在 grpc-go 的 stat/HandleRPC 中访问有关请求和响应有效负载的信息


func (h *myStatsHandler) HandleRPC(ctx context.Context, rpcStats stats.RPCStats) {
switch stat := rpcStats.(type) {
case *stats.End:
durationMs := stat.EndTime.Sub(stat.BeginTime).Seconds() * 1000.0
// Now before sending this value, I need to know, for example the value of a specific key in the request payload, or whether the response is nil or not 


type recorderCtxKey struct{}
type recorder struct {
size   int64
func (sl *statsHandler) TagRPC(ctx context.Context, info *stats.RPCTagInfo) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, rpcStatCtxKey{}, &recorder{})
func (h *statsHandler) HandleRPC(ctx context.Context, rpcStats stats.RPCStats) {
switch stat := rpcStats.(type) {
case *stats.InPayload:
r, _ := ctx.Value(recorderContextKey{}).(*Recorder)
r.size += stat.WireLength
case *stats.End:
durationMs := stat.EndTime.Sub(stat.BeginTime).Seconds() * 1000.0
r, _ := ctx.Value(recorderContextKey{}).(*Recorder)
# use r.size #
