beautiful soup没有提供抓取数据的CSV文件

我是一个相当新的网页抓取,所以如果我的问题的答案是显而易见的道歉。我制作了一个Web Scraper,它可以浏览steam游戏(《文明6》)的评论,并获得诸如在游戏上花费的时间,他们是否推荐它,他们拥有的产品等等信息。

import pandas as pd
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
url = ""
review_dict = {
"found_helpful": [],
"title": [], #recommended or not
"hours": [],
"prods_in_account": [],
"words_in_review": []
def data_scrapper():
get's the reviews from the steam page.
response = requests.get(url)
soup = bs(response.content, "html.parser")
card_div = soup.findAll("div",attrs={"class","apphub_Card modalContentLink interactable"})
for cards in card_div:
found_helpful = cards.find("div", attrs={"class": "found_helpful"})
vote_header = cards.find("div", attrs={"class": "vote_header"})
hours = cards.find("div", attrs={"class": "hours"})
products = cards.find("div", attrs={"class": "apphub_CardContentMoreLink ellipsis"})
words_in_review = cards.find("div", attrs={"class": "apphub_CardTextContent"})
review_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(review_dict)
review_df.to_csv("review.csv", sep=",")


0,"<div class=""found_helpful"">
3,398 people found this review helpful<br/>159 people found this review funny               <div class=""review_award_aggregated tooltip"" data-tooltip-class=""review_reward_tooltip"" data-tooltip-html='&lt;div class=""review_award_ctn_hover""&gt;             &lt;div class=""review_award"" data-reaction=""6"" data-reactioncount=""5""&gt;
&lt;img class=""review_award_icon tooltip"" src=""""/&gt;
&lt;span class=""review_award_count ""&gt;5&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;div class=""review_award"" data-reaction=""3"" data-reactioncount=""3""&gt;
&lt;img class=""review_award_icon tooltip"" src=""""/&gt;
&lt;span class=""review_award_count ""&gt;3&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;div class=""review_award"" data-reaction=""5"" data-reactioncount=""2""&gt;
&lt;img class=""review_award_icon tooltip"" src=""""/&gt;
&lt;span class=""review_award_count ""&gt;2&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;div class=""review_award"" data-reaction=""1"" data-reactioncount=""1""&gt;
&lt;img class=""review_award_icon tooltip"" src=""""/&gt;
&lt;span class=""review_award_count hidden""&gt;1&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;div class=""review_award"" data-reaction=""9"" data-reactioncount=""1""&gt;
&lt;img class=""review_award_icon tooltip"" src=""""/&gt;
&lt;span class=""review_award_count hidden""&gt;1&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;div class=""review_award"" data-reaction=""18"" data-reactioncount=""1""&gt;
&lt;img class=""review_award_icon tooltip"" src=""""/&gt;
&lt;span class=""review_award_count hidden""&gt;1&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;div class=""review_award"" data-reaction=""19"" data-reactioncount=""1""&gt;
&lt;img class=""review_award_icon tooltip"" src=""""/&gt;
&lt;span class=""review_award_count hidden""&gt;1&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;/div&gt;'><img class=""reward_btn_icon"" src=""""/>14</div>
</div>","<div class=""vote_header"">
<div class=""reviewInfo"">
<div class=""thumb"">
<img height=""44"" src="""" width=""44""/>
<div class=""title"">Not Recommended</div>
<div class=""hours"">8,028.3 hrs on record</div>
<div style=""clear: left""></div>
</div>","<div class=""hours"">8,028.3 hrs on record</div>","<div class=""apphub_CardContentMoreLink ellipsis"">167 products in account</div>",38



for cards in card_div:
found_helpful = cards.find("div", attrs={"class": "found_helpful"}).get_text()
vote_header = cards.find("div", attrs={"class": "vote_header"}).get_text()
hours = cards.find("div", attrs={"class": "hours"}).get_text()
products = cards.find("div", attrs={"class": "apphub_CardContentMoreLink ellipsis"}).get_text()
words_in_review = cards.find("div", attrs={"class": "apphub_CardTextContent"}).get_text()
review_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(review_dict)
cols = review_df.select_dtypes(['object']).columns
review_df[cols] = review_df[cols].apply(lambda x: x.str.strip())


found_helpful                                   title                  hours         prods_in_account  words_in_review
0  1,266 people found this review helpful20 peopl...        Recommendedn456.9 hrs on record    456.9 hrs on record  536 products in account              770
1  1,127 people found this review helpful14 peopl...         Recommendedn92.1 hrs on record     92.1 hrs on record  135 products in account              574
2  853 people found this review helpful49 people ...      Recommendedn1,360.8 hrs on record  1,360.8 hrs on record   18 products in account              181
3  1,832 people found this review helpful18 peopl...        Recommendedn520.5 hrs on record    520.5 hrs on record  281 products in account             7114
4  3,370 people found this review helpful40 peopl...    Not Recommendedn415.7 hrs on record    415.7 hrs on record  102 products in account              853
5  5,724 people found this review helpful172 peop...    Not Recommendedn256.7 hrs on record    256.7 hrs on record  180 products in account             2072
6  393 people found this review helpful10 people ...         Recommendedn22.8 hrs on record     22.8 hrs on record   85 products in account              278
7  3,229 people found this review helpful62 peopl...     Not Recommendedn58.6 hrs on record     58.6 hrs on record  264 products in account              894
8  1,373 people found this review helpful22 peopl...    Not Recommendedn195.3 hrs on record    195.3 hrs on record   75 products in account              556
9  3,398 people found this review helpful159 peop...  Not Recommendedn8,028.8 hrs on record  8,028.8 hrs on record  167 products in account             8007