import math
hitpoints=[(7,5), (2,6), (1,-1), (-3,-9), (-7,16), (2,-2), (6,1), (4,4), (9,6), (7,-4)]
while i < 10:
print("Hit point is: ", hitpoints[i])
print("Center is: (0,0)")
print("The distance is: ", distance)
if distance <= 19:
print("Result: True")
print("Hit the board!")
if distance >= 0 and distance <= 3:
print("Score: 10")
if distance >= 4 and distance <= 7:
print("Score: 5")
if distance >= 8 and distance <= 11:
print("Score: 3")
if distance >= 12 and distance <= 15:
print("Score: 2")
if distance >= 16 and distance <= 19:
print("Score: 1")
print("Outside of the board!")
Hit point is: (7, 5)
Center is: (0,0)
The distance is: 8.602325267042627
Result: True
Hit the board!
Score: 3
Hit point is: (2, 6)
Center is: (0,0)
The distance is: 6.324555320336759
Result: True
Hit the board!
Score: 5
Hit point is: (1, -1)
Center is: (0,0)
The distance is: 1.4142135623730951
Result: True
Hit the board!
Score: 10
Hit point is: (-3, -9)
Center is: (0,0)
The distance is: 9.486832980505138
Result: True
Hit the board!
Score: 3
Hit point is: (-7, 16)
Center is: (0,0)
The distance is: 17.46424919657298
Result: True
Hit the board!
Score: 1
Hit point is: (2, -2)
Center is: (0,0)
The distance is: 2.8284271247461903
Result: True
Hit the board!
Score: 10
Hit point is: (6, 1)
Center is: (0,0)
The distance is: 6.082762530298219
Result: True
Hit the board!
Score: 5
Hit point is: (4, 4)
Center is: (0,0)
The distance is: 5.656854249492381
Result: True
Hit the board!
Score: 5
Hit point is: (9, 6)
Center is: (0,0)
The distance is: 10.816653826391969
Result: True
Hit the board!
Score: 3
Hit point is: (7, -4)
Center is: (0,0)
The distance is: 8.06225774829855
Result: True
Hit the board!
Score: 3
def calcScore(x):
print("Hit point is: ", x)
print("Center is: (0,0)")
print("The distance is: ", distance)
if distance <= 19:
print("Result: True")
print("Hit the board!")
if distance >= 0 and distance <= 3:
print("Score: 10")
if distance >= 4 and distance <= 7:
print("Score: 5")
if distance >= 8 and distance <= 11:
print("Score: 3")
if distance >= 12 and distance <= 15:
print("Score: 2")
if distance >= 16 and distance <= 19:
print("Score: 1")
print("Outside of the board!")
map(calcScore, hitpoints)
mapped_result = map(calcScore, hitpoints)
[x for x in mapped_result]
if distance <= 19:
print("Result: True")
print("Hit the board!")
if distance >= 0 and distance <= 3:
print("Score: 10")
if distance >= 4 and distance <= 7:
print("Score: 5")
if distance >= 8 and distance <= 11:
print("Score: 3")
if distance >= 12 and distance <= 15:
print("Score: 2")
if distance >= 16 and distance <= 19:
print("Score: 1")
print("Outside of the board!")
def calcScore(x):
print("Hit point is: ", x)
print("Center is: (0,0)")
distance = ((x[0]**2)+(x[1]**2))**0.5 # Change here, dont need to import math module
print("The distance is: ", distance)
if distance <= 19:
print("Result: True")
print("Hit the board!")
if 0 <= distance <= 3: # Change from here
print("Score: 10")
if 4 <= distance <= 7:
print("Score: 5")
if 8 <= distance <= 11:
print("Score: 3")
if 12 <= distance <= 15:
print("Score: 2")
if 16 <= distance <= 19: # To here
print("Score: 1")
print("Outside of the board!")
hitpoints=[(7,5), (2,6), (1,-1), (-3,-9), (-7,16), (2,-2), (6,1), (4,4), (9,6), (7,-4)]
for x in map(calcScore, hitpoints):