c语言 - 值类型"node"不能用于初始化类型为 "struct node" 的实体


node createNode() {
newNode temp;//declare node
temp = (newNode)malloc(sizeof(struct node));//allocate memory
temp->next = NULL;//next point to null
return *temp;// return the new node
void enqueue(queue* q, customer* data) {
// Create a new LL node
struct node* temp = createNode(data);//error line

您希望返回值为struct node*,因此返回类型应为struct node*

另外,将指向struct node的指针命名为newNode看起来非常令人困惑(至少对我来说(,所以不应该这样做。



struct node* createNode() { /* use proper return type */
/* use non-confusing type */
struct node* temp;//declare node
temp = malloc(sizeof(struct node));//allocate memory
if (temp == NULL) return temp; /* check if allocation succeeded */
temp->next = NULL;//next point to null
/* remove dereferencing */
return temp;// return the new node
void enqueue(queue* q, customer* data) {
// Create a new LL node
struct node* temp = createNode(data);//error line

