

"project-name": "name of the project",
"author": "username of the author",
"date": "DD-MM-YYYY",
"privacy": "public / private",
"collaborators": [
"email-address / user-id of Collaborator-1",
"email-address / user-id of Collaborator-2"
"plan": "active-plan-name",
"database": [
"type": "directory",
"name": "js",
"items": [
"type": "directory",
"name": "assets",
"items": [
"type": "directory",
"name": "icons",
"items": [
"type": "file",
"name": "logo.png",
"content": "path of logo.png"
"type": "directory",
"name": "lib",
"items": [
"type": "file",
"name": "jquery.min.js",
"content": "CONTENT OF jquery.min.js"
"type": "file",
"name": "split.js",
"content": "CONTENT OF split.js"
"type": "directory",
"name": "src",
"items": [
"type": "file",
"name": "script.js",
"content": "CONTENT OF script.js"
"type": "directory",
"name": "style",
"items": [
"type": "file",
"name": "main.css",
"content": "CONTENT OF main.css"
"type": "file",
"name": "index.html",
"content": "CONTENT OF index.html"




function iterate(obj){
for(prop in obj){
if(typeof(obj[prop]) == "object){



const pathsTo = (xs, target, path = '') => 
xs .flatMap (({name, items = []}) => [
... (name == target ? [`${path}/${name}`] : []),
... pathsTo (items, target, `${path}/${name}`)
const input = {"project-name": "name of the project", author: "username of the author", date: "DD-MM-YYYY", privacy: "public / private", collaborators: ["email-address / user-id of Collaborator-1", "email-address / user-id of Collaborator-2"], plan: "active-plan-name", database: [{type: "directory", name: "js", items: [{type: "directory", name: "assets", items: [{type: "directory", name: "icons", items: [{type: "file", name: "logo.png", content: "path of logo.png"}]}]}, {type: "directory", name: "lib", items: [{type: "file", name: "jquery.min.js", content: "CONTENT OF jquery.min.js"}, {type: "file", name: "split.js", content: "CONTENT OF split.js"}]}, {type: "directory", name: "src", items: [{type: "file", name: "script.js", content: "CONTENT OF script.js"}]}]}, {type: "directory", name: "style", items: [{type: "file", name: "main.css", content: "CONTENT OF main.css"}]}, {type: "file", name: "index.html", content: "CONTENT OF index.html"}]}
console .log (pathsTo (input .database, 'logo.png'))

当我们重复时,我们使用Array.prototype.flatMap将多个映射的数组值转换为单个数组。我们还使用spread语法轻松地转向一个空数组或一个只包含一个项的数组,放入一个新的项in out返回的数组中,或者什么都没有。并将items上的递归结果推广到我们的结果中。

这引入了一个您可能不想要的工件。当我们想要"js/assets/icons/logo.png"(没有前导斜杠)时,结果数组中的一个条目看起来像"/js/assets/icons/logo.png"。保留斜杠有很好的理由,但如果我们不想,我们可以在事后通过简单的results .map (r => r .slice(1))来解决这个问题。但是,让我们看看如何内联实现这一点。在添加斜杠之前,我们只需要测试路径是否为空。类似path + (path ? '/' : '') + name。但是,在我们使用${path}/${name}的两个地方,这感觉太多的代码无法重复,所以让我们将其提升一个级别。


const pathsTo = (xs, target, path = '') => 
xs .flatMap (({name, items = [], newPath = path + (path ? '/' : '') + name}) => [
... (name == target ? [newPath] : []),
... pathsTo (items, target, newPath)
const input = {"project-name": "name of the project", author: "username of the author", date: "DD-MM-YYYY", privacy: "public / private", collaborators: ["email-address / user-id of Collaborator-1", "email-address / user-id of Collaborator-2"], plan: "active-plan-name", database: [{type: "directory", name: "js", items: [{type: "directory", name: "assets", items: [{type: "directory", name: "icons", items: [{type: "file", name: "logo.png", content: "path of logo.png"}]}]}, {type: "directory", name: "lib", items: [{type: "file", name: "jquery.min.js", content: "CONTENT OF jquery.min.js"}, {type: "file", name: "split.js", content: "CONTENT OF split.js"}]}, {type: "directory", name: "src", items: [{type: "file", name: "script.js", content: "CONTENT OF script.js"}]}]}, {type: "directory", name: "style", items: [{type: "file", name: "main.css", content: "CONTENT OF main.css"}]}, {type: "file", name: "index.html", content: "CONTENT OF index.html"}]}
console .log (pathsTo (input .database, 'logo.png'))

这解决了我们的问题。但我建议我们更进一步,使用更通用的中间格式。让我们的递归函数返回类似[["js", "assets", "icons" "logo.png"]]的内容,然后将其封装在一个函数中,该函数将这些内容连接到您的格式中。这也将使我们有机会将input.datbase从调用代码转移到我们的主函数中。(在递归版本中,我们不能轻易做到这一点,因为外部对象没有相同的递归结构。)

const _pathsTo = (xs, target, path = []) => 
xs .flatMap (({name, items = [], newPath = path .concat (name)}) => [
... (name == target ? [newPath] : []),
... _pathsTo (items, target, newPath)
const pathsTo = (xs, target) => 
_pathsTo (xs .database, target) .map (ns => ns .join ('/'))
const input = {"project-name": "name of the project", author: "username of the author", date: "DD-MM-YYYY", privacy: "public / private", collaborators: ["email-address / user-id of Collaborator-1", "email-address / user-id of Collaborator-2"], plan: "active-plan-name", database: [{type: "directory", name: "js", items: [{type: "directory", name: "assets", items: [{type: "directory", name: "icons", items: [{type: "file", name: "logo.png", content: "path of logo.png"}]}]}, {type: "directory", name: "lib", items: [{type: "file", name: "jquery.min.js", content: "CONTENT OF jquery.min.js"}, {type: "file", name: "split.js", content: "CONTENT OF split.js"}]}, {type: "directory", name: "src", items: [{type: "file", name: "script.js", content: "CONTENT OF script.js"}]}]}, {type: "directory", name: "style", items: [{type: "file", name: "main.css", content: "CONTENT OF main.css"}]}, {type: "file", name: "index.html", content: "CONTENT OF index.html"}]}
console .log (pathsTo (input, 'logo.png'))


const _pathsTo = (pred) => (xs, path = []) => 
xs .flatMap (({name, items = [], newPath = path .concat (name)}) => [
... (pred (name) ? [newPath] : []),
... _pathsTo (pred) (items, newPath)
const pathsTo = (pred) => (xs) => 
_pathsTo (pred) (xs) .map (ns => ns .join ('/'))
const input = {"project-name": "name of the project", author: "username of the author", date: "DD-MM-YYYY", privacy: "public / private", collaborators: ["email-address / user-id of Collaborator-1", "email-address / user-id of Collaborator-2"], plan: "active-plan-name", database: [{type: "directory", name: "js", items: [{type: "directory", name: "assets", items: [{type: "directory", name: "icons", items: [{type: "file", name: "logo.png", content: "path of logo.png"}]}]}, {type: "directory", name: "lib", items: [{type: "file", name: "jquery.min.js", content: "CONTENT OF jquery.min.js"}, {type: "file", name: "split.js", content: "CONTENT OF split.js"}]}, {type: "directory", name: "src", items: [{type: "file", name: "script.js", content: "CONTENT OF script.js"}]}]}, {type: "directory", name: "style", items: [{type: "file", name: "main.css", content: "CONTENT OF main.css"}]}, {type: "file", name: "index.html", content: "CONTENT OF index.html"}]}
console .log (pathsTo (name => name == 'logo.png') (input .database, 'logo.png'))
console .log (pathsTo (name => name .endsWith ('.js')) (input .database, 'logo.png'))


const pathsToName = (input, target) => 
pathsTo (name => name == target) (input .database)
pathsToName (input, 'split.js')


