



0.00 Passenger 0 arrives
0.10 Passenger 1 arrives
0.11 Taxi 0 arrives
0.11 Passenger 0 is matching with Taxi 0
0.15 Passenger 2 arrives
0.16 Taxi 1 arrives
0.16 Passenger 1 is matching with Taxi 1
0.17 Taxi 2 arrives (and wait in the queue because 2 access points are occupied)
0.20 Passenger 0 and Taxi 0 finish and leave the system
0.20 Passenger 2 is matching with Taxi 2





simulation of passengers waiting for taxis at a taxi stand
Passengers first wait to be first in line to seize the taxi stand
Then they wait for the next taxi
There is a short delay as the passenger gets into to taxi
before the passenger releases the the taxi stand, allowing 
the next passenger to wait for the next taxi
When the sim start, the taxi stand will have a queue of taxi
that will be eventualy depleted by the arriving passengers
as the passengers arrive faster then the taxi can server
programmer Michael R. Gibbs
import simpy
from random import randint
class IdClass():
quick class that generates unique id's 
for each object created
nextId = 1
def __init__(self): = type(self).nextId
type(self).nextId +=1
class Passenger(IdClass):
Passenger waiting for a taxi

class Taxi(IdClass):
Taxi is the resource passengers are competing for

def getTaxi(env, passenger, taxiStand, taxiQueue):
passenger waits for cab
then takes cap for a trip
Taxi returns after trip

# get in line at the taxi stand
with taxiStand.request() as turnReq:
print(f'{} passenger {} has entered taxi stand queue')
yield turnReq
# first in line, now wait for taxi
print(f'{} passenger {} is waiting for taxi')
taxi = yield taxiQueue.get()
# got taxi, tine to get into cab
print(f'{} passenger {} has taken taxi {}')
yield env.timeout(2)
# now cab leaves and taxi stand is free for next passenger
# leave stand and use taxit
print(f'{} taxi {} has left')
yield env.timeout(randint(10,60))
# taxi returns for next passenger
yield taxiQueue.put(taxi)
print(f'{} taxi {} has return')

def genPassengers(env, taxiStand, taxiQueue):
generates arriving passengers and kicks off their taxi use
while True:
yield env.timeout(randint(1,15))
env.process(getTaxi(env,Passenger(), taxiStand, taxiQueue))

# create simulation
env = simpy.Environment()
# start taxiStand
taxiStand = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=1)
# start taxi queue with 5 taxies
taxiQueue = simpy.Store(env) # unlimited capacity
taxiQueue.items = [Taxi() for _ in range(5)]
# start taxi stand with a queue of 3 passengers
for _ in range(3):
env.process(getTaxi(env, Passenger(),taxiStand,taxiQueue))
# start generating passengers
# start sim = 100) 
