

  • splitcolors(1)返回字符串
  • 的名称
  • clightyyellow返回变量
  • 的值


cLightYellow    = RGB(24,194,205)
cLightPurple    = RGB(224,194,205)
cLightGreen     = RGB(175,208,149)
cBlue           = RGB(114,159,207)
cOrange         = RGB(232,162,2)
cGreen          = RGB(63,175,70)
cBlack          = RGB(49,64,4 )
Const oColours = "cLightYellow|cLightPurple|cLightGreen|" _
& "cBlue|cOrange|cGreen|cBlack"                                         
splitColours   = Split(oColours, "|")

' print splitColours(1) returns the name of string
' print cLightYellow returns the value of the variable
In Libreoffice forum, it was suggested that I can put them in Array: 
cLightBlue      = RGB(180,199,220)
cLightPurple    = RGB(224,194,205)
cLightGreen     = RGB(175,208,149)
cBlue           = RGB(114,159,207)
cOrange         = RGB(232,162,2)
cGreen          = RGB(63,175,70)
cBlack          = RGB(49,64,4 )

genColors = array( cLightYellow , cLightPurple, cLightGreen, _
cBlue, cOrange, cGreen, cBlack)
for ii =  0 to 6 step 1
print genColors(ii)
next ii   
