如何在angular worker中使用requestFileSystemSync API


self.requestFileSystemSync = self.webkitRequestFileSystemSync || self.requestFileSystemSync;
var fs = requestFileSystemSync(PERSISTENT, 1024);

如何在angular worker(.ts(文件中使用它?





// constant declarations
declare const TEMPORARY: 0;
declare const PERSISTENT: 1;
// this is the object returned by requestFileSystemSync
interface FileSystemSync {
readonly name: string,
readonly root: FileSystemDirectoryEntry
// we tell to the compiler to add these two
// properties to the type definition
// of the global window object
// NOTE: self is a variable of type (Window & typeof globalThis)
//       and we extend the Window interface with the following
interface Window {
requestFileSystemSync: (type: 0 | 1, size: number) => FileSystemSync;
webkitRequestFileSystemSync?: (type: 0 | 1, size: number) => FileSystemSync;
// polyfill assignment
self.requestFileSystemSync = self.webkitRequestFileSystemSync ||
// usage
var fs: FileSystemSync = self.requestFileSystemSync(PERSISTENT, 1024);


(self as any).requestFileSystemSync = (self as any).webkitRequestFileSystemSync ||
(self as any).requestFileSystemSync;
// NOTE: PERSISTENT is not declared so use 1, the actual value
var fs = (self as any).requestFileSystemSync(1, 1024);
// OR you can access the global object again:
var fs = (self as any).requestFileSystemSync((self as any).PERSISTENT, 1024);
// Another way is to declare new constants
const TEMPORARY: 0 = 0;
const TEMPORARY: 0 = (self as any).TEMPORARY;
const PERSISTENT: 1 = 1;
const PERSISTENT: 1 = (self as any).PERSISTENT;
// Another way is to use the angle brackets:
(<any>self).requestFileSystemSync = (<any>self).webkitRequestFileSystemSync ||
var fs = (<any>self).requestFileSystemSync(PERSISTENT, 1024);
