


struct Character { //character stats
int hp;
int atk;
int warpstk;
int heal;
int mana;
int money;
struct Enemy { //enemy stats
int mhp;
int matk;
int mwarpstk;
int mheal;
Character Player =
50, //Player.hp
10, //Player.atk
18, //Player.warpstk
12,  //Player.heal
30, //Player.mana
50, //Player.money
Enemy Goblin =
40, //Goblin.mhp
10, //Goblin.matk
12, //Goblin.mwarpstk
8, //Goblin.heal
Enemy Dragon = 
100, //Goblin.mhp
50, //Goblin.matk
70, //Goblin.mwarpstk
15, //Goblin.heal
//I want to modify the follow function so that it would change who the player is fighting depending on the grid placement.
void battleSequence(){
while (Player.hp > 0 && Goblin.hp > 0)
//randon battle code
int main()
if (player.x == goblin.x && player.y == goblin.y)
if (Goblin.mhp < 1)
goblin.x = 25; //gave the goblin coordinates an out of bounds coordinate to leave loop
goblin.y = 25; //gave the goblin coordinates an out of bounds coordinate to leave loop
//Probably gonna do the same conditional for the dragon, but it entirely depends on the battle function







正如在另一个答案中已经指出的,你必须找出所有实体(玩家、地精和龙)的共同点,并创建一个"基本结构";,例如由所有公共属性组成的struct CommonEntity

如果你想让战斗序列严格地是玩家对怪物(或"敌人"),那么玩家属性就没有必要成为struct CommonEntity的一部分。在这种情况下,只有所有常见的怪物属性都在struct CommonEntity中就足够了,并且可以将玩家属性分开。

然而,如果怪物对怪物的战斗也是可能的,并且如果你想要相同的功能来处理这两种类型的战斗,那么最好在struct CommonEntity中包含所有玩家属性,这样战斗功能就可以以完全相同的方式对待玩家和怪物,甚至不必知道战斗参与者是玩家还是怪物。

struct CommonEntity可能看起来像这样:

struct CommonEntity
//map coordinates
int x;
int y;
//combat stats
int hp;
int atk;
int warpstk;
int heal;



struct AdditionalPlayerData
int money;
struct AdditionalGoblinData
//empty for now
struct AdditionalDragonData
//empty for now
struct Entity
//type of entity
enum class EntityType { player, goblin, dragon } type;
CommonEntity common;
AdditionalPlayerData player;
AdditionalGoblinData goblin;
AdditionalDragonData dragon;




您可以通过为游戏中存在的所有实体(例如class Playerclass Enemy)定义一个公共基类class Entity来使用C++继承。此外,您可以将class Enemy本身作为class Goblinclass Dragon等的基类。然后,您可以创建一个类型为class Entity *的数组(C样式或std::array)或std::vector,以引用游戏中存在的所有实体。

检查遭遇和处理实际战斗的函数只需要处理类型为class Entity的对象,而不关心这些对象实际上是什么派生类。如果这些函数确实需要确定实体的类型,它们可以调用基类上的虚拟函数,然后该函数将自动调用派生类中的相应函数。在我下面的例子中,处理遭遇战和战斗的函数将调用class Entity的虚拟函数GetEntityTypeName,以获得实体类型(即"玩家"、"妖精"或"龙")的名称,它们使用该名称将关于遭遇战/战斗的消息打印到屏幕上。

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <random>
class Entity
Entity() = delete;
Entity( int x, int y, int hp, int atk, int warpstk, int heal )
: x(x), y(y), hp(hp), atk(atk), warpstk(warpstk), heal(heal)
int GetX() { return x; }
int GetY() { return y; }
int GetHP() { return hp; }
int GetAttack() { return atk; }
int GetWarpStk() { return warpstk; }
int GetHeal() { return heal; }
void SetX( int newval ) { x = newval; }
void SetY( int newval ) { y = newval; }
void SetHP( int newval ) { hp = newval; }
//the following virtual function will call the derived class's
//function to retrieve the name of the entity type as a string
virtual const char* GetEntityTypeName() = 0;
//entity's coordinates
int x;
int y;
//entity's combat stats
int hp;
int atk;
int warpstk;
int heal;
//class Player inherits from class Entity
class Player : public Entity
Player() = delete;
Player( int x, int y ) : Entity(x,y,50,10,18,12), mana(30), money(50) {}
//define additional functions
int GetMana() { return mana; }
int GetMoney() { return money; }
void SetMana( int newval ) { mana = newval; }
void SetMoney( int newval ) { money = newval; }
virtual const char* GetEntityTypeName() { return "player"; }
//define additional stats that are specific to player
int mana;
int money;
class Enemy : public Entity
Enemy() = delete;
Enemy( int x, int y, int hp, int atk, int warpstk, int heal )
: Entity(x, y, hp, atk, warpstk, heal)
//define additional functions here that are specific
//to all enemies, but not specific to certain enemy
//types (goblin, dragon, etc.)
//currently no additional functions
//define additional stats here that are specific to
//all enemies, but not specific to certain enemy types
//currently no additional stats
class Goblin : public Enemy
Goblin() = delete;
Goblin( int x, int y ) : Enemy(x,y,40,10,12,8) {}
virtual const char* GetEntityTypeName() { return "goblin"; }
//define additional stats here that are specific to goblins
//currently no additional stats
class Dragon : public Enemy
Dragon() = delete;
Dragon( int x, int y ) : Enemy(x,y,100,50,70,15) {}
virtual const char* GetEntityTypeName() { return "dragon"; }
//define additional stats here that are specific to dragons
//currently no additional stats
int MakeRandom( int min, int max, std::mt19937 &rng )
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dis( min, max );
return dis( rng );
void PerformAttack( Entity &attacker, Entity &defender, std::mt19937 &rng )
int attack_strength  = MakeRandom( 0, attacker.GetAttack(), rng );
std::cout << " " << attacker.GetEntityTypeName() << " hits " <<
defender.GetEntityTypeName() << " for " << attack_strength << " pointsn";
defender.SetHP( defender.GetHP() - attack_strength );
void PerformBattleRound( Entity &e1, Entity &e2, std::mt19937 &rng )
Entity *first, *second;
//randomize which entity attacks first
if ( MakeRandom( 0, 1, rng ) == 0 )
first = &e1;
second = &e2;
first = &e2;
second = &e1;
//perform first attack
PerformAttack( *first, *second, rng );
if ( second->GetHP() <= 0 )
std::cout << "  " << second->GetEntityTypeName() << " diesnn";
std::cout << "  " << second->GetEntityTypeName() << " has " <<
second->GetHP() << " HP remainingn";
//perform second (counter) attack
PerformAttack( *second, *first, rng );
if ( first->GetHP() <= 0 )
std::cout << "  " << first->GetEntityTypeName() << " diesnn";
std::cout << "  " << first->GetEntityTypeName() << " has " << 
first->GetHP() << " HP remainingn";
std::cout << "n";
void ProcessEncounters( std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Entity>> &entity_list, std::mt19937 &rng )
//this function does not only check encounters between player
//and enemies, but also enemies and enemies
int size = entity_list.size();
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
for ( int j = i + 1; j < size; j++ )
//check if both entities have the same coordinates
if (
entity_list[i]->GetX() == entity_list[j]->GetX() &&
entity_list[i]->GetY() == entity_list[j]->GetY()
//print information about encounter
std::cout <<
entity_list[i]->GetEntityTypeName() << " encounters " <<
entity_list[j]->GetEntityTypeName() << " at (" <<
entity_list[i]->GetX() << "," <<
entity_list[i]->GetY() << ")n";
PerformBattleRound( *entity_list[i], *entity_list[j], rng );
int main()
//create a vector to contain all entities
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Entity>> entity_list;
//seed the random number generator
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 rng( rd() );
//create player at coordinates (5,7)
entity_list.push_back( std::make_unique<Player>( 5, 7 ) );
//create goblin at coordinates (2,3)
entity_list.push_back( std::make_unique<Goblin>( 2, 3 ) );
//create goblin at coordinates (5,7)
entity_list.push_back( std::make_unique<Goblin>( 5, 7 ) );
//create goblin at coordinates (8,9)
entity_list.push_back( std::make_unique<Goblin>( 8, 9 ) );
//create dragon at coordinates (8,9)
entity_list.push_back( std::make_unique<Dragon>( 8, 9 ) );
ProcessEncounters( entity_list, rng );


player encounters goblin at (5,7)
goblin hits player for 1 points
player has 49 HP remaining
player hits goblin for 10 points
goblin has 30 HP remaining
goblin encounters dragon at (8,9)
goblin hits dragon for 2 points
dragon has 98 HP remaining
dragon hits goblin for 42 points
goblin dies



