使用带有Pageable的@Query获取带有JOIN FETCH的集合对象不起作用-Spring JPA

尝试使用可分页的JOIN FETCH获取Post对象。但它抛出了一个例外。


public class Post {
private String postId;
private String postName;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "Post", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Set<PostTag> postTags = new HashSet<PostTag>();
public class Tag {
private String tagId;
private String tagName;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "tag", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Set<PostTag> postTags = new HashSet<PostTag>();
public class PostTag {
private PostTagId postTagId = new PostTagId();

@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "post_Id")
private Post post;

@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "tag_Id")
private Tag tag;

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "posttag", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Set<Items> items= new HashSet<Items>();
private String someDateField;
public class PostTagId implements Serializable {
private String postId;
private String tagId;
//equals & hashcode ommited
public class Items{
private String itemId;
private String itemName;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumns({@JoinColumn(name = "post_id"), @JoinColumn(name = "tag_id")})
private PostTag postTag;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "items", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Set<SubItems> subItems= new HashSet<SubItems>();
public class SubItems{
private String subItemId;
private String subItemName;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumns({@JoinColumn(name = "itemId")})
private Items items;



@Query(value = "select po from Post po INNER JOIN FETCH po.posttags pts INNER JOIN FETCH pts.tag t INNER JOIN FETCH pts.items i INNER JOIN FETCH i.subitems LEFT OUTER JOIN po.posttags pts2 where (t.tagName like :tName) and (pts.someDateField between :startDate and :endDate) order by pts2.someDateField desc", countQuery = "select count(po) from Post po INNER JOIN po.posttags pts INNER JOIN pts.tag t INNER JOIN pts.items i INNER JOIN i.subitems LEFT OUTER JOIN po.posttags pts2 where (t.tagName like :tName) and (pts.someDateField between :startDate and :endDate) order by pts2.someDateField desc")
Page<Post> findAllInOneQuery(String tName, String startDate, String endDate, Pageable pageable);


Caused by: org.hibernate.QueryException: illegal attempt to dereference collection [po0_.postId.postTags] with element property reference [someDateField]


@Query(value = "select po from Post po INNER JOIN FETCH po.posttags pts INNER JOIN FETCH pts.tag t INNER JOIN FETCH pts.items i INNER JOIN FETCH i.subitems LEFT OUTER JOIN po.posttags pts2 where (t.tagName like :tName) and (pts.someDateField between :startDate and :endDate) order by pts2.someDateField desc", countQuery = "select count(po) from Post po INNER JOIN po.posttags pts INNER JOIN pts.tag t INNER JOIN pts.items i INNER JOIN i.subitems LEFT OUTER JOIN po.posttags pts2 where (t.tagName like :tName) and (pts.someDateField between :startDate and :endDate) order by pts2.someDateField desc")
List<Post> findAllInOneQuery(String tName, String startDate, String endDate);




value = "select po from Post po INNER JOIN FETCH po.posttags pts INNER JOIN FETCH pts.tag t INNER JOIN FETCH pts.items i INNER JOIN FETCH i.subitems LEFT OUTER JOIN po.posttags pts2 where (t.tagName like :tName) and (pts.someDateField between :startDate and :endDate) order by pts2.someDateField desc", countQuery = "select count(po) from Post po INNER JOIN po.posttags pts INNER JOIN pts.tag t INNER JOIN pts.items i INNER JOIN i.subitems LEFT OUTER JOIN po.posttags pts2 where (t.tagName like :tName) and (pts.someDateField between :startDate and :endDate) order by pts2.someDateField desc",
countBy = "select count(po) from Post po INNER JOIN FETCH po.posttags pts INNER JOIN FETCH pts.tag t INNER JOIN FETCH pts.items i INNER JOIN FETCH i.subitems LEFT OUTER JOIN po.posttags pts2 where (t.tagName like :tName) and (pts.someDateField between :startDate and :endDate) order by pts2.someDateField desc", countQuery = "select count(po) from Post po INNER JOIN po.posttags pts INNER JOIN pts.tag t INNER JOIN pts.items i INNER JOIN i.subitems LEFT OUTER JOIN po.posttags pts2 where (t.tagName like :tName) and (pts.someDateField between :startDate and :endDate)")
Page<Post> findAllInOneQuery(String tName, String startDate, String endDate, Pageable pageable);
