

struct WordCounter
char *word;
int word_count;
struct WordCounter *pNext;                        /* Pointer to the next word counter in the list */


int giveCounter (struct WordCounter *pCounter){   // give the occurrence of the current word in the linked list
int tempcount = pCounter -> word_count;
return tempcount;

int lengthOfCurrentWord(struct WordCounter *pWordCounter) // length of the current string

return strlen(pWordCounter->word)+1;  // for the null terminator string 
char* giveWord(struct WordCounter *pWordcounter){  // return current word of the linked list
return pWordcounter->word;


pCounter = pStart; // go to the first element in the linked list
num_car=0;  // in total how much character in all words
while(pCounter != NULL){
num_car += lengthOfCurrentWord(pCounter);
pCounter = pCounter -> pNext;
printf("total number of chars in all words is: %d n ", num_car);


char *exactly_word; // im forced to initialize like this and after i can  give the exactly number of elements
exactly_word = malloc(sizeof(char)*num_car); // The big array


char wordy[100] = {0}; // an array for the temp word
pCounter = pStart;  // go to the first element
int indice = 0;   // used for loop through single word
int indice_parole = 0;  // It is used to indicate in which position of the large array to insert the character
for(int x=0; x<readed_nd_word;x++){   // readed_nd_words is the number of element in the linked list

strcat(wordy,giveWord(pCounter));  // copy the current word into wordy array
printf("WORDY: %s n",wordy);      // yeah correct in each iteration

while(wordy[indice]!= 0){
printf("Character to add to exactly word: %c, at position: %d n",wordy[indice],indice_parole);
exactly_word[indice_parole] = wordy[indice]; // copy character

pCounter = pCounter -> pNext; // move into next word in the linked list
memset(wordy,0,100);   // reset for a new word
indice = 0;

exactly_word[indice_parole] =0; // terminator for separating words
printf("Terminator at position %d",indice_parole);



words in the linked list:
wut   1
sut   1
ov   1
word   2
ciao   1
helo   1
cor   1
fal   1
vermalen   1
total number of chars in all words is: 43 (countered the terminator too)
WORDY: wut 
Character to add to exactly word: w, at position: 0
Character to add to exactly word: u, at position: 1
Character to add to exactly word: t, at position: 2
terminator at position 3
WORDY: sut 
Character to add to exactly word: s, at position: 4
Character to add to exactly word: u, at position: 5 
Character to add to exactly word: t, at position: 6 
terminator at position 7

对于其余的单词,输出是正确的,但是在这段代码之后,正如我所说的,如果我打印exactly_word[0],我得到一个",与1,2相同,而不是在exactly_word[4] = "源自单词sut。如果我打印所有的数组,我得到的是:"sutovwordciaohelocorfalvermalen"



01 00 00 00 73 75 74 00 6f 76 00 77 6f 72 64 ...



exactly_word = malloc(num_car);
char* dst = exactly_word;
pCounter = pStart;
strcpy(dst, giveWord(pCounter));
dst += lengthOfCurrentWord(pCounter);  // which includes termination char
pCounter = pCounter -> pNext;