


  • 遍历YAML数据文件。
  • 在需要的地方放置一个链接。




现在更令人困惑的部分是,第一个console.logconsole.log(faqLink{{ faq_link_pid }});打印了所有的链接,正确并按顺序,它们在文件中。

<h1 class="fs-6 fw-500" align="center">Frequently Asked Questions <br> Welcome to our FAQ!</h1>
<div class="accordiobody">
{% for faq in site.data.faq_yaml.frequently_asked_questions %}
<div class="accordion">
<div class="container">
<div class="question fw-400">
<h1 class="fs-5 fw-500">
{{ faq.question }}
<div class="answer">
<span class="answerspan">
{{ faq.answer }}
{% endfor %}
<script type="text/javascript">
{% assign faq_link = "" %}
{% assign faq_link_description = "" %}
{% assign faq_link_pid = 0 %}
{% for faq in site.data.faq_yaml.frequently_asked_questions %}
{% if faq.hyper_link != null and faq.hyper_link != "" %}
{% assign faq_link = faq.hyper_link %}
{% assign faq_link_pid = faq.faq_link_pid %}

const faqLink{{ faq_link_pid }} = "{{ faq_link }}";
{% if faq.link_description != null and faq.link_description != "" %}
{% assign faq_link_description = faq.link_description %}
const faqLinkDescription{{ faq_link_pid }} = "{{ faq_link_description }}";
console.log(faqLink{{ faq_link_pid }});
function createElement() {
for (let x in accordion) {
const link{{ faq_link_pid }} = `<a href="${faqLink{{ faq_link_pid }}} " target="_blank">${faqLinkDescription{{ faq_link_pid }}}</a>`;
console.log(link{{ faq_link_pid }});
replaceLink(link{{ faq_link_pid }});
{% endif %}
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
const accordion = document.getElementsByClassName('container');
for (i = 0; i < accordion.length; i++) {
accordion[i].addEventListener('click', function () {
function replaceLink(str) {
const link = document.querySelectorAll('.answerspan');
const all_link = link.forEach(function (link) {
const hyper_link = link.innerHTML;
link.innerHTML = hyper_link.replace(/aaaa./g, str);


# Use this YAML file to create a list of FAQ questions and answers.
- question: "How will this work?"
answer: "Currently, a camera is mounted inside the headset for each eye. The camera streams through wifi to a PC client which processes and sends eye-tracking data to VR Chat."
hyper_link: ""
link_description: ""
faq_link_pid: 3
- question: "What features will be supported?"
answer: "The goal is eye tracking with eye openness and some form of pupil dilation. A far away aspiration of this project is some form of weak foveated rendering because it's cool and any small performance increase in VR is welcome."
hyper_link: ""
link_description: ""
faq_link_pid: 4
- question: "When will this be completed?"
answer: "When it's done 😉 I have a semi-busy life so development may slow and speed up inconsistently. I have a goal to be done with all base features in June."
hyper_link: ""
link_description: ""
faq_link_pid: 5
- question: "Will IR damage my eyes?"
answer: "This project has safety in mind. If you do all of the safety measures we put in place and visually test the amount of IR light you will be fine. Please note we have not finished development of all safety stuff so be careful aaaaa  ."
hyper_link: "https://dammedia.osram.info/media/bin/osram-dam-2496608/AN002_Details%20on%20photobiological%20safety%20of%20LED%20light%20sources.pdf"
link_description: "here is a pdf with safety information"
faq_link_pid: 6
- question: "How expensive will this be?"
answer: "My goal is to keep it as cheap as possible with around $75 as the absolute max, with current projections being around $25-40"
hyper_link: ""
link_description: ""
faq_link_pid: 7
- question: "How do I set up my avatar?"
answer: "Check out the VR Chat face tracking wiki on our GitHub. Keep in mind that we currently only support float parameters. aaaa "
hyper_link: "https://google.com"
link_description: "Google"
faq_link_pid: 8

为什么要使用regex + javascript来放置链接?最好是把你想要隐藏在<DIV class=hidden">内的HTML中的所有内容,然后使用javascript为DIV切换CSS属性display:none



jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
//Set default open/close settings
var divs = $('.hidden').hide(); //Hide/close all containers



<span class="answerspan{{ faq.faq_link_pid }}">
{%- capture editable_part -%}
<a href="{{ faq.hyper_link }}" target="_blank">{{ faq.link_description }}</a>
{%- endcapture -%}
{% if faq.answer contains 'aaaa ' %}
{{ faq.answer | replace: 'aaaa ', editable_part }}
{% else %}
{{ faq.answer }}
{% endif %}
