我想搜索PC中的所有文件,但我想排除一些文件夹。我现在用的是Where-Object { ($_.FullName -notmatch $excludepath)
Where-Object { ($_.FullName -notmatch $excludepath)
$Filename = "img"
$IncludeExt = "*.jpeg"
$excludepath = "^C:\Windows" ,"^C:\Program Files"
$GCIArgs = @{Path = $Drives.Root
Recurse = $True
If ($Null -ne $IncludeExt) {
Get-ChildItem @GCIArgs | Where-Object { ($_.FullName -notmatch $excludepath) -and ($Ignore -notcontains $_.Extension) -and ($_.BaseName -match $Filename )} |
$Item = $_.Basename
$Path = $_.FullName
$Type = $_.Extension
$Age = $_.CreationTime
$Type = &{if($_.PSIsContainer){"Folder"}else{$_.Extension}}
$Path | Select-Object @{n="Name";e={$Item}},
}| Export-Csv D:SF.csv -NoTypeInformation
try this:
'C:tempsqldevelopersqldevelopersqldeveloperlib' ,
#method 1 : if you want exclude specific directory
get-childitem "c:temp" -Recurse | where DirectoryName -notin $dirtoexclude
#method 2 : if you want exclude specific directory and sub directory
get-childitem "c:temp" -Recurse | foreach{
#search if current directory element start by one of directory to exclude
$founded=$dirtoexclude | where {$Current.DirectoryName -like "$_*"} | select * -First 1
#not start by directory to exclude, send element to output
if (!$founded)