我如何在其他类模块中创建类模块并为vba excel中的类传递值

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' Windows.cls
Public Enum GlassType
End Enum
Private m_Glass As GlassType
Public Property Get Glass As GlassType
Glass = m_Glass
End Property
Public Property Let Glass (ByVal value As GlassType)
m_Glass = value
End Property
' ---
' RoomDimension.cls
Private m_Height As Double
Private m_Length As Double
Private m_Width As Double
Public Property Get Height As Double
Height = m_Height
End Property
Public Property Let Height (ByVal value As Double)
m_Height = Abs(value)
End Property
Public Property Get Length As Double
Length = m_Length
End Property
Public Property Let Length (ByVal value As Double)
m_Length = Abs(value)
End Property
Public Property Get Width As Double
Width = m_Width
End Property
Public Property Let Width (ByVal value As Double)
m_Width = Abs(value)
End Property
Public Property Get Volume As Double
Volume = Length * Width * Height
End Property
' ---
' ConditionRoom.cls
Private m_Window As Windows
Private m_Dimension As RoomDimension
Public Property Get Window As Windows
Window = m_Window
End Property
Public Property Let Window (ByVal value As Windows)
m_Window = value
End Property
Public Property Get Dimension As RoomDimension
Dimension = m_Dimension
End Property
Public Property Let m_Dimension (ByVal value As RoomDimension)
m_Dimension = value
End Property
Set Window = New Windows
Set Dimension = New RoomDimension
End Class
' ---
' Code sample on how to use it
Dim room As ConditionRoom
Set room = New ConditionRoom
' Set the window type
room.Window.Glass = GlassType.SingleLayer
' Set room dimensions
With room.Dimension
.Height = 250
.Length = 500
.Width = 500
Debug.Print "Room volume: "; .Volume
End With

