


from asyncio import subprocess
import datetime
import time
import subprocess, os
#print("[file name] [year, month, day]")
#filename, keydate = input().split(' ') 
def UNIX(date):
#takes in input
x = date
#prints input date as normal
print("[date]", x)

#creates unix timestamp after conversion
keyunix = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(x, "%d/%m/%Y").timetuple()))

#prints unix timestamp
print("[UNIXTimestamp]", keyunix)
return keyunix

# user file input
print("Enter file name with extention")
filename = input()
#print file name 
print("[file name]", filename )

assert os.path.exists(filename)
assert os.path.exists("C:\Program Files\sleuthkit-4.11.1-win32\bin\tsk_gettimes.exe")
# user date input
print("Enter date [dd/mm/yyyy]")
userdate = input()
keydate = str(UNIX(userdate))
#86400 seconds in a day
interval = str(int(keydate) + int('86400'))

#reading the output of the executable fileclear
test = subprocess.run(["C:\Program Files\sleuthkit-4.11.1-win32\bin\tsk_gettimes.exe", filename],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
output = test.stdout.decode().split('n')
#retreiving all the matches of the keydate (i)
for i in output:
#looking for the keydate in the i
if keydate in i:
#looking if its in range
if keydate in range(keydate,interval):

def UNIX(date):
#takes in input
x = date
#prints input date as normal
print("[date]", x)

#creates unix timestamp after conversion
keyunix = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(x, "%d/%m/%Y").timetuple()))

#prints unix timestamp
print("[UNIXTimestamp]", keyunix)
return keyunix
#looking if its in range
for keydate in str(range(keydate, interval)):
#retreiving all the matches of the keydate (i)
for i in output:
#looking for the keydate in the i
if keydate in i:

