
所以我用C写了一段代码来打印一个名为"harrypotter1.txt"文件中每个字符的频率。(哈利波特第一部)。它的工作范围是有随机的空格打印": 0,应该只打印文件中的字符。下面我将列出我的代码,并显示它打印到屏幕上的输出,如果有人能帮助我解决这个问题。注意:我需要使用结构体!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

struct pair //struct to store frequency and value 
int frequency;
char value;

int main()
struct pair table[128]; //set to 128 because these are the main characters

int fd; // file descriptor for opening file
char buffer[1]; // buffer for reading through files bytes

fd = open("harrypotter1.txt", O_RDONLY); // open a file in read mode

for(int j = 0; j < 128; j++)//for loop to initialize the array of pair (struct)
table[j].value = j; // table with index j sets the struct char value to equal the index
table[j].frequency = 0; // then the table will initialize the frequency to be 0

while((read(fd, buffer, 1)) > 0) // read each character and count frequency
int k = buffer[0]; //index k is equal to buffer[0] with integer mask becasue each letter has a ASCII number.
table[k].frequency++; //using the struct pair table with index k to count the frequency of each character in text file

close(fd); // close the file

for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) // use for loop to print frequency of characters
printf("%c: %dn",table[i].value, table[i].frequency); // print characters and its frequency

return 0; //end of code


: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 3

: 10702

: 0

: 0
: 10702
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 70803
!: 474
": 4758
#: 0
$: 0
%: 0
&: 0
': 3141
(: 30
): 33
*: 2
+: 0
,: 5658
-: 1990
.: 6136
/: 0
0: 5
1: 11
2: 3
3: 8
4: 6
5: 2
6: 1
7: 4
8: 1
9: 4
:: 69
;: 135
<: 0
=: 0
>: 0
?: 754
@: 0
A: 703
B: 348
C: 293
D: 685
E: 287
F: 426
G: 492
H: 2996
I: 1393
J: 51
K: 79
L: 209
M: 665
N: 488
O: 332
P: 639
Q: 203
R: 660
S: 844
T: 1055
U: 193
V: 192
W: 653
X: 2
Y: 326
Z: 5
[: 0
: 1
]: 0
^: 0
_: 0
`: 0
a: 25887
b: 4980
c: 6403
d: 15932
e: 39628
f: 6431
g: 8127
h: 19535
i: 19422
j: 319
k: 3930
l: 14385
m: 6729
n: 21337
o: 25809
p: 4909
q: 217
r: 20990
s: 18870
t: 27993
u: 9562
v: 2716
w: 7744
x: 381
y: 8293
z: 259
{: 0
|: 0
}: 0
~: 1
: 0

Allan Wind的C答案就产生正确的结果而言是好的,但它确实分配了比解决问题所需的最小值更大的字符数组。这种空间浪费是由于C数组的下标必须从0开始,并且第一个可打印字符' '的值为32,最后一个可打印字符'~'的值为126。

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure count_graphic_characters is
subtype graphix is Character range ' ' .. '~';
counts   : array (graphix) of Natural := (Others => 0);
The_file : File_Type;
C        : Character;
(File => The_file, Mode => In_File,
Name => "srccount_graphic_characters.adb");
while not End_Of_File (The_file) loop
Get (File => The_file, Item => C);
counts (C) := counts (C) + 1;
end loop;
Close (The_file);
for I in counts'Range loop
Put_Line (I & ": " & counts (I)'Image);
end loop;
end count_graphic_characters;


子类型graphix被定义为包含以' '开始到'~'结束的所有图形字符。数组名称计数由子类型graphix中的字符索引。数组的每个元素都是预定义子类型Natural的一个实例,初始化为0。该数组包含足够的元素来计算源文件中的每个图形字符。





:  132
!:  0
":  4
#:  0
$:  0
%:  0
&:  2
':  6
(:  10
):  10
*:  0
+:  1
,:  3
-:  0
.:  5
/:  0
0:  1
1:  1
2:  0
3:  0
4:  0
5:  0
6:  0
7:  0
8:  0
9:  0
::  6
;:  14
<:  0
=:  8
>:  6
?:  0
@:  0
A:  2
B:  0
C:  7
D:  0
E:  1
F:  5
G:  1
H:  0
I:  8
J:  0
K:  0
L:  1
M:  1
N:  2
O:  5
P:  1
Q:  0
R:  1
S:  0
T:  8
U:  0
V:  0
W:  0
X:  0
Y:  0
Z:  0
[:  0
:  1
]:  0
^:  0
_:  18
`:  0
a:  26
b:  3
c:  21
d:  9
e:  43
f:  8
g:  9
h:  18
i:  22
j:  0
k:  0
l:  17
m:  3
n:  20
o:  22
p:  13
q:  0
r:  24
s:  15
t:  23
u:  13
v:  0
w:  2
x:  4
y:  3
z:  0
{:  0
|:  0
}:  0
~:  1

您可以使用数组而不是结构体,因为值只是数组索引:table[j].value = j;。初始化数组,而不是在循环中分配初始值。增加了打开时的错误检查。使用isprint()来确定我们是否应该打印给定的字符:

#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// assumes 2^i to make the bitwise & work below
#define LEN 128
int main() {
unsigned frequency[LEN] = { 0 };
int fd = open("harrypotter1.txt", O_RDONLY);
if(fd == -1) {
printf("%sn", strerror(errno));
return 1;
unsigned char buffer;
while((read(fd, &buffer, 1)) > 0) {
frequency[buffer & (LEN-1)]++;
for (int i = 0; i < LEN; i++) {
printf("%c: %un", i, frequency[i]);
return 0;

和使用放置内容"hello world"在输入文件中,我得到以下输出:

: 1
!: 0
": 0
#: 0
$: 0
%: 0
&: 0
': 0
(: 0
): 0
*: 0
+: 0
,: 0
-: 0
.: 0
/: 0
0: 0
1: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 0
5: 0
6: 0
7: 0
8: 0
9: 0
:: 0
;: 0
<: 0
=: 0
>: 0
?: 0
@: 0
A: 0
B: 0
C: 0
D: 0
E: 0
F: 0
G: 0
H: 0
I: 0
J: 0
K: 0
L: 0
M: 0
N: 0
O: 0
P: 0
Q: 0
R: 0
S: 0
T: 0
U: 0
V: 0
W: 0
X: 0
Y: 0
Z: 0
[: 0
: 0
]: 0
^: 0
_: 0
`: 0
a: 0
b: 0
c: 0
d: 1
e: 1
f: 0
g: 0
h: 1
i: 0
j: 0
k: 0
l: 3
m: 0
n: 0
o: 2
p: 0
q: 0
r: 1
s: 0
t: 0
u: 0
v: 0
w: 1
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
{: 0
|: 0
}: 0
~: 0

前32个ASCII字符(值0 - 31)为" non-printable ";从某种意义上说,它们代表了具有特殊意义或行为的人物。您可以保持代码原样,但是限制实际打印输出仅包含"printable"字符。您可以从空格' '(值32)开始,以'z'(122)结束,这将给出大多数可打印文件(尽管不仅仅是字母)。

for (int i = ' '; i <= 'z'; i++) // use for loop to print frequency of characters
printf("%c: %dn",table[i].value, table[i].frequency); // print characters and its frequency
