Haskell do notation vs (>>) operator, happstack routing with 'method'






main :: IO ()
--main = simpleHTTP nullConf $ ok "Hello, Haskell!!!"
main = simpleHTTP nullConf $ msum
dir "signup" $ serveFile (asContentType "text/html") "static/index.html",
dir "static" $ serveDirectory DisableBrowsing [] "static",
dir "api" api
--do dir "account" $ ok $ toResponse "account page",
--do dir "welcome" $ ok $ toResponse "welcome page",
----dir "api" $ ok $ toResponse "api endpoint",
----do dir "api" $ dir "person" (do method PUT
----                ok $ toResponse "api/person"),
--(do dir "api" $ apiRouting),
--do dir "static" $ serveDirectory DisableBrowsing [] "static"
----seeOther "welcome" ""
--apiRouting :: (ToMessage a) => ServerPartT IO a
--apiRouting = do
--  dir "person" (do method PUT ok $ toResponse "api/person")
--personHandler :: ServerPartT IO String
--personHandler = return (method PUT (return ok $ toResponse "api/person"))
api :: ServerPartT IO Response
api = msum
dir "person" person
person :: ServerPartT IO Response
-- this works
-- person = ok $ toResponse "api/person"
--so does this
--person = msum
--  [
--      ok $ toResponse "api/person"
--  ]
person = msum
--so, method PUT does nothing besides control which code branch is ran, based on the request
--that is why the happstack tutorial was using do notation
--but for some reason, do notation did not work when I tried it
--if it was because of whitespace or indentation, that's just silly
--this is the same as the happstack guide, doesn't work because "Couldn't match type ‘()’ with ‘Response -> ServerPartT IO Response’"
(do method PUT
ok $ toResponse "api/person put")
--this works and I think this syntax is nicer, but why does the do block not work?
--the thing1 >> thing2 operator does thing1, ignores any return value it might have had, and then returns the result of thing2
--method PUT >> (ok $ toResponse "api/person put")




main :: IO ()
main = simpleHTTP nullConf $ msum
[ do dir "foo" $ do method GET
ok $ "You did a GET request on /foon"
, do method GET
ok $ "You did a GET request.n"
, do method POST
ok $ "You did a POST request.n"


person = msum
--so, method PUT does nothing besides control which code branch is ran, based on the request
--that is why the happstack tutorial was using do notation
--but for some reason, do notation did not work when I tried it
--if it was because of whitespace or indentation, that's just silly
--this is the same as the happstack guide, doesn't work because "Couldn't match type ‘()’ with ‘Response -> ServerPartT IO Response’"
do method PUT
(return (ok $ toResponse "api/person put"))
--this works and I think this syntax is nicer, but why does the do block not work?
--the thing1 >> thing2 operator does thing1, ignores any return value it might have had, and then returns the result of thing2
--method PUT >> (ok $ toResponse "api/person put")




web/app/Main.hs:72:20: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘()’ with ‘ServerPartT IO Response’
Expected: m0 (m1 Response) -> ServerPartT IO Response
Actual: m0 (m1 Response) -> ()
• In the result of a function call
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
method PUT (return (ok $ toResponse "api/person put"))
In the expression:
do method PUT (return (ok $ toResponse "api/person put"))
72 |                 do method PUT
person = msum
do method PUT
(return (ok $ toResponse "api/person put"))


• Couldn't match type ‘()’ with ‘ServerPartT IO Response’
Expected: m0 (m1 Response) -> ServerPartT IO Response
Actual: m0 (m1 Response) -> ()



因为'method'中的'm'没有与do块中的第二条语句对齐,所以do块实际上只包含do method PUT内容。编辑:太缩进的行实际上被解释为method PUT表达式的延续,成为do method PUT (return (ok $ toResponse "api/person put"))谢谢,本!

Happstack 'method'函数的返回类型为

ghci> :t method
:: (Happstack.Server.Internal.Monads.ServerMonad m, MonadPlus m,
Happstack.Server.Routing.MatchMethod method) =>
method -> m ()

,所以do块` `返回的值` `;结果只是m(),导致错误。


person :: ServerPartT IO Response
person = msum
method PUT
ok $ toResponse "api/person put",
method GET
ok $ toResponse "api/person get",
method DELETE
ok $ toResponse "api/person delete"



do { putStr "Hello"
; putStr " "
; putStr "world!"
; putStr "n" }


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