

打开现有的Excel文件,并通过MS Project在该文件中运行宏


为清晰而编辑-当我通过宏并到达应该触发宏的行时:xlApp。运行("'本周报告- BLANK.xlsm'!apply_conditional_formatting")代码只是从顶部传递过去。这个宏包含在excel文件中,它设置一些条件格式并输入一些文本,以提供已触发的视觉确认。这是不会发生的。不会产生任何错误,代码的行为就好像那一行不存在一样。当我进入excel文件并手动触发宏是有效的,所以宏不会引起问题,它只是似乎没有被触发。当在原始代码片段中使用宏时,可以从MS项目文件触发该宏。

Sub use_excel_based_on_simple()
Dim xlApp As Object

Dim MyXL As Object
Dim Resource As Resource
Dim Version As String
Dim MSP_name As String
Dim finish As Date
Dim Res_name As String
Dim Res_email As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim rows As Integer
Dim xlWkb As Object
Dim myFilePath As String
Dim myfilename As String
Dim xlrange As Variant

On Error Resume Next

SelectBeginning                     ' restart from the beginning
finish = InputBox("Please enter the date for next Friday", "Date entry", Int(Now() + 8)) 'assumes that we will be running this on Thursday

For Each Resource In ActiveProject.Resources
If Not (Resource Is Nothing) Then
If Resource.Work > 0 Then
'setup and apply filter for each resource
FilterEdit name:="filter4people", TaskFilter:=True, Create:=True, OverwriteExisting:=True, FieldName:="Start", Test:="is less than or equal to", Value:=finish, ShowInMenu:=True, ShowSummaryTasks:=True
FilterEdit name:="filter4people", TaskFilter:=True, FieldName:="", NewFieldName:="% Complete", Test:="is less than", Value:="100%", Operation:="And", ShowSummaryTasks:=True
FilterEdit name:="filter4people", TaskFilter:=True, FieldName:="", NewFieldName:="Resource names", Test:="contains", Value:=Resource.name, Operation:="And", ShowSummaryTasks:=True

FilterApply "filter4people" ' apply the filter
Debug.Print "Resource: " & Resource.ID & "-" & Resource.name & "Error: " & Err.Number
If Not (Err.Number = 91 Or Err.Number = 0) Then            ' saw an error applying filter
'MsgBox "ERROR: " & Err.Description
Debug.Print Resource.name & " ERROR: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Debug.Print "resource ID: " & Resource.ID
Err.Clear                   ' clear out the error
GoTo NextResource           ' jump to the next resource
End If
Application.SelectSheet 'need to select the sheet so that ActiveSelection works properly
rows = CStr(ActiveSelection.Tasks.Count)
If Err.Number = 424 Then rows = 0 'traps the error which is caused when there is nothing to display in the filter and sets rows so that the file will not be saved.

Res_name = Resource.name
Res_email = Resource.EMailAddress

Version = Format(Now, "yyyy-mmm-dd hh-mm-ss")
myFilePath = ActiveProject.Path
myfilename = myFilePath & "" & "Weekly Look ahead report - " & Res_name & " " & Version & ".xlsm"

'    Set MyXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'    Set xlWkb = MyXL.Workbooks.Open("C:UsersmilesOneDriveSurvitectesting spaceThis week report - BLANK.xlsm")
'    MyXL.Visible = True
'    MyXL.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate
'    Set xlrange = MyXL.ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

'Put data to be transfered into array
Dim data() As String
Dim T As Task
Dim Ts As Tasks
Dim r As Integer
If rows > 0 Then
r = 1
Set Ts = ActiveSelection.Tasks
ReDim Preserve data(rows, 7)

For Each T In Ts
If Not (T Is Nothing) Then
data(r, 1) = T.Project
data(r, 2) = T.name
data(r, 3) = T.Start
data(r, 4) = T.finish
data(r, 5) = T.PercentComplete
data(r, 6) = T.ResourceInitials
data(r, 7) = T.Summary
r = r + 1
End If
Next T
GoTo NextResource
End If
Application.SelectBeginning 'remove selection of MS Projct sheet to avoid issues if the user hits delete by accident

'setup excel file
Set MyXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlWkb = MyXL.Workbooks.Open("C:UsersmilesOneDriveSurvitectesting spaceThis week report - BLANK.xlsm")
MyXL.Visible = True
'    MyXL.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate
Set xlrange = MyXL.ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

'enter data into excel
xlrange.Range("A2:g" & rows + 1).Value = data()

Set Rng = xlrange.Range("c2:d" & rows + 1)
For Each Cell In Rng.Cells
Cell.Value = DateValue(Cell.Value)
Next Cell

For Each Cell In xlrange.Range("e2:e" & rows + 1).Cells
Cell.Value = Cell.Value * 0.01
Cell.NumberFormat = "0%"
Next Cell
'run macro to apply conditional formatting
xlApp.Run ("'This week report - BLANK.xlsm'!apply_conditional_formatting")

'save file if it contains data
If rows > 0 Then
MyXL.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs myfilename
MyXL.ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
End If

'    Set MyXL = Nothing

'email file out to name and email.

End If ' - for work = 0
End If ' - for resource is blank
Next Resource

Set MyXL = Nothing

FilterApply name:="All Tasks"       ' apply the filter
MsgBox ("all done")
End Sub



xlApp.Run ("'This week report - BLANK.xlsm'!apply_conditional_formatting") 


MyXL.Run ("'This week report - BLANK.xlsm'!apply_conditional_formatting") 
