
我想制作一个(希望(简单的CSV或XLSX,可以通过PowerShell ISE比较两个用户的AD组成员身份。目前,它有点广泛,尽管主要是";面包&黄油";脚本的:

Get-ADUser -Identity $User1 -Properties 'name' | Select-Object -Property Name | Export-CSV $CSVFile
try{Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $User1 | select name | Export-CSV $CSVFile -Append}
catch{Write-Host "Unable to locate $User1. Please check the ID and retry. $User1 will not be included in export if completed."}
{DBEngine.Idle} #For assistance in processing a break in the names visually on screen.
Get-ADUser -Identity $User2 -Properties 'name' | Select-Object -Property Name | Export-CSV $CSVFile -Append
try{Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $User2 | select name | Export-CSV $CSVFile -Append}
catch{Write-Host "Unable to locate $User2. Please check the ID and retry. $User2 will not be included in export if completed."}
Write-Host "
AD Groups assigned to $User1 and $User2 will also be exported to $CSVFile, unless halted. Check folder contents.

我有Read Host消息来定义$User1&User2以及$CSVFile的预定义名称约定。我收到的只是一个单列列表,其中包含用户的名称,然后是他们的组成员身份(按任何顺序(,所以我手动为第一个用户对组进行排序,然后为第二个用户进行排序。之后,我手动将$User2名称和组移到另一列。所以我的输出在CSV文件中是这样的:










$User1 = "user1" # use SamAccountName or Read-Host
$User2 = "user2" # use SamAccountName or Read-Host
# add more as needed
#create array of all users
$users = @($User1, $User2)
# get information of all users from AD
$allUsers = $users | Get-ADUser
# gathers all users and groups from AD
$output1 = @()
foreach ( $user in $allUsers )
# new object
$out = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
# user
$out | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name User -Value $user.Name
# all groups
$out | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Groups -Value (($user | Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership).Name)
# add user details to object
$output1 += $out
#$output #check here
# number of users in list
$maxusers = $output1.Count
# find user with more groups
$max = 0
$output1 | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Groups.Count -gt $max){ $max = $_.Groups.Count } }
# creates alternative output
$output2 = @()
for ( $x = 0; $x -lt $max; $x++ )
# new object
$out = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
# iterate all groups
for  ( $y = 0; $y -lt $maxusers; $y++ )
# if the group is populated for the user, add it as a property
if ( $output1[$y].Groups[$x] )
$out | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $output1[$y].User -Value $output1[$y].Groups[$x]
# add user details to object
$output2 += $out
$output2 | FT # what you are looking for

$output2 | Export-Csv "C:folderout.csv"
