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我写了下面的内容来为选定的幻灯片创建表格。我想将偶数列的列宽设置为奇数列的2/3,但当我尝试设置宽度时,我找不到正确的方法。我尝试使用Set Columns.Width来命名表,但没有成功。

Sub NavigatorX()
Dim oSlide As Slide
Dim oShapeNavigator As Shape
Dim nCounter As Long
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim iColumn As Integer
Dim EvenCell_W As Single

For Each oSlide In ActivePresentation.Slides
If oSlide.CustomLayout.Name = "Section Header" Then
nCounter = nCounter + 1
ElseIf nCounter > 0 Then
Set oShapeNavigator = oSlide.Shapes.AddTable(1, 10, Left:=10, Top:=10, Width:=200, Height:=2)
oShapeNavigator.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 128, 128)
oShapeNavigator.Name = "Navigator " & nCounter

With oShapeNavigator.Table
For iColumn = 2 To .Columns.Count Step 2

EvenCell_W = (oShapeNavigator.Width / .Columns.Count) * 2 / 3

With .Table.Columns(iColumn)                    
Set .Width = EvenCell_W  ' <-- here is where I cannot find a way to properly fit the column size
End With
End If
End Sub


Sub NavigatorX()

Dim oSlide As Slide
Dim oShapeNavigator As Shape
Dim w, wNew, numCols As Long
Dim iColumn As Integer, nCounter As Long

Set oSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
Set oShapeNavigator = oSlide.Shapes.AddTable(1, 10, Left:=10, Top:=10, _
Width:=200, Height:=2)
nCounter = 1 'eg
With oShapeNavigator
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 128, 128)
.Name = "Navigator " & nCounter
w = .Width
With .Table
numCols = .Columns.Count
For iColumn = 1 To numCols
wNew = w / (numCols / 2) * IIf(iColumn Mod 2 = 0, 2 / 5, 3 / 5)
.Columns(iColumn).Width = wNew
End With
End With

End Sub
