dog : IDog
public void bark()
public class Robot : IRobot
public void action()
Console.Write("Activate jet pack, fly");


public class RoboticDog : IDog, IRobot
public void bark()
Console.WriteLine("Woof -beep- woof");
public void action()
Console.Write("Activate jet pack, flying with fur"); 


static void Main(string[] args)
object testDog = new Dog();
object testRobot = new Robot();
object testBoth = new RoboticDog();
public void WhatCanIDo( object theThing )
// Here I am checking if the object is of a class type
// the inherits from IDog.  If so, I can type-cast it as such
// and then call its "bark()" method as required to exist from interface.
if (theThing is IDog)
// likewise if the object has interface of an IRobot
if (theThing is IRobot)


using System;
namespace ConsoleApp6
class Program
interface IWalkable
void Walk(int xAxis, int yAxis);
class Robot : IWalkable
public int RobotId { get; set; }
public Robot(int robotId)
RobotId = robotId;
Console.Write("Robot created! n");
public void Walk(int xAxis, int yAxis)
Console.WriteLine("Im walking beep boop");
Console.WriteLine($"Ended up in X: {xAxis} y:{yAxis}");
class BadRobot : Robot
public BadRobot(int robotId) : base(robotId)
class Dog : IWalkable
public Dog()
Console.Write("Dog created! n");
public void Walk(int xAxis, int yAxis)
Console.WriteLine("Im walking, roof roof");
Console.WriteLine($"Ended up in X: {xAxis} y:{yAxis}");
public virtual void Breath()
Console.WriteLine("I breath normal");
class BadDog : Dog
public override void Breath()
Console.WriteLine("I breath normal");
Console.WriteLine("But then I bark, because im bad");
//I can't "extend" an interface
//but I can extend a virtual method from the base class

static void Main(string[] args)
//three tips over inheritance
//1. If you want to abstract some *behavior*, you probably want an interface: 
//for example here, both dogs and robots can walk. They are going to do that
//on their own way, so each need their own proper implementation,
//but the actions is the same thus, the interface
// An interface is meant to group objects over shared functionality
//so for example I can later do something like this

var dog = new Dog();
var badDog = new BadDog();
var badRobot = new BadRobot(1);

// these function doesn't care if its a dog or a robot
void WalkOverThere(IWalkable walkable)
//some other code...
walkable.Walk(5, 10);
//The key here is that the object pass over parameter implements the IWalk interface
//Please notice that for each class that inherits "IWalkable"
//There will be a new implementation, so in this case, if 
//all the robots inherit from the class robot, all will walk the same way
//In that, I cannot extend, or modify how that method is performed in the base
//class from the child class

//2. Now, the case is different when we talk about some functionality that could change 
//for any child implementation of the base class. Think about the breath functionality
//A robot can't breathe, but a dog does. And given that every dog breaths differently
//it makes sense to create and virtual method, that means that I can reconfigure how
//the breath method behaves. For example:
//3. Another thing that is useful to take into account is that
//whenever I can't create a given object without some piece of information, 
//it makes sense to create the necessity of that data in the constructor.
//take for example in this code that I cannot create a robot without a valid int robotId 
//This practice enforces me to create a robot like:
//var robot = new Robot(100); where 100 is the id
//var robot = new Robot(); the compile would not allow that
