

List(const List& other)


for (auto current = other._head._next; current != &other._head; current = current->_prev){


for (auto ptr = other._head._next; ptr != &other._head; ptr = ptr->_next)
T* item = new T(*dynamic_cast<T*>(ptr)));
Link<T>* current = &_head;
Link<T>* previous = &_head;
current->_next = item;
previous = current;

// link to new head
_head._next = other._head._next;
_head._prev = other._head._prev;
// Link prev och next to correct head
_head._next->_prev = &_head;
_head._prev->_next = &_head;


然而,我是一个完全的新手,了解如何在这个复制构造函数和析构函数的上下文中正确地将Next、Previ、Next Previ以及最终连接在一起。所以,我不确定为什么以上不起作用,我想问是否有人知道这一点,并可以在这里提供帮助。


template<class T>
class Link {
template<class> friend class List;
Link* _next, * _prev;
Link() : _next(this), _prev(this) {}
virtual ~Link() {}
T* next() const { return dynamic_cast<T*>(_next); }
T* prev() const { return dynamic_cast<T*>(_prev); }
T* insert_after(T* in)
in->_next = this;
in->_prev = m_prev;
_prev->_next = in;
_prev = in;
return in;
T* insert_before(T* in)
return _prev->insert_after(in);
T* remove()
_prev->_next = _next;
_next->_prev = _prev;
return dynamic_cast<T*>(this);
void splice_after(Link* f, Link* l)
if (f != l){
f->_prev->_next = l->_next;
last->_next->_prev = f->_prev;
f->_prev = this;
l->_next = this->_next;
_next->_prev = l;
_next = f;
void splice_before(Link* f, Link* l)
m_prev->splice_after(f, l);
T* erase_first()
Link* tmp = _next;
_next = _next->_next;
_next->_prev = this;
return static_cast<T*>(tmp);
T* erase_last() {
Link* tmp = _prev;
_prev = _prev->_prev;
_prev->_next = this;
return static_cast<T*>(tmp);


#include <string.h>
template<class T> 
class List {
template<class X> class ListIter {
template<class> friend class List;
Link<T>* _ptr;
// Typedefs
typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef std::remove_const_t<X>  value_type;
typedef X* pointer;
typedef X& reference;
ListIter() : _ptr{ nullptr } {}
ListIter(Link<T>* ptr) : _ptr{ ptr } {}
ListIter(const ListIter& other) : _ptr{other._ptr} {}
ListIter& operator=(const ListIter& other) 
_ptr = other._ptr;
return *this;
X& operator*() { return *dynamic_cast<T*>(_ptr); }
X* operator->() { return dynamic_cast<T*>(_ptr); }
ListIter& operator++() { _ptr = static_cast<T*>(_ptr->_next); return *this; }
ListIter& operator--(){ _ptr = static_cast<T*>(_ptr->_prev); return *this; }
ListIter operator++(int) { auto r(*this); operator++(); return r; }
ListIter operator--(int){ auto r(*this); operator--(); return r; }
difference_type operator-(const ListIter& other) {
return (_ptr - other._ptr);
friend auto operator<=>(const ListIter& lhs, const ListIter& rhs)
if ((lhs._ptr - rhs._ptr) < 0)
return std::strong_ordering::less;
else if ((lhs._ptr - rhs._ptr) > 0)
return std::strong_ordering::greater;
return std::strong_ordering::equivalent;
friend bool operator==(const ListIter& lhs, const ListIter& rhs)
return (lhs <=> rhs) == 0;
Link<T> _head;
using iterator = ListIter<T>;
using const_iterator = ListIter<const T>;
_head._next = &_head;
_head._prev = &_head;

List(const List& other) // Problem here, does not work, not sure how to get this solved.
for (auto ptr = other._head._next; ptr != &other._head; ptr = ptr->_next)
T* item = new T(*dynamic_cast<T*>(ptr)));
Link<T>* current = &_head;
Link<T>* previous = &_head;
current->_next = item;
previous = current;

// link to new head
_head._next = other._head._next;
_head._prev = other._head._prev;
// Link prev och next to correct head
_head._next->_prev = &_head;
_head._prev->_next = &_head;


List(const char* other)
for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(other); ++i)
_head.insert_after(new T(other[i]));
while (_head._next != &_head)
pop_front();  // This isn't efficient. 
T* pop_front() 
return _head.erase_first();

T* pop_back() 
return _head.erase_last();
void push_front(T* node) { _head.insert_before(node);}
void push_back(T* node) { _head.insert_after(node);}


  1. T-用户选择的类型,不需要从任何给定的类继承,而当前使用奇怪的重复模板模式需要从Link<T>继承
  2. Link<T>-链表的正向和反向链接元素的柏拉图式理想,没有关联值(仅用于_head),其中_prev_next是指向Link<T>的指针,除了指向_head的指针外,它们总是指向Node<T>s
  3. Node<T>-Link<T>的一个子类,它添加了一个T数据成员,几乎没有其他成员(为了避免开销,几乎所有与T本身无关的行为都将在Link<T>上定义为非virtually)


  1. _head可以是纯Link<T>(不需要存储伪T,也不需要使用来定义默认构造函数)
  2. 所有其他元素都是Node<T>,并且具有与当前Link<T>相同的开销(T的一个实例加上两个指针)
  3. T可以是任意类型(emplace*方法意味着T的构建可以推迟到创建Node<T>的那一刻,不需要复制或移动T)


  • T可以是任意类型,而不仅仅是Link<T>的子类


  • 隐藏更多的实现(LinkNode可以是private助手类,其中Link现在必须是公共API的一部分),避免了更多API公开可见时附带的大量后台约束



  1. 从指向当前元素(_head)的指针开始,我将其称为current_tail(因为在复制的每个阶段,它都是迄今为止列表的逻辑尾部,如果没有找到其他元素,它将是真正的尾部)

  2. 对于从other:复制的每个新元素

    1. 将其_prev设置为current_tail(因为current_tailList的当前尾部,创建反向链接)
    2. current_tail_next设置为新元素(创建正向链接)
    3. current_tail设置为新元素(因为现在它们已经完全链接在一起了;我们根本不需要previous)
  3. 按照步骤2复制完所有内容后,修复循环,将最后一个元素绑定到_head,反之亦然。


List(const List& other) // Problem here, does not work, not sure how to get this solved.
Link<T>* current_tail = &_head;   // 1. The tail of an empty list points to _head
for (auto ptr = other._head._next; ptr != &other._head; ptr = ptr->_next)
T* item = new T(*dynamic_cast<T*>(ptr)));
// We have validly forward linked list at each loop, so adding new element just means:
item->_prev = current_tail ;  // 2.1. Telling it the prior tail comes before it
current_tail->_next = item;   // 2.2. Telling the prior tail the new item comes after it
current_tail = item;          // 2.3. Update notion of current tail
current_tail->_next = &_head;     // 3. Real tail's _next points to _head to indicate end of list
_head._prev = current_tail;       // _head._prev is logical pointer to tail element, fix it up




