

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
sealed trait Source
// many classes with implicit TypeTag
case class SourceA[T]()(implicit val ev: TypeTag[T]) extends Source
case class SourceB[T]()(implicit val ev: TypeTag[T]) extends Source
case class SourceC[T]()(implicit val ev: TypeTag[T]) extends Source
// a few classes without TypeTag
case class EmptySource() extends Source


def retrieveTypeTagFromSource(source: Source): Option[TypeTag[_]] = source match {
case s: SourceA[_] => Some(s.ev)
case s: SourceB[_] => Some(s.ev)
case s: SourceC[_] => Some(s.ev)
// many more nearly identical lines
// then handling the remaining classes
case s: EmptySource => None


case s: {val ev: TypeTag[Any]} => Some(s.ev)

但Scala警告a pattern match on a refinement type is unchecked,所以我不知道这是否真的有效。


import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
sealed trait Source
def ott: Option[TypeTag[_]]
abstract class TaggedSource[T]()(implicit val tt: TypeTag[T]) extends Source {
def ott = Some(tt)
trait UntaggedSource extends Source {
def ott = None
// many classes with implicit TypeTag
case class SourceA[T]()(implicit val ev: TypeTag[T]) extends TaggedSource[T]
case class SourceB[T]()(implicit val ev: TypeTag[T]) extends TaggedSource[T]
case class SourceC[T]()(implicit val ev: TypeTag[T]) extends TaggedSource[T]
// a few classes without TypeTag
case class EmptySource() extends UntaggedSource
def retrieveTypeTagFromSource(source: Source): Option[TypeTag[_]] =
