在抛出 'std::length_error' 实例后调用的终止,what(): 无法创建大于 max_size() 的 std::vector


int sum = 0;
for(auto num : nums) sum += num;  // get sum

if(sum%2 == 1) return false;  // not possible case - in odd sum

sum /= 2;  // first halve the sum
vector<bool> table(sum+1, false);  // create 1-d bool array, initialize false
table[0] = true;  // mark starting true
for(auto num : nums)  // for each num
for(int i=sum; i>=num; i--)  // from sum till it is greater than or num
table[i] = table[i] or table[i-num];  // Or with including this num or not
return table[sum]; 


int sum = 0;
for(auto num : nums) sum += num;  // get sum        
if(sum < target or (sum + target)%2 == 1) return 0;  // not possible case - sum < target or newSum is odd

int newSum = (sum + target)/2;
vector<int> table(newSum+1, 0);
table[0] = 1;

for(auto num : nums)
for(int i = newSum; i>=num; i--)
table[i] = table[i] + table[i-num];
return table[newSum];


terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error'
what():  cannot create std::vector larger than max_size()


正如Alan Birtles上面评论的那样:

int target也可以是负数,所以newSum

int newSum = (sum + target)/2;  // can be negative number
vector<int> table(newSum+1, 0);  // so you can not assigne negative size of a `vector` here.


int newSum = abs((sum + target)/2);  // take abs 
vector<int> table(newSum+1, 0);  // to make sure, size of vector is positive only, not negative.

