如何使字符串"For hes a jolly good fellow"循环 3x / 在特定要求上附加的量规

如何添加一个循环来打印For his a jolly good fellow 3x?以下是标题要求:您必须只调用printf()函数一次,以输出"For he's a jolly good fellow!"字符串,并且必须使用带有跳转指令的循环来输出字符串三次

global  _main
extern  _printf
extern  _ExitProcess@4
section .bss
name:      resb 100
position1: resz 1
position2: resz 1
position3: resz 1

section .data
jolly:  db "For he's is a jolly good fellow!", 0ah, 0
deny:   db 'Which nobody can deny!', 0ah, 0
section .text


push   jolly         ;  push the jolly string and call printf
call   _printf
add    esp, 4        ;  restore the stack pointer

push   deny          ;  push the deny string and call printf
call   _printf
add    esp, 4        ;  restore the stack pointer
xor     ecx,ecx      ;  set the exit code to 0
call    _ExitProcess@4

euroasm Jolly.asm将产生最终的可执行文件Jolly.exe

Jolly PROGRAM Format=PE,Width=32,Entry=_main
INCLUDE winapi.htm   ; Fetch macros StdOutput and TerminateProgram.
jolly:  db "For he's is a jolly good fellow!", 0ah, 0
deny:   db 'Which nobody can deny!', 0ah, 0
_main:  MOV EBX,3            ; How many times the loop repeats.
print:  StdOutput jolly      ; Write ASCIIZ string using a macro 'StdOutput'.
DEC EBX              ; Consult the loop counter.
JNZ print            ; Loop to print again while EBX>0.
StdOutput deny       ; Write the other ASCIIZ string.
TerminateProgram     ; Invoke ExitProcess using a macro.

